Druid of Marvel

Chapter 462: Tomahawk, Tomahawk

Alvin watched Stark stop his graceful movements, swallowed with a hungry tiger, and flung Ivan's mech to the ground without any rules. Riding on it was a mess. vertex

Seeing Stark riding on Ivan's chest, waving an iron fist, a fierce and fierce ghost, it is very similar to Wu Jilang, a tiger hero who drank eighteen bowls and dared to spend the night in Jingyanggang.

Ivan's mech is the unlucky tiger. What about a good martial art routine? What about master style?

Facing Stark's unreasonableness, the audience offended his face with a hiss.

Several black bosses in Hell's Kitchen were also off stage, surrounded by a laptop and Ivan sitting in front of the computer.

The speeding party boss, Teji, is a good hacker with a small device in his hand and is watching the ratings of today's webcast and live TV.

Just as Stark threw Ivan's mech, Teji cheered. He raised his fist and shouted, "The record is broken ~~ The ratings now exceed the Super Bowl's halftime, Guys ~~ We are getting rich ~~

Now every second we make money, do you know how much a second the Super Bowl midfielder costs? "

Wearing a silver suit, Yade with a stigma and a slapstick patted Ivan's shoulder. When he was just excited, he was shaved by the eyes of Ivan's razor and said with a smirk: "Brother Ivan For Old William's sake, hold on for a while.

Old William dreamed of making his whiskey famous, help! Help us by the way ~~ "

Ivan narrowed his eyes and looked at a bunch of black bosses around him with a scornful expression, and suddenly smiled and said, "My work is over ~~ But to Stark, I am happy! But ~~"

Looks unkind, but clever Clark Gable suddenly shouted, "Add money ~~ We add money ~~

Every second you hold on, we add 100,000 to you. If you finally fall to the ground and you can turn your back to the camera, I personally pay 500,000. "

Speaking of excitement, Clark Gabor pulled a few black bosses around and shouted excitedly: "Guys, this is an opportunity, we must seize it.

Which TV station will put our advertisement in such a good time at other times ~~ "


As Ivan reached an agreement with the gangsters, Stark was unlucky. How could he be an opponent of Ivan, especially if he was not in the mech.

The word Ivan's mech is insulting in terms of fearless death. Because it is only "tough" now, it has nothing to do with "death".

All kinds of dangerous actions were made one after another, and Stark was embarrassed.

Melee Weak Chicken Stark, was insulted!

The power of his steel suit is, to be honest, not as big as the free-spirited Russian guy Ivan.

Stark is a cautious scientist, adhering to the usual style of an industrial designer, he reserves enough redundancy for his steel suit.

The Russian is different. The same fusion reactor would dare to use its maximum power, service life, power matching, safety and so on. It was not his consideration.

This is the difference between a scientifically-born scientist and a Noroko scientist, and it is also determined by the personality of the two ~~

So Stark is miserable ~~

He admits that he started to wriggle his head, but he didn't expect that Ivan's brain had broken through the sky, what the **** is called ~~

Seeing that he was about to be stunned again, Stark yelled angrily, "Jarvis, block the nearby signal ~~"

Stark doesn't care about winning or losing. This is actually just a contest between "friends" with different personalities, but you are a bit too much without anyone coming!

The so-called mech fighting here is actually not fair to both sides.

It was just that Stark suddenly opened his brain and wanted to give Ivan an ugly look, and was finally put on by the boy from Qi. He decided to go back and find the boy's trouble!


Ivan saw the sudden fluctuations in the notebook, and quickly manipulated the mech with his back to the camera and erected a **** towards Stark, and yelled loudly in the headset, "you Stark ~~"

Then Ivan threw away his notebook, spread his hand towards Clark Gable, and said, "Remember your promise ~~ I did it, don't think about it ~~"

Clark looked at the big screen on the stage, and his advertisement was flashed for half a second before being cut off.

Even if this is the new boss of Hell's Kitchen, he clapped his hands and laughed, "It's worth it, the money is fine. Do you want cash or transfer money?"

Ivan is not used to dealing with these mutant black bosses. He didn't talk, but just clicked on his watch and glanced around, saying: "A total of 96 seconds, I guess you will not be in trouble ~~ "

A bunch of black bosses nodded happily, what's the matter, what we have now is money! 9.6 million, how much is it for everyone?

The Russian doesn't look fierce and has a bad temper, but he can't do it. With such a high rating, you don't want us half a billion, it really does look down on people ~~


Stark pinched his nose and pretended to land on the ground with joy.

The audience didn't know the **** thing, they watched it very well!

Two unpredictable high-end mechas have presented themselves with a two-style mecha fighting contest. What's so unsatisfactory about this? So cool!

Stark lifted his faceplate and looked at the very high-level crowd below the stage, suddenly feeling better. Today is a good day for me. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the earth has changed because of myself.

As long as new energy solves the cost problem, it can completely change the way people live now. It is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Of course, it is cheaper!

However, the issue of price needs to be comprehensively rolled out to solve.

But now it is unrealistic to kick those traditional energy companies out. Those giants will face a lot of life and death and will do a lot of incredible things.

Stark Group's new energy projects are still concentrated in high-end projects. There is always a day when oil is mined ~~ When you come to me!

Now let me seize the most profitable part first and make my pockets fuller. Later ~~

This is something Stark learned from Alvin. Some things can't be anxious. Anyway, it's your own. What's the matter later?

In the past, Stark held new energy in his hands, where would he care about other people's ideas and interests. It must be forcibly pushed forward, and even if you suffer a little, you must roll out new energy at one time. You may have to touch your head to break the blood flow to converge a bit.

How good now! Everyone is well-off, and you continue to work in your traditional industry. After all, if you go bankrupt, many people will lose their jobs.

But I've shot it for you. I even allow you to hold a small share in my new energy company, so you can't get me in trouble?

Putting aside the bad things just now, Stark held a microphone in his hand and happily faced the audience, saying, "Today is the beginning of a change in this world!

The new energy of Stark Group will solve the possible energy crisis in the future.

You can safely continue dancing and picking up girls, but don't forget to buy yourself a little stock of Stark Group.

In this way, when you are old, you will find, oh ~~ I am OK! The girls still like me! "

As Stark watched the crowd applauding, "Stark Group will be the most valuable company in the world!

Because we have a sense of responsibility! We are rich, rich, rich ~~ "

Stark laughed wildly and looked at the crowd who seemed to be boiling, pretending that he couldn't see Pepper's killing vision, and said loudly: "The most important thing is that we have the best mech driving in the world. member,

Do you know who he is ~~~ "

Speaking of Stark's vigorous forward extension of the microphone, where can the excited audience under the stage be able to withstand, but anyone who can still access the Internet will know that New York is even more known.

"Manhattan Tomahawk ~~ Manhattan Tomahawk ~~"

I do n’t know who brought the head, especially the young people and the **** kitchen to see the lively people, began to rhythmically lame, while shouting, "Tomahawk, tomahawk, tomahawk ~~~"

With the deafening whistling, Stark retracted the microphone with satisfaction. Alvin was his best friend. He wanted Alvin to share the joy of the moment.

Although he may not like the process, he will forgive himself ~~

"Then let us welcome ~~ Manhattan Tomahawk ~~ The coolest principal of Hell's Kitchen ~~ Alvin ~~~"


Alvin looked distressed at the uncontrolled God of War 2 and wrapped himself in its body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ angrily yelled, "Angel, you have to show something useful ~~

Why does the old electronics of Jarvis want you on you? Where are you from? ? "

The voice of Jarvis, who has been silent, came from inside. This artificial intelligence, which is incompatible with Alvin, said mechanically: "Principal Alvin, please call me Jarvis. I am not an old electronics. I am just a Artificial intelligence program.

Your statement is suspected of racial discrimination ~~ "

As Jarvis's voice fell, God of War 2 began to take off.

It took off slowly in the exclamation of Alvin, floating outside the lounge's terrace, facing the performance stage on the ground.

With a "brush ~" sound, the wings behind Ares 2 were spread out, and then slowly started to reverse.

Alvin stared nervously at the ground that slowly came into his eyes, and said in a panic, "Jarvis, don't do this ~~ If I'm scared, Stark's face won't look good ~~"

Jarvis said calmly: "Please rest assured, even if you do not apologize like me, Ares 2 is absolutely safe!

According to Mr. Stark's request, Director Sander has designed one of the coolest appearances for you.

He prepared the headlines for you tomorrow morning! "

Alvin gritted his teeth, knowing that he would definitely not be spared, and he yelled and yelled: "Jarvis, you old electronics, you bastard, Lao Tzu will go out and sell your chip to a garbage collection station ~~"

This time Jarvis didn't make much nonsense, suddenly controlled the mech to dive to the ground.

With a distance of only thirty meters, Alvin desperately opened the "Spirit" and wanted to see if he could "bomb" the earth!

And decided that today's business is busy, and Stark's **** must be beaten!

He needs a "clean" ending!

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