: Da Xia is old and can’t hold a knife anymore? !

After the Beautiful Country held an emergency meeting of the Anti-Great Xia Alliance, the entire world not only regained confidence in the Beautiful Country.

And their fear of Daxia has also been restored because of the beautiful country! !

Only Sakura Country, which is also under the Confucian cultural system, did not make any comments about the building! !

“Mr. Yamamoto, other countries in the anti-Daxia alliance have asked us to speak out immediately and condemn those illegal acts.”

“Yes, Mr. Yamamoto, what should we do now? Should we be consistent with other countries in the anti-Daxia Alliance, or should we be like this?”

713 The senior officials of Sakura Country were having a meeting. A group of cabinet members looked at Yamamoto who looked indifferent and couldn’t help but ask.

After hearing what his subordinates said, Yamamoto brought over a tea cup without hesitation, stirred it with his fingers, took a final sip and said,

“Why do I think it is not appropriate for us to make any comments on this matter? Who doesn’t know whether Daxia’s current reaction is true or false!! What if this method is just used by them to see which countries and forces in the world view Daxia What’s wrong with it??”

A group of members of the outer cabinet were shocked when they heard what Yamamoto said. Everyone reacted immediately, and then nodded quickly and said,

“Mr. Yamamoto, what you said is very likely that Daxia will be like this. No matter what happens, they will not be so calm. They must be brewing something!!”

“Yes, Mr. Yamamoto, our Sakura Country is really not suitable to move here. After all, Daxia is too close to us. If you want to deal with us, it will be very simple!!”

Seeing that everyone agreed with his idea, Yamamoto smiled and then said,

“Everyone, let’s do this. You go down and let the propaganda department express our attitude. Remember not to make comments about Daxia!!”

“This time we will just watch from the other side and see how things develop. Let’s adjourn the meeting.”

When a group of cabinet members heard what Yamamoto said, they nodded and then left.

The department in charge of publicity also immediately sent out Yamamoto’s intention, causing other countries and forces to despise Sakura Country in their hearts! !

And on the other side,

Other countries and forces in the Anti-Daxia Alliance were particularly happy to see that Daxia had not commented on these things! !

Some media even directly published the newsmell,

The theme translated into Chinese is probably, Daxia is old and can no longer hold a knife! !

This statement suddenly made everyone nervous. Even the beautiful country could not help but send inquiries at this time! !

The media that was creating momentum was immediately shut down by the relevant national departments! !

After all, they are happy now, but no one wants to openly fall out with the mansion at this juncture! !

After all, it is the beautiful country that has laser weapons, not them! !

What’s more, the beautiful country has not yet produced the finished laser weapon! !

So even if you want to ridicule, you can’t do it so blatantly! !

If Daxia is really impatient,

So now none of these countries and forces can fight Daxia alone.

Even if several countries unite with Shengli, it won’t be enough for Daxia to choose from! !


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