Chapter 46

Oakes was on the roof watching the unlucky guy being entangled in a pile of vines and turned into a rice dumpling within 3 seconds.

"Number 6! What's the situation? Answer! Number 6!"

There was a hurried call from the communicator, but unfortunately, the unlucky No. 6 can't even move now.

The communicator only heard a short exclamation, and the rest was the faint sound of struggling and the rustling of something moving...

A block away from here, an ordinary minivan was parked on the side of the road, and in its cargo box, the leader of the operation frowned and put down the communicator.

"Number 6 missed, damn thing, I told him not to be careless!"

"Captain, what is the origin of that charity organization?"

There are three team members beside him, and this time they were supposed to perform an ordinary kidnapping mission.

"It's just a toy for the rich. This kind of thing is not uncommon."

A trace of disdain appeared on the captain's face:

"Originally relying on that kind of behemoth, I hesitated whether to accept this business.

But now the benefactor behind it can't protect himself—on the 7th, you go to drive and go directly to the target block. Heavy firepower is allowed this time! "

There was a fierce flash in his eyes:

"After completing this ticket, we will have enough food and clothing for the rest of our lives!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The mercenary squad with the strange flag set up rushed to the headquarters of the Benevolence Society, while Oakes directly brought the hapless mercenary No. 6 who was tied up into rice dumplings to find Melinda.

"Mei, I have work to do."

"Huh? What's that?"

Melinda was sorting out a plan, and when he saw Oakes dragging the zongzi in like this, he raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"So you like bundling play?"

"...This is an intruder, discovered by Mei, Moco and Coco."

Oakes kicks the zongzi towards Melinda:

"He still has accomplices outside, he must be here soon, I'll go and see, this guy put you here, I believe you are much better than me at taking statements and so on."

He saw Melinda smile as expected, silently mourned for Zongzi for a second, and added fire:

"And speaking of it, this is ruining the scene that you are looking at, Mei. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to bear it."

"Nonsense, I watched this scene, but it belongs to you at all."

Melinda rolled her eyes, put away the documents at hand, and kicked in front of Zongzi:

"Get it open, he can't even move, and it will take a lot of effort to take it apart."

Oakes snapped his fingers, and saw the vines slowly loosen, revealing the unlucky No. 6.

This guy is already hypoxic and comatose.

"I'll leave it to you, Mei, and I'll go first."

"no problem."

Oaks left, and Melinda took out her mobile phone and made a call:

"Colson? The place I was looking at was invaded, and now I suspect that this guy is targeting the one you were looking at...

Yes, that's right, come here and bring a few people..."


There was a loud noise, and Melinda grinned:

"Come directly to collect the corpse."

As soon as Oaks reached the door, he heard a loud bang, and a van rushed straight through the door.

"Shet, are the current villains so brainless?"

He waved back the members of the Benevolent Society who rushed over when they heard the movement:

"Go hide in the tree house, and don't let anyone come out."

"But the president, those guys..."

"Don't worry, they are dead today."

A stern look flashed in Oakes' eyes, and he stood there, several thick vines grew abruptly from the ground under the truck, trapping it tightly in the blink of an eye.

"Fack! What the hell is this!"

The rear compartment opened, and the captain rushed out with two team members fully armed, but No. 7 in the cab was not so lucky.

The doors were all tied up and couldn't be opened.

"damn it!"

He stepped on the accelerator desperately, and the engine roared to break through the restraint of the vines.

However, thicker vines gushed out, lifting the entire truck off the ground—no matter how powerful the engine was, the tires would not be able to spin.

No. 7 had to smash the window glass from the cab, preparing to jump out of the car——

But what greeted him was crazy influx of vines, they even filled the cab!

Hearing the screams of No. 7 gradually being submerged in the vines that filled the cab, the captain, No. 8 and No. 9 shuddered violently even though they were fully armed.

What are these things? !

"Stop! I told you to fucking stop!"

The captain raised the submachine gun in his hand and pointed it at Oakes, who was watching the play with his arms folded. He had already realized that this weirdness was caused by this guy!

"Red hair? Damn it! You're a wizard? Ha! I want to see if you're afraid of bullets!"

The captain felt a little regretful.

Originally, his plan was for Number 7 to drive in to attract the attention of the guards who might cause Number 6 to miss, and the three of them sneaked in from the side and went straight for the target.

But who would have thought that they would be stunned as soon as they entered the door!

But this red-haired guy is the president of the Benevolence Society, isn't it said in the information that he is a scientist!

Is this riding a horse something that science can do?

"You guys, coming to our headquarters of the Benevolent Society in this way is not a friendly gesture."

Oakes didn't seem to see the three submachine guns pointed at him at all, so he looked at the three of them carefully:

"That guy was with you just now? Who sent you here?"

"I want to get information from Lao Tzu, dreaming!"

Seeing that those terrifying vines were only confined to the gate, the captain seemed to have confidence again. He sneered and shook the gun in his hand:

"Now, hand over Hou Yisen! It's the doctor of physics!"

The captain's voice was stern:

"We don't want to cause more trouble, hand him over, and we will leave immediately!"

"Then your two companions are gone?"

Oakes turned his head slightly, and saw Zhang Zheng and Dr. Ethan at the door of the tree house, while Blaize waved his cane and stopped other curious guys from showing up.

Hearing that the enemy was looking for him, Dr. Ethan was slightly taken aback, and was about to stand up, but was held back by Blaise and Zhang.

"They're here to find me! I'm going out, they shouldn't hurt anyone else!"

"Don't you, Mr. Oakes will take care of it!"

"Dr. Ethan, Mr. President is not an ordinary person, just watch."

Oakes turned his head and shrugged:

"What if I don't make friends?"

"Then I'll kill you and go find it!"

The captain let out a low growl, and decisively chose to open fire—this guild leader is too weird, so it's better to fight quickly...


The submachine gun in his hand exploded.

Emerald green branches grew from the blasted gun barrel—the entire gun barrel was firmly blocked!

The atmosphere was unusually quiet.

The captain's hands were bloody from the blast, and just as he was about to raise his hands to surrender, a thick vine pierced him directly from behind.

Amidst the miserable howls, the other two team members were also disarmed and punctured, and fell to the ground.

"This is... self-defense."

Oakes looked at Coulson who led someone through the door, and shrugged:

"They moved first."

The three shifts ended in February, and the two shifts resumed in March, at midnight and 12 noon.

We have to wait for the recommendation of the new book period, so we can only slow down a little bit. Please support the follow-up reading on Tuesday, and the follow-up reading on Tuesday will directly affect the recommendation of the school.

Finish the recommendation earlier, right...

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