Chapter 146 "Father of the Gods"

"Nice name."

Odin took the bottle in Frigga's hand, carefully looked at the liquid as beautiful as liquid sapphire, and nodded slightly:

"I can feel that there is a good vitality in it...

The effects are even comparable to those of casting spells yourself before. "

"Yes, this is the original potion."

Oakes took out another bottle of the original version of the recovery potion, nodded slightly to Frigg, and the latter waved lightly, and the potion appeared in her hand, and was presented to Odin.

"It's really amazing progress."

Even though Odin didn't use natural magic, firstly, he had received treatment from Oakes, secondly, because of his vision as a powerful Heavenly Father, and his sensitivity to energy, he could see the huge difference between the two at a glance.

"I have to say... There is basically no comparison between the two."

"Your wisdom shines on Asgard."

The corners of Oakes' mouth were slightly raised, and he held his chest again to salute:

"Indeed, after the research on the monument of life and time, the new 'fountain of vitality' has a 'slow release' effect, and the huge vitality will be released slowly and silently."

"Is there any added benefit?"

This time it was Frigg who asked the question.

These days, Ochs would ask Frigg for spells from time to time in order to try to analyze the stele in different ways.

Frigga was very surprised by Oakes' learning ability, so she didn't hesitate to teach him some spells that Oakes was very interested in.

After all, he was his son's life-and-death comrade-in-arms, and he was... stabbed in the waist by Loki.

Therefore, as Frigga, Oakes has a certain compensatory psychology.

Moreover, the most indispensable thing in Asgard is the fighters who have just faced the front, but the number of mages is much smaller.

"Yes, Your Highness the Queen of Heaven."

Oakes explained in detail the principle of the recovery potion:

"The only thing that can directly replenish vitality is vitality.

The source of vitality is the animals and plants in the natural ecosystem, but generally speaking, unless it is unavoidable and the animals are voluntary, I extract the life essence from the plants.

Not only because of the problem of consciousness, but also because the life essence of plants is more universal and gentler. "

He rubbed his fingers, and a small grass grew from his fingertips:

"But the external vitality is external after all, if it is supplemented in large doses in a short period of time, the body will not tolerate it.

With animal vitality, animalistic features will appear.

Using the vitality of plants will even directly cause irreversible vegetative necrosis of organs, unless..."

"Unless, use black magic that can exterminate all life characteristics to deal with these life forces, right?"

Odin nodded knowingly, approval flashed in his eyes:

"Then, this 'Fountain of Vitality' doesn't only have such characteristics?"


Oakes nodded:

"The original recovery potion can replenish vitality, heal injuries, er, it can also beautify..."

Having said that, Oakes saw that Frigga's eyes lit up, and a meaningful smile appeared on her obviously wrinkled face despite her noble appearance.

"...But that's all, but the new 'Fountain of Vitality' can not only do what the recovery potion can do, but it's even stronger.

It can restore physical strength and mental strength, that is to say, it can effectively prolong the continuous combat ability of fighters and mages. "


Odin was really interested now.

He didn't care much about replenishing vitality or something. Asgardian soldiers had strong vitality, and as long as they were not fatally wounded, they could heal themselves quickly.

Not to mention the heroic warriors in special circumstances.

But although the soldiers are equally strong, they will still get tired——

Especially now, in the counter-insurgency war they just started, although the Asgardian army is strong, their opponents are not ordinary people.

Sustained combat capability is undoubtedly very important in legion wars!

"Then, let me try it myself."

Odin raised the bottle and looked at Oakes seriously:

"If this potion really has such a miraculous effect, I, Odin, the Guardian of the Nine Realms, will definitely give you a reward that matches your contribution!"

After saying that, Odin drank the potion of the fountain of vitality in the bottle.

"It's really... a magical potion!"

After closing his eyes for a while, Odin let out a heartfelt admiration. He stood up directly from the throne, and walked in front of Oakes with the Eternal Spear in his hand:

"Ox, this potion is probably stronger than what you know!"


Oakes was taken aback. This potion has other properties that he doesn't know about?

"All the effects you mentioned are available, and they are not weak - a bottle of this potion, the continuous recovery effect can restore about one-third of the physical strength of an elite Asgardian warrior!"

Odin stroked his white beard and laughed loudly, the wrinkles on his old face seemed to be a little less:

"Not only that, it has an effect on my body... Well, although the degree is not as good as you cast the spell yourself, it is indeed effective!"

Oakes understood Odin's meaning. This potion of the fountain of vitality can resist the repulsion of Odin's power and take effect on Odin's old body!

That is to say, if Asgard has the formula of this potion, not only the combat power of Asgard's army will be greatly improved, but also the number of times Odin himself will take action can be greatly increased!

This is simply a shot in the arm for Asgard at a time when Odin's deadline is approaching and Sol is temporarily unable to take on the heavy responsibility!

"So that's how it is... According to the previous promise, I will share the formula of the fountain of vitality potion with Asgard."

Before Odin died, it was a good thing for Asgard to show its strength. At least there is any danger on the earth, Asgard should go first!

It would be great if Odin could survive until Thanos came...

Oakes thought so, but saw Odin laughing and reaching out to pat him on the shoulder——

The All-Father's hand was so strong that Oakes felt as if his shoulder had been hit by a pile driver, and the ground under his feet was cracked!

"Hahaha... Oakes, Saul made you such a friend, I am very pleased!"

With a flick of the Eternal Spear, Odin was in a good mood, and said directly:

"Queen of Heaven! Prepare for the canonization ceremony for Oaks!"


Originally noticed that there were fewer wrinkles on Odin's face, Frigga, who was full of surprise, was immediately surprised:

"Odin, are you... sure it's a canonization?"

"My king is sure!"

Odin wanted to say something more, but suddenly a blush flashed across his face.

" just tell your subordinates to do it."

It was the first time for Oakes to see the strange face of Odin, the father of the gods. The old man's eyes lit up, and he looked at Oakes in surprise:

"Very good, you are very good...hahaha!"

"Well... Oakes, you go back to the guest room and wait for the canonization ceremony, my lord, my lord..."

Odin's old-looking figure suddenly appeared in front of the queen Frigga, and hugged his wife in the latter's exclamation:

"The king is so happy today, I need to share the joy with the king in the future... Hahaha!"

The corners of Oakes' mouth twitched as he watched the windy Odin hug Frigga who was full of resentment and disappeared into the depths of the bedroom. He couldn't help but slap on the forehead:

"This indeed a super enhanced version."

"Uh...Look at the power of 'Father of the Gods', don't give Sol another brother and sister!"

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