
“But if this is really the case, what can we do, Mr. President? Or can you give us an idea?”

“Yes, Mr. President, what should we do now? If they really want to investigate the beautiful country, we will be in trouble!!”

After others heard the words of the clown mask, they became even more panicked and spoke out one after another.

After the clown mask fell silent, he said in a deep voice: “Let’s go and organize a parade now. Remember, the bigger the parade, the better. In this way, it can fully attract the attention of the outside world and put more pressure on the senior officials of the beautiful country. , I have already thought of the slogan for the parade, which is to oppose the beautiful country’s surrender to Daxia and get our jobs back!!”

After hearing the words of the clown mask, the faces of the 20 people suddenly became happy. The person who had suggested to believe in Mount just raised his hand and said directly: “Mr. President, please let me host this parade. I still have some skills in this aspect.” A certain amount of experience!”

“Okay, then go ahead.”

The clown mask nodded and said.

Ever since, this person left the conference room directly, walked outside, and wanted to carry out this action immediately!

After leaving the conference room, he came to the secret base of the Illuminati, where some members of the Illuminati usually gathered.

Here they will accept some ideas told to them by the Illuminati, so the people here are also the most thoroughly brainwashed group of people! !

“Everyone, Mr. President has given us an instruction. We must complete this instruction. In this case, the future of our Illuminati will be even brighter!!”

After this person went up, he directlyThe lecturer who was standing on the podium pulled him down, and finally looked at the group of people listening to the class below and said! !

After a group of people heard that this was what the president had explained, everyone’s face became extremely excited, their whole faces turned red like traffic lights, and they immediately shouted in unison! !

“Okay, we will do what Mr. President says!!”

“That’s right! Let’s carry out Mr. President’s order now!”

“What exactly does Mr. President want us to do?”

Seeing how excited the group of people in front of him was, James nodded with satisfaction. He believed that as long as this group of people maintained this momentum and marched, they would definitely have a huge impact! !

“Mr. President asked us to hold a march. The theme is to oppose the current posture of the beautiful country to bow to Daxia, and also to oppose the actual situation of the beautiful country reducing some jobs. These are things that are closely related to each of us. I hope everyone can be more serious!!”

James took a deep breath, and then 800 said.

When a group of people below heard such a thing, everyone let out a cheer! !

Immediately afterwards, James asked people to organize these people into several teams, and asked them to use a large amount of funds from the Illuminati to recruit some people and hold demonstrations in several cities at the same time! !

“After they set off, they immediately contacted reporters from all over the country and told me that there was news on our side and that the largest demonstration in the history of this beautiful country would be held soon!!”

After a group of people left in a hurry, James called another person and said to him.

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