Druid of Marvel

Chapter 430: Steve's stress

Alvin summoned the turtle brothers, and temporarily made four frozen gloves inlaid with the rune cha (Cham), and let them serve as experimental assistants for Dr. Kate. From time to time, Alexei needed to calm down. .

The "basement" is now the place where the school's most valuables are, and there must be a little protection. There is no targeted thing, and it is estimated that there are not many people who can be stopped by Alexey when he goes crazy.

阿尔 Alvin can't get in on the matter here, he took Steve to his office.

奇怪 Those strange humanoid beasts are more interested by Alvin.

Those things may be related to Dr. Connors. Alvin, they haven't found the true leader behind the "beastly man" yet!

Sitting on the sofa in the office, Alvin watched with amusement as Steve was taken advantage of Olivia's coffee delivery several times.

I took a sip of coffee that was obviously not enough sugar, and Alvin yelled at Olivia, "Hey ~ beauty, you can't forget my principal because of Xinhuan!"

Your coffee is gone! For Steve's ass, give me two more pieces of sugar! "

Olivia awkwardly lifted her "salty pig hand" from Steve's thigh, and laughed "Oh, ha," and said, "Wait a minute, I'll get sugar here."

教授 Professor Ai Liye doesn't like sugar when drinking coffee. I've gotten used to it recently! "

Alvin gave an unhappy glance at the black aunt Olivia and said, "Oli, you can't do this! When can you get the handsome old man just by delivering coffee every day?

You have to think of something else! "

Olivia heard the sneaky approach to Alvin and said, "I feel the same way, I recently asked him to eat, and I will buy a little hemp in my bag ~~~"

Alvin nodded solemnly, slapped Olivia with a smile, and said with a smile, "Give that old man a little look, no one can live up to my Olivia ~~ ha ~~"

Olivia covered her mouth and patted Alvin's shoulder, glanced at Steve, and said, "If it's Steve, Professor Ellie can put it on ~~"

Alvin covered his chest and yelled at Olivia with fun, "Oh, my Orly, why did you choose Steve and not me? You broke my heart ~~"

Olivia covered her mouth with a horrible laughter of "Oh, huh", hugged Alvin and said, "Oh, Alvin, what can I do without you? You are the best boss I have ever met ~~"

Alvin laughed and broke Olivia's bear hug, glanced at Steve with a smile, and said with a smirk, "Oli, I think as a benefit for your work, I can arrange for Steve to come with you for a double Date. Um ~~ all day! "

Saying Alvin glanced at the earth-colored Steve, patted Olivia's arm, and said with a smile, "This is to repay your hard work for several years! Steve will definitely be happy, our Orly Via is a big beauty ~~ "

Olivia touched Alvin's face twice, looked back at Steve who was ready to escape at any time, smiled heartily, and whispered into Alvin's ear and said, "This is a visionless Fool! His reporter girlfriend is so stupid! Steve will dump her sooner or later, I will try it ~ "

Alvin nodded in agreement, completely ignoring Steve's strange look, and said with a smile, "You are right, I support you!"

Olivia smiled happily, sorted out her blue-and-white flower skirt, turned and left the office, and threw a kiss to Steve before leaving.

Steve looked at Alvin with a smirk when he saw Olivia leaving the office, and said, "You've got me in trouble!"

Alvin squinted at Steve and said, "I don't think you care too much. Making the boss's secretary happy is one of your tasks, eh ~~ it just happened.

Seriously, what happened to you? Frank also had a problem, as if he felt too stressed and needed to kill a few people to relax.

what's wrong with you? Actually free time to accompany his girlfriend! How did I never know you still have this hobby! "

Steve smiled bitterly and took a bite of bitter coffee, saying "Community schools are very different. We do have a lot of pressure.

It is difficult to say clearly how to resist the pressure of those children's future on their shoulders. This is not something like performing a task, killing a few people, and tearing down a few bombs. This may be the future for many families.

Alvin, we are all wild roads, to be honest we are not used to it! That's why I want to do something to distract!

Seriously, how did you solve this pressure!

Did you know that I see those children who obviously don't have talents and are still willing to stay on the court hard, just for the possible "scholarship" in my heart is uncomfortable. "

Alvin was silent for a moment, glanced at the school gate outside the window, and said, "Many people say I am the savior here!

But I know I'm nothing!

I always feel that there are many ways to leave Hell's Kitchen, and college is the best one.

肯定 I must not be able to send all the children to the other side of paradise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but I worked hard to create opportunities. "

He said Alvin glanced at Steve and said, "Aren't you facing a positive child right now? What can you worry about?

A child is willing to fight desperately on the football field for a chance, even if he fails, he will still get "success" elsewhere!

Because he has the determination to change his life!

It's nothing bad. We create conditions, and then everyone works together, and the rest is left to God!

觉得 I think you think too much! Is this the "responsibility" inherent in superheroes? "

Alvin comforted Steve as he found two cigars in the drawer and handed them to Steve.

I lit up the cigar and took a sip. Alvin laughed and said, "I think you think a bit too much. We work hard to provide everything that leads to success.

But it is their own efforts that determine the children's final achievement. "

Steve glanced at an educator-like Alvin, shook his head, smiled and said, "So you asked cia for a college place, you asked all the garage shops in **** kitchen for apprenticeships, and you organized Fast food truck fleet.

That's what you said, will it depend on them in the future? "

Alvin froze, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Look, I'm comforting you, why do you make me so great? So you will have pressure, haha ​​~~"


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