Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty-seven, entering the city and missing

"I...I will never forget your kindness..."

Hai Dai's tearful eyes, combined with her thin body, looks so pitiful that anyone who sees it can't help feeling a little protective.

Egron had heard many similar words, but what he heard from Haidee made him feel a sense of pride and mission.

This little girl is grateful to me. She got everything because of me. From now on, her honor, disgrace, misfortune and fortune have been bound to me. As long as she is loyal to me, then I should protect her. Only in this way can I Only then can it be regarded as a "monarch".

"Of course." He whispered to Haidee, and carefully lowered her to the ground.

The cheering crowd on the city wall and the road were all watching them, and Egron and Teresa held Haide's hands respectively, and then the three of them walked into the city gate together.

This is a political declaration—from then on, Haiidee and the patron saint of the Principality of Ioannina will be this young couple.

Amidst the cheers, Aigron took Haidee to patrol the city together to let the residents know their appearance. It was not until the afternoon that such a parade came to an end.

And the place where they stopped was Ali Pasha's tomb—of course, a headless corpse was buried in this tomb.

The tomb is simply decorated, with only some piles of stones on it. A generation of heroes has fallen off the stage of history in this way.

Led by Aigron, a large group of people surrounded the tomb in unison. The shadow of the sun slanted to the west, and the dim sunlight added a bit of desolation to the air at this time.

This Ali Pasha can be regarded as a figure who took advantage of the situation.

He was originally born in Albania, the child of an official. When he was thirteen years old, his father's colleagues killed him. In order to make a living and regain the family glory, Ali recruited a group of bandits, and then for twenty years , he used his own banditry to manipulate the struggle between local landlords and officials, and from time to time he played the banner of "loyal to the Sultan and crusade against the rebels".

As his fame grew and he controlled more and more teams, the Turkish Sultan noticed his existence and extended an olive branch to him. He recruited Ali and appointed him as Pasha, ordering him to surrender the areas he ruled. bandits.

Ali Pasha did not miss this opportunity. He quickly recruited an army in the Epirus area, expanded to the surrounding areas, and controlled almost the entire Ioannina area.

And he caught up with the good time. At this time, Sudan was constantly caught in the war with France and the Russian Empire, and he was exhausted and had no time to care about him.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. After the fall of Napoleon's empire, Europe entered a period of peace, and Sudan was finally free to clean up domestic problems. At this time, the Ali Pasha of Egypt was too big to lose, and the Sudan was unable to solve it, but the Ali Pasha of Ioannina was able to be eradicated by the Sudan.

In 1820, the Sultan sent a large army to attack the Pasha. At this time, Ali Pasha's power in Ioannina was already deep-rooted, so he led his own army to resist tenaciously. Until 1822, the Pasha finally couldn't resist. The army of the empire was finally beheaded by the sultan and transferred to the capital, and all the sons were killed. Only one granddaughter, Haiide, survived, but she was also reduced to a slave.

Today, five and a half years have passed since Ali Pasha conferred the title, but the city of Ioannina and the villa where he finally lived are still the same as before.

Looking at the villa in the distance, Aigron couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

Ali Pasha can be regarded as a trend-setter of the times, and broke through the world by overturning the clouds and rain. However, in the end, he could not control the times, but was engulfed by the changing times and became the dust of history.

This is the price of losing a bet.

However, if he is given another chance to choose, will he choose to be an unknown bandit in Albania, or to repeat his life and become the emperor of the land once again?

Without even thinking about it, he would definitely choose the latter.

So does Aegron.

He can't guarantee that he will win, and maybe one day he will end up in despair, but even so, he must gamble and live a vigorous life. He has already tasted the taste of power, and it is absolutely impossible for him to voluntarily off stage.

After sighing for a moment, he turned his head and nodded to Haidee, who walked to the edge of the grave and knelt down.

She gently stroked the stones on the tomb, and the cold touch made her heart ache.

Grandpa was quite unfamiliar to her, and she even forgot what he looked like, but she knew that it was Grandpa's death that made her lose everything and become a slave.

The pain she had endured suddenly came to her heart, and the family affection accompanied by blood inheritance made her feel even more painful. She cried out, and tears fell drop by drop on these stones.

No one stopped her, and no one spoke. Everyone kindly let Haide vent the grief in her heart.

And Aigron also took off his hat to pay tribute to the late Pasha.

He treated him so courteously, on the one hand, it was out of respect for the hero; on the other hand, Haiidee was his tool, and in order to make Haiidee more justified, he should also elevate Pasha's status.

Anyway, people who have already died will not come to compete with him for power, so you might as well treat them with more respect.

At dusk, this little ceremony also came to an end.

Then, under the guidance of Edmond Dantès, they came to a small lake, and there was a two-story brick building in the small lake.

"Your Majesty, this is the villa where Ali Pasha lived before, and it was also the place where he last resisted—" Edmund Dantès introduced to Aigron. "Your Majesty, if you don't mind, this place can be used as a residence for you, Your Highness Teresa, and Highness Haiidee."

Although Haiidee has not been officially canonized yet, Aigron has already asked his subordinates to call Haiide as His Highness in order to elevate Haiide's status.

Aigron looked around and saw that the villas on the small island in the distance were a mixture of brick, stone and wood structures, which looked quite simple, and there was a small garden next to it.

He didn't think it was crude, because this kind of living conditions was already the best place for him to live after leaving Schönbrunn Palace, and it was completely different compared to Monte Cristo Island.

Moreover, the small lake is a natural moat, so there is absolutely no problem with safety.

"Yeah." So, he nodded slightly.

"We have had people clean it up, you can move in with confidence." Edmund Dantès said in a low voice, "We have collected some of Ali Pasha's personal belongings and are waiting for your instructions. "

"Leave it all to Haidee, she should have these." Eggron replied indifferently.

Then, a group of them took a small boat and came to the small island along the narrow water.

Aigron and Teresa walked to the second floor of the villa together, and then leaned against the wooden railing, looking at the scenery in the distance.

"Teresa, this is the first country that belongs to us." Aegron whispered to Theresa with a sense of self-satisfaction.

"Yes, Your Highness... we succeeded!" Teresa also nodded emphatically.

"Undoubtedly, now is not the time to be complacent, we still have a long way to go..." Aegron stretched his voice, then grinned again, and waved his hands heavily, "But we should celebrate this !"

For Aigron, this is his milestone victory, and from now on he has a piece of land of his own.

Even though the nominal monarch is not him, and even though the size of this small principality is not enough to accommodate his ambitions——for now, he is satisfied enough.

No matter how deep the character is, it is inevitable that there will be a little youthful spirit. Since he came to the city of Ioannina, his heart has been dancing with ecstasy. It is only in order to maintain his demeanor in front of everyone that he made a calm, reserved, unpredictable and profound behavior. look.

Only Teresa is entitled to share his gaffe alone.

"Your Highness..." Teresa couldn't help laughing when she saw him cheering.

Then, as if coaxing a child, she reached out and wiped the young man's hair, "Okay, if you want to celebrate, then let's hold a celebration! The newborn of the Principality of Ioannina should be held for this Celebration."

"You're right, we're going to hold a grand celebration to celebrate the double joy of Haidee's canonization and the founding of the Principality." Egron echoed her, "We're going to open our purses again and send a reward to all followers Our meritorious ministers! Even my soldiers I want to reward them... I am willing to pay any price for this."

After several months of intense consumption, Egron has no more money on hand, but he came to such a place and established a nascent state power, he knew that he should give generously to his situation and reason, only Only in this way can people's hearts be motivated, and everyone can continue to have the motivation to follow themselves.

That's what money is for him, and it would be foolish to be a miser while being an emperor.

After having fun alone for a while and venting his pride, Aigron returned to normal and had someone call Edmond Dantès who was still waiting for an order.

At this time, it was already night time, the blue sky was like washing, and the small garden was enough to see the sky full of stars, which made people feel invigorated.

"Good evening, Your Majesty." Edmond Dantès bowed and saluted.

"Edmund, I think you should know that after the Principality is established, your adoptive father will be the Prime Minister of the Principality." Aigron cut to the chase.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I thank you for giving him such an honor..." Edmond Dantès bowed again to express his gratitude, "I firmly believe that Father Faria will never betray your trust, He's the right fit."

Before Aigron came, he had already learned about Aigron's appointment through letters, and he was even more grateful when he was pleasantly surprised. For him, the only people in the world worth caring about now are the priest and his ex-fiancee far away in Paris That's all.

"For him, I have the same confidence as you, but we have to admit that Father Faria is old and physically handicapped... so I hope you can do your best to assist him, and you must not slack off." Aigron Seriously told him, "In the future, Teresa and I may have to leave here often, and many things need to be handled by you. You must show your courage and brains to guard this place for me. Now this is ours. The foundation is established... I will not allow any mistakes."

Hearing these words, Edmund Dantès couldn't help but feel his blood welling up.

"Your Majesty, don't worry! I guarantee Father Faria with my life, and we will fulfill our oath."

"There is one more thing——" Aigron said again, "I plan to appoint you as the guardian of Her Royal Highness Haidee. You are responsible for managing the attendants around her, her education, and all the schedules without your consent. , no one is allowed to meet her alone."

Aigron knew that Haidee was his important treasure, and he had to take care of it carefully, and Edmund Dantès was indeed the most suitable person in charge of this job.

"Okay, Your Majesty." Edmond Dantès agreed without any hesitation.

Seeing his resolute appearance, an interesting thought suddenly flashed in Aigron's mind.

So, he looked at the other party pretending to be pondering, and he didn't speak leisurely until Edmund felt a little uncomfortable.

"Edmund, now that you have achieved success and fame, you are already a real earl, and you will soon have your own territory. You will also take care of and protect the grand duchess of a principality. Even most of the hereditary nobles can't compare to you... ..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is all the grace you bestowed on me, and I will keep it in my heart." Edmond Dantès replied solemnly.

"So, have you considered your life's event?" Aigron asked suddenly. "Aristocrats always need heirs... Otherwise, what's the point of titles?"

This question made Edmond Dantès stunned.

"I haven't thought about it... Now I don't think it's the time to think about it."

"It's about time now, and I don't want to delay the life events of my favorites because of me—" Eggron replied with a smile.

Edmond Dantès was speechless, apparently caught off guard by this topic.

"What do you think of Haidee?" Eggron asked again abruptly.

"No! She's so small... and she's still the Grand Duke, how can I...?" Edmund Dantès shook his head immediately as if he had been electrocuted, "I admit that I really like her, but that's right. The love of the juniors, we are more than twenty years apart, how could I have such thoughts?"

"Then do you have someone you like?" Aigron asked again, "If you have someone you like, I can find a way to make it happen for you."

Edmund Dantès flashed a moment of sadness.

"No, there is no need, Your Majesty, I can handle this kind of thing myself."

From Edmund's reaction, Aigron saw something.

"You haven't forgotten your former fiancée?"

The question seemed to hit him sorely.

"Yes, I...I miss her." Edmond Dantès nodded sadly.

"But as far as I know, she is married and has given birth to the son of your enemy," said Aigron quietly.

The great pain made the corners of Edmund Dantès's mouth twisted and twitched. "Yes I know……"

He answered hoarsely. "But I still can't help but miss her...so don't worry about me, Your Majesty."

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