Druid of Marvel

Chapter 137: Stark's Cancer

斯塔 With Stark's close-range precise guidance, the four "Mavericks" missiles accurately hit the Destroyer more than 5 meters high, and the violent explosion even caused a mushroom cloud in this desert!

Alvin looked at Stark floating in the sky and shouted in the communicator: "Be careful, Tony, that thing can't be killed at all, don't let the red light it emits hit you."

Stark Sao Bao waved in the direction of Alvin and called: "You haven't thanked me yet, it's not too close to fly from Malibu!"

Alvin ignored Stark. He stopped outside the blast and wanted to see what happened. The Asgards didn't come out just now.

On the periphery of the power of the blast, four Asgards formed a circle, blocking Sol for the damage caused by the missile explosion.

The Destroyer replied very quickly, and quickly found them. The switch on his face was turned on, and the red rays were directed at several Asgard warriors!

The handsome Vandall was injured because he had been hurt before. Now he was even more severe. He pushed a dark-haired warrior Hogan with one hand, grinned miserably, and stood in front of Sol. But there is no meaning to give way.

The armour of the goddess Xifu was burnt and scorched. She was still gritting her teeth, supporting Sol, desperately watching the Destroyer, preparing for the final attack!

Vastag, who had a broken leg, sat on the ground, screaming at the destroyer boldly.

When the Destroyer fired a red beam of light to end the battle, Thor, who was completely sober, pushed Shiva, the goddess of warrior, opened Fandal, and opened his arms in front of several people.

Sol opened his eyes in anger, shouting "Father ~~" ​​in his mouth.

As soon as the red beam of light was about to hit Thor, two energy cannons struck the Destroyer's neck. As a result, the red beam of light was shifted to one side. Draw a deep depression of hundreds of meters in the ground!

Stark saved their lives at the key time, but Stark, who saw the power of the red beam of light for the first time, took a sigh of cold air and called, "What the **** is this?"

Alvin yelled at the Destroyer, and shouted, "Stay away from that thing, it will really be dead!"

Stark with little fear, instead of being stubborn, this time he contacted the military's pilots to get them farther away. The effects of air-to-ground missiles have been verified. They have no effect at all, so they do not need to participate!

I didn't wait for Alvin to rush to the inside. Some other changes happened to Sol's side, and some fine arcs began to surround him, and they became stronger and stronger.

At this moment Sol stood, staring at the Destroyer, his mouth howling angrily, his right hand stretching as if waiting for something!

阿尔 Alvin is too familiar with this action, Thor's sign summons the action of his hammer!

Alvin didn't understand why Sol broke out suddenly, but he knew that the Destroyer must be dragged. The reality is not a movie. If Sol is killed, who can destroy the Destroyer?

The God of War No. 3 rushed to the feet of the Destroyer bravely, and chopped down one of its lower legs, leaving the Destroyer out of balance.

I didn't wait for it to recover, Alvin trot in two steps, and cut another axe on the Destroyer's face, letting it swallow the red beam of light back.

When Stark in the sky saw Alvin bring down the Destroyer, he happily rushed down and hit the water dog with pain, and the energy cannon in both hands hit the Destroyer like money. Unfortunately, the effect is very general. The destroyer's shell seems to be immune to such energy attacks.

Stark shouted angrily in the communicator: "Why does this always appear? Is the earth going to be destroyed?"

Alvin found the trick a bit, like an industrious lumberjack, whenever the Destroyer's face started to shine, give him an axe and let it swallow the red light back, and take the time to chop off his fluttering arm .

But these are useless, the Destroyer can recover quickly, and its energy seems to be endless. Although this thing is a bit clunky, it is really very powerful. If you change it to another person, it has long been burnt to death by the destroyer.

Alvin's attack is not advanced, and the fighting method is more lame, but the power of the "famine" of the artifact tomahawk is obvious to all. If it was not for the destroyer's immortal characteristics, he would not know if he was smashed into hell. How many layers are there.

阿尔 As Alvin choked on the Destroyer, he heard Thor's roar, "Let's go!"

Alvin only came back hurriedly, and saw that Sol didn't know when he wore arrogant body armor, took a sledgehammer in his hand, leaped high, and hit the destroyer with a hammer in the air Chest.

Alvin, who was too late to retreat, was affected by a huge energy, and was rolled away by the shock. Neither the "Spiracus" nor the "Acupuncture Aura" had any effect on this indirect pure energy attack, but only offset the suddenness. s damage!

Alvin was a little bit embarrassed. He struck out a distance on the ground. Sol's blow surprised him a bit. It was also an artifact. Why his hammer was so powerful and his axe looked so The low-level, this one and a large one, the visual effect is much worse!

Stark flew over and asked with concern: "How are you? It looked uncomfortable just now!"

Alvin stood up, hammered Stark's arm, and said with a smile, "You won't want to try it!"

Stark glanced at Sol, who was riding mad on the Destroyer's chest, and said a little heavy, "Are these people aliens? If we fight, do you think we can be saved?"

Alvin laughed and said, "Not so exaggerated, we still have the same ability!"

Stark said sarcastically: "You surprised me with optimism!"

Alvin pointed to Sol, who was madly destroying the Destroyer. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com said, "What do you say then? Aliens are not all that powerful. A few come to trouble, and I will Go and cut them.

If all of them are so powerful, then we will hold our heads up and maintain our final dignity. "

Stark was clearly different from Alvin's thinking, and he was silent for a moment and said, "I know I might not ask, but can you share with me the method of transforming your weapons! I know you have some special methods, Look at your axe, I don't know that there is such a powerful thing on earth! "

Alvin handed the tomahawk "starvation" to Stark and said with a smile: "I have some special methods, but these things are probably impossible to copy. I don't want to explain the origin of these things. Looking back, I can It's interesting to provide you with some research.

But I suggest you don't spend too much time on it, you should know where you should go, right!

But you can design a weapon for yourself, I can give you a little technical guidance! Haha! "

Stark raised the tomahawk curiously. This axe had just chopped the undestructible destroyer into several pieces. It was not an axe's problem not to kill it.

Stark has attacked the Destroyer, knowing how well this thing is protected. If "famine" can cut vegetables and destroy the destroyer, what else can it not cut?

Scientists have rooted problems, Stark is more serious, it is cancer!

Stark resisted the idea of ​​taking the Tomahawk to study, returned the axe to Alvin, and said, "Then listen to you, you have to tell me in detail when you go back, my **** curious is going crazy It's up! "

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