Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 613: Decisive Battle (5)

The soul energy surged for a while, trying to reorganize and form again, but it was too late. The two beams of spiritual light hit a ball of soul energy one after the other, and the churning soul energy was instantly restrained and unable to move.

"Sealing technique! [Magic Power Reshaping + Magic Gem]"

Immediately afterwards, a pure magic gemstone flew out, and then a dozen pale golden chains flew out from the magic gemstone, instantly locking the purple soul energy, and then pulling the soul energy to move towards the magic gemstone. The soul of the Nest Mother's Eye kept struggling, and spiritual shocks continued to come from the soul, trying to smash the magic gem.

Allen glanced at the soul of the Nest Mother's Eye indifferently, and the next moment a soul shock directly hit the Nest Mother's Eye. There was a shrill scream, and the Nest Mother's Eye, which was still struggling, no longer had the slightest resistance. It was bound by the pale golden chain and pulled closer to the magic gem. The pale golden aura dispersed, and the Nest Mother's eye was huge and ugly. The soul had disappeared, and a divine spar flew into Allen's hands.

At the same time, outside the Iron Fortress.

From the moment the Eye of the Nest Mother was killed, the huge demon army suddenly lost control. Under the control of the Eye of the Nest Mother, these demon armies can still carry out simple cooperation, unlike the previous demon army. It was so chaotic, and after losing the control of the Hive Mother's Eye, the huge demon army became extremely chaotic again, and many of them had already begun to attack each other.

A demon's greatest weakness is its chaotic nature. This is why their number is tens or hundreds of times that of the devils in Bator Hell, but they are helpless against Bator Hell, and are often hanged and beaten by the devil army. Ordinary legendary demon lords themselves and even their brains are somewhat abnormal, not to mention the demons below, and only those who become those demon lords will become cunning. As for those who are confused, they have been eaten and wiped out by other demon lords.

The human coalition forces that fought directly with the demon legion felt the change of the demon legion for the first time. The demons who were originally fearless and cooperating with each other suddenly became independent. Although they were still fearless, the pressure they received plummeted. , and also began to become chaotic in the demon army. These chaos spread rapidly like a plague. After a while, the entire demon army fell into chaos.

After realizing the situation of the demons, the human alliance knew that the chance of victory had come!

"Flame Knights!"


"Hammer of Thunder!"

"It's time for revenge!"

"Barbarian Berserker!"

"Get angry!"

The Human Heavy Cavalry Legion began to charge again,

The heavy horseshoes struck the ground like thunder, directly suppressing other voices on the battlefield. The slow-starting heavy cavalry began to accelerate slowly, and more and more heavy cavalry charged. With an indomitable momentum, he slammed into the demon body fiercely. For a while, a large number of demons were directly knocked into the air, and at the same time, a large number of heavy cavalry fell directly. The army of knights swarmed in, and all the demons standing in front of the heavy cavalry corps were swept away.

As a tank unit of this era, although there are many shortcomings such as high maintenance costs, slow speed, and high casualty rate, its impact is strong enough. The heavy armored knights are like a torrent of steel that directly washes away the demon army in front of them. The overwhelming momentum made the demons tremble.

In the era without tanks and artillery, these heavy knights are the kings on the battlefield, especially when these knights charge, there are a large number of spells buffed with auxiliary spells. This kind of normal spell was blessed, and the result was that the heavy cavalry directly smashed the demon army here.

boom boom boom

The dull sound of the war drums sounded, and the drums went from slow to fast, and soon became one piece. The passionate war drums made people's blood boil. This is the war drum of the barbarians in the northern plateau. In every battle, this rhythm is clear, The drums with dense drumbeats will sound. This kind of drums are made of the skin of a wild beast called Thunder Beast.

The Thunder Beast is a powerful beast on the northern plateau. Only those powerful barbarian tribes have the ability to hunt and kill it, and then skin it to make a war drum. This kind of war drum requires a strong enough person to beat it. The sound can be heard for hundreds of miles, and the drums carry a magical power. When you hear the drums, you will involuntarily become more courageous. The most important thing is that it can enhance the explosive power and duration of the barbarian berserkers.

Teams of barbarians began to assemble with heavy weapons such as tomahawks and maces. They were tall and burly, with thick and powerful arms, and they were stronger than ordinary barbarians. The cold climate and cruel plateau environment made their physical fitness far Superhumans, they are the only human race that can crush orcs in strength. They are not good at farming, their living environment is harsh, and there are few spellcasters, so their population is far smaller than other humans.

The barbarians have poor discipline and like to fight. This group of people will be excited as long as they go to the battlefield, and they like to fight on their own. Although they are powerful, they are not liked by the commander. After all, you don’t know whether this group of berserkers will Will rush to the bottom in one direction.

Compared with humans, barbarians are reckless and short-tempered. The tradition is that the strong is king. If you are stronger than him, he will agree with you. This race likes to drink like dwarves. So generally making friends with them is better than being able to fight or drink with them. And what they hate or fear the most is the spellcaster, because it was the arcanist who defeated them and drove them to the northern plateau.

The leader of the barbarians is a strong man about 2.3 meters tall, with a muscular body that looks like a humanoid monster, with a bare head and some strange tattoos on it. Behind him are thousands of barbarian berserkers. The battle lines are scattered, about four or five meters apart. Behind the barbarian berserkers are ordinary barbarian soldiers. These people's lines are much denser. For human soldiers, they need a large shield with two hands, and they can pick it up with one hand. , most of them held a battle ax or spear in the other hand, the drumbeats became more and more intense, and the barbarians raised their heads to the sky and let out a roar.

Ho ho ho!

A frenzied roar resounded through the sky.

When the drumbeat reached its peak, all the barbarians let out a roar, and then went berserk, rushing into the demon army without hesitation. After going berserk, these savages once again swelled up in size, and then they galloped out one by one like wild horses that had run loose.

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