Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 2 Social Experiments

Chapter 2 Social Experiments

In a world where superheroes don't seem to be uncommon, how do you keep improving while hiding your special abilities?

This starts with the origin composition of superheroes.

Top-level combat units are basically divided into three categories - technology side, mutation side, and magic side.

Technology is the primary productive force, and among the factors that cause variation, technology-led factors account for more than half.

From the perspective of the Marvel world, the mysticism represented by magic is basically equivalent to supermodel technology that has not yet been cracked.

Therefore, to hide the identity of a mysterious spellcaster, a scientist's cover-up is perfect.

At the very least, if something big happens, it can largely avoid the attention of some troublesome guys.

The scientists in the Marvel world have made a big move, isn't it a basic operation?

Let’s just talk about the more representative Bruce Banner. If a big guy like Hulk comes out, do you think Kama Taj came to him, or Asgard came to him?

Well, as for why you want to hide...

Haven't you heard that the full level is the beginning?

How deep is the water in this world, if you don't develop in a low-key way, do you want a certain supreme mage to clear you out of the timeline directly?

In short, after six years of low-key development and obtaining a Ph.D. in biology, Oakes finally has a certain degree of confidence in seeking the chance to survive to the end in this seemingly precarious world.

However, he soon declined the invitation to stay in the school and left the school. The doctorate was only used to cover up his identity, and he didn't plan to spend too much time on it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen Cornell, which is closest to home.

In the past six years, Oakes' control over the power of nature and his studies have gone hand in hand and complemented each other.

Indeed, to some extent, magic and science have something in common.

The orange cat form is the ground travel form chosen by Oakes, which can basically reach most places in the city without being conspicuous.

And there is also a running speed bonus.

The orange cat is running and jumping skillfully in the streets and alleys. The place Oakes is going to is a "social experiment" that he went bankrupt after graduating from his doctorate——

He rented a large abandoned factory building in the slum area with the lowest housing prices in Brooklyn, and transformed it into an ecological testing ground.

"Little Rainforest".

This is no ordinary ecological park. Inside the towering walls are special magical plants developed by Oakes.

As for why it is a "social experiment"——

"Line up! Everyone fucking line up for me! Grab your own and hurry!"

At the gate of the "Little Rainforest", a strong Latino man with a fierce face was waving a baseball bat in his right hand, directing several black men to maintain order.

"Who the hell dares to jump in line to loot, your body will be hung on the barbed wire of the basketball court the next day! I promise!"

His left calf is gone, so he needs to use a crutch with his left hand, but the poor people present respect him very much.

This is the poorest area of ​​Brooklyn, and African Americans and Latinos are the main population here.

Dirty, run-down, violent and crime-ridden, it's a world away from the West and South a few blocks away.

Not to mention the comparison with the bustling Manhattan.

But here in the small rainforest, under the supervision of a few order maintainers, the poor can reluctantly line up to collect things in front of the stalls run by a group of strong black and Latino men.

When queuing up, they were full of eagerness and longing, and when they received the things, they were full of joy.

Because this is the top-quality fresh fruit comparable to the quality of the most high-end fruit shop in Manhattan, most of them rely on social welfare for a living, and they have no blessing to enjoy it under normal circumstances.

Delicious, nutritious, and free.

This is said to be a benefit given by a mysterious big man to the most difficult group of the poor.

Although not much, it is already very precious to them.

This benefit is only for people who cannot survive alone, such as the old, the young, the sick, and the disabled, and has a strict screening mechanism.

If someone wants to get away with it, young and old can't help it, but this group of strong men will make them truly sick and disabled.

If it goes too far, there are no corpses on the barbed wire fence of the basketball court, but the plants in the small rainforest will grow more vigorously.

Here, the disappearance of a few people who probably don't even have a household registration is really a normal thing.

A pair of green cat eyes stared coldly at the crowd in front of the small rainforest.

"Hmph...very smart. The police don't even bother to take care of the cameras in the surrounding streets."

Oakes paced the catwalk, lightly slipped into the wall from a small gap, and carefully inspected his testing ground.

The main purpose of this mysterious "social experiment" is to study the effects of magic plants on ordinary people.

From environmental impact, to the impact of eating fruit, and the self-defense capabilities of the proving ground.

Oakes is not an anti-human molecule, the reason why this kind of experiment is carried out here is purely because...

Not long after the time travel, when Oakes came here, he was kidnapped by several vicious poor people.

Not only do they want to sell the pretty Oakes, but they want to... ahem before that.

In short, Oakes didn't hold back that time, and the anger of two lifetimes turned into primitive wildness, and it was all vented that day.

After that, the nearby police station was tense for a while, looking for large beasts everywhere.

Oakes' view of these poor people also changed from calm to indifferent.

Since he made a not-so-good start, he simply has no psychological burden.

He didn't want to take revenge on all the people in the slums. Originally, he just picked a few batches of drug-addicted criminals and starved them for a few days, throwing them in for experiments.

But I didn't expect that with just a little guidance, the weird phenomenon of the small rainforest was miraculously maintained.

The criminal he threw in at the beginning was the strong Latino man who was maintaining order now, and the people maintaining order were the latter groups.

They think it is a gift from God, or a gift from Mother Earth...

In short, unless it is necessary, Oakes will not have any contact with them for the time being. With his means, these people should not even try to find out any relationship between this place and him.

After the inspection and the collection of new data, Oakes is quite satisfied.

But when he was about to leave, a noise outside caught his attention.

Originally, it's normal for a place like this to be a bit chaotic, but this time, the screams and the heavy-pitched English begging for mercy were mixed with a few harsh words...

"Hmph, you can watch the domestic excitement, but you can't watch the foreign ones... just don't allow it, it's really insulting to be polite!"

"Ah! My cell phone...that's all, it's the Bank of China anyway, there is no signal here, I was about to change it, I should buy a coffin for you!"

"In the past few days, I can't breathe when I wake up, but my body is still as healthy as before. After thinking about it, it's because of the air. Today, I see you in the air, so the pollution is understandable!"

"Ah! Don't slap your face!"

A cold sweat broke out on Oakes' chubby head.

That's right, these few words with strong personal characteristics are spoken in Chinese.

Jumping onto the fence, Oakes saw a young Chinese man wearing black-rimmed glasses being thrown into the street by two big black men.

Just as the young man groaned, another Nokia flew out and hit him right on the nose.

With a miserable howl, the young man fell down with tears streaming down his face, and struggled to shout out in English the most common piece of advice he had seen on forums before going abroad——

"Don't call an ambulance!"

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