Druid of Marvel

Chapter 80: Unlucky name

Alvin came back to the bar holding Ginny, and apologized and smiled at Steve and said, "I'm sorry, you kicked out your" bodyguard ", but I don't think you should like them, right?"

Steve rubbed Nick's head and said with a smile: "Yes, I don't like them. You know it's really uncomfortable to be followed every day. I even suspect that someone peeks when I go to the bathroom. . "

Nick listened and made a disgusting expression, not wanting to listen to two people talking.

I made Steve a very black topless, pointing at each other's actions, meaning you rest assured, I cover you!

Alvin took a funny photo on his head, put Ginny on the ground, and signaled them to play by themselves!

Steve, picked up the glass to signal Alvin a drink, and then did not wait for Alvin to drink the whisky in the glass himself, solemnly said: "Thank you, Alvin, you don't even know who I am! Who offended me?

I really thank you! You are a true friend!

I promise you won't have trouble here! "

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "I know you are Steve Rogers. You have to tell me that you are the Captain America in a fool uniform, and I can accept it.

After all, what clothes to wear is personal taste. If you are worried about the people of SHIELD outside, then you can rest assured that this is the Hell's Kitchen, and the Peace Hotel will not entertain them. I said! "

Steve reached out and shook Alvin a lot, saying, "Man, is your school's assistant football coach still in place?

I think I can do it. If you have doubts, maybe I can bribe you by teaching you boxing. You know, I'm amazing! "

Alvin shook his head and laughed: "That's not necessarily true, man! It's not that bad. You have to really try it before you know!"

But I'm really interested in boxing, then, the deal! "

Steve worked for the government all his life, but was a little nervous at the moment, and said, "So what do I have to prepare? Should I wear a suit or something?"

Jessica interrupted for a while and said, "Don't worry about what to wear. Look at the taste of our principal Alvin. I think you are all along the way. Old antiques should be friends with old antiques."

Jessica rolled her eyes and looked at them with contempt. Alvin was jeans, a plaid shirt, and a gray coat. Steve is khaki military pants, a light green shirt, a flight jacket of the last century.

Here are two old antiques that don't understand fashion at all! Although they don't seem to be too old!

Alvin laughed, squeezed his eyes with Jessica, and made himself a handsome pose, which attracted Jessica's big white eyes.

Alvin turned to look at Steve with a smile and said, "It's actually very simple. I told you, go and pick up your high school textbook.

Alas, believe me, it's not easy at all! Haha!

I know a guy who graduated from LA University. He was fainted because he couldn't figure out his son's homework. I hope you will be better! "

Nick, aside, heard Alvin laughing at his dad, waved his fist at him, and shouted, "Hey ~ don't laugh at Frank, he's fine!"

Alvin smiled with **** close together, saluted, and apologized, but the smile on his face did not look so sincere.

Steve laughed and said, "Let's wait and see! Did I tell you that I was also a top student, because at that time, I couldn't do anything except read books!"

Jessica chuckled and looked at Steve in disbelief, with a strong body, a rude beard, and a thick callus on his hand. It didn't look like a good student with excellent academic performance.

Alvin did not doubt Steve's words, after all, every thin young boy is a potential bully stock!

Alvin laughed and gave a high-five and fist to Steve, saying, "Welcome to the community school in Hell's Kitchen, my community school!"

Steve gave Alvin a military salute with a wink and said, "Steve Rogers obeys your assignment, haha ​​~"

The atmosphere is happy now, after all, as long as Steve convinces himself, no one can force him to do anything!

Uh ...............

In the office of the SHIELD New York office, Nick Fury is listening to a recording of the conversation between Alvin and Steve.

Standing next to him was Phil Coulson. Hearing the conversation in the recording, Coulson said anxiously to Director Fury: "Should we just let our captain be a football coach?

This is incredible! I can hardly imagine Steve Rogers, leaving SHIELD to work as a coach in a community school!

Although the team kids there are really great! what! "

Director Ferry ignored the words of Coulson, turned around and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. He said with confidence: "Steve will always be Steve. When the world needs him, he will stand up.

Maybe we will have extra gains! After all, Steve's friends are very unusual, aren't they? "

Coleson smiled bitterly and said, "It's unusual. This is a guy who dares to blackmail SHIELD.

And his two men were about to kill the power on the bright side of the meeting.

Director Yun, who are these two guys? Why do we not have their information? "

Director Ferry smiled and said, "Frank was my comrade in arms. He used to be the best special forces commander in this country. His information was requested by me and it was part of a transaction.

As for that JJ, he was also a soldier, that's all I know. He has a long blank period, and I can't even find it, it is probably related to the military. This has nothing to do with us.

让 Let our captain stay there! When we need him, he will come back ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But I think they will soon be in trouble. The flea wearing red clothes in the club will soon find them, I really hope Alvin was more capable this time, and rushed back to the island! "

Uh ...............

In the restaurant, it's already evening.

At the bar Alvin is introducing Steve, JJ and Frank.

Alvin pointed to Frank and said to Steve, "This is Frank, Frank Custer, the director of the corrections department of our community school, Nick's father, you know, that's the one I told you ~" Said Alvin Made a movement to cover his forehead.

Steve smiled and shook hands with Frank and said, "I'm glad to meet you. I'm Steve Rogers. I know your son Nick. That's a good guy!"

He said Steve looked at Frank thoughtfully and said, "I always think we are like a group of people. What do you think?"

Frank glanced at Alvin, and he knew that Alvin must have talked to Steve about what was wrong with him.

I shook Steve's hand, felt it, and said, "Yes, we should be the same kind of people."

Frank raised his left hand and said, "It just served the country. It almost lost me everything. Now it serves our family and school. That makes me very happy!"

Steve can best understand Frank's feelings, and said excitedly, "Then we must have a lot of topics!"

Frank smiled and said, "Yes, including your unlucky name, your dad is so confident. I thought you should at least call it, Steve Rogers or something!"

Steve smiled anxiously and said, "You're right, this name is really disturbing!"

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