: The military base cannot be saved!

“Let’s keep it like this for now. I think Daxia and the others won’t attack easily. After all, we didn’t hurt any of their personnel last time. On the contrary, all the soldiers on our aircraft carrier formation were injured.” Already killed in battle!”

“Immediately report the current situation to the headquarters and let the commanders and others make a decision. This kind of thing is not something we can make a simple decision unless the heroes take the initiative to attack!!”

General Jack took a deep breath, then immediately analyzed the current situation in his mind, and finally said to the adjutant.

“Okay, I’ll go right away!!”

Hearing what General Jack said, the adjutant nodded immediately, then turned around and left, rushing towards the command room! !

On the other side, the Daxia aircraft carrier formation seemed to have reached some consensus with the Beautiful Country’s military base in Sakura Country. When it arrived only five nautical miles away from them,At this moment, the entire Daxia aircraft carrier formation stopped! !


On the other side, far away in the beautiful country, Fred was thinking about how to report the latest military expenditures to a meeting, when suddenly, his secretary ran in with an anxious look on his face! !

Seeing the secretary running in so anxiously, I don’t know why, so my heart immediately tightened, and an ominous premonition emerged! !

“What’s going on? What happened again?.¨?”

Fred simply threw aside what he was doing, then stood up, looked at his secretary solemnly, and asked aloud.

The secretary nodded,

After calming down for a while,

Then he said: “Yes, Commander-in-Chief, according to the previous situation report, the Daxia aircraft carrier formation has docked at a location only five nautical miles away from our military base!!”


Hearing what the secretary said,

Fred was immediately tied up and exclaimed,

The whole person also stayed where he was as if he had been struck by lightning.

It took half a minute to slow down.

Only then did he come back to his senses! !

“Call Tom over here immediately!! Immediately!! This is an emergency, no matter what he is doing!!”

Fred took a deep breath, and then said to his secretary! !

“Okay, Mr. Commander, I’ll call Mr. Admiral right away!!”

The secretary nodded, and then left. About ten minutes later, Tom ran into the commander’s office with an anxious look on his face! !

“Chief student, what’s going on here?”

Tom instinctively sensed something was wrong, took a deep breath, then looked at Fred with a solemn face and asked aloud.

“¨` Tom, let me tell you an urgent matter. The situation faced by our military base in Sakura Country is very serious now. Daxia has already moved their aircraft carrier formation to a position only five nautical miles away from our military base. I am now I came here to discuss a solution with you!”

Fred took a deep breath, then looked at them and asked.


When Tom heard what Fred said, he was immediately shocked! !

“Tom, do you think our current military base can still be saved?”

Before Tom could recover, Fred asked another question.

When Tom heard Fred’s words, he felt extremely aggrieved and couldn’t help but clenched his fists! drag!

In fact, at this point, both Fred and Tom understood the fate of the military base! !

This military base,

I am afraid,

Can’t keep it! ! .

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