Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 527 Plane Combat (6)

"The casualties in the direct battle are a bit high. I have checked that the whole body of this demon fortress is poured with magic steel and fire copper. It is extremely strong. It is not easy to attack by force." William Oak hesitated. In his opinion, any one against the demon People are precious and want to keep casualties to a minimum.

"Your Excellency, are you proficient in astrology?" Allen asked suddenly.

"I am proficient in all the spells of the School of Prophecy!" Steller said in a blunt tone.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't mean that." Allen reacted and apologized quickly: "I mean, can you summon a meteorite from the astral world for a targeted strike!"

"Your Excellency Alan wants to use the True Meteorite Technique?" Hearing Alan's words, other wizards around immediately reacted. They have been famous for this big killer of the School of Prophecy for a long time. There are several versions of this spell, the lowest level The most important thing is to summon a huge fireball to attack. The power is not bad, and it belongs to the category of nine-ring spells. As for the true meteorite spell mentioned by Allen, it is the highest version, which requires the caster to have a high level of astrological knowledge.

And observing the starry sky for a long time, I am very clear about the trajectories of many comets and asteroids, and then choose one of them, summon it to the material plane through the space gate, and then pull it to hit the target. The principle of this spell is not difficult, but it is not easy to release it.

The angle, speed, and trajectory of the meteorite entering the material plane must be carefully calculated. If there is a slight deviation, the release may fail. By then, it will not fall on the enemy's head, but it will hit your own head...

There are many legendary wizards who have successfully released this spell in history. In a battle between the ancient wizard alliance and the dark wizard, there was a record of successful release, and it is also the most famous example so far.

At that time, black wizards relied on various black magic body transformation techniques and other forbidden techniques to create a large number of demonized flesh and blood puppets and undead creatures, and besieged the wizard alliance. A famous academy wizard stepped forward.

This academic wizard was ranked at the bottom among several legendary wizards, but he was proficient in the school of prophecy and astrology. Then one night, he cast a spell and summoned a huge meteorite, which fell from the sky with extremely powerful kinetic energy The protective barrier blow jointly cast by the black wizards was directly shattered. In the end, except for a few legendary wizards who escaped with their lives, the other black wizards, including their transformed puppet army, were all wiped out.

This wizard became famous in the first battle. After the war, he became the speaker of the first generation of Wizards Union. By the way, this wizard is called Xiu Nicholas Liu.

"Yes, what I mean is to release a real meteorite technique! Just smash open the tortoise shell of the demon fortress, and then we will launch a general attack. In this case, the casualties can basically be ignored." Allen said.

"This is a way, it's just a real meteorite technique..." Everyone looked at Steller who was standing aside.

"Uh, sorry, I'm not sure." After a brief silence, Steller said with a blank expression.

"Okay." The others looked at each other and gave up the proposal.

"I can summon meteorites, but I need someone to help me calculate the falling trajectory of the meteorite."

"Leave the calculation of the meteorite's fall trajectory to me." Allen thought for a while and said, he was going to use a chip to help calculate the meteorite's fall trajectory.

"Are you sure?" Steller looked at Allen suspiciously. You must know that the trajectory of the meteorite's fall requires a lot of calculations. The most important time for the meteorite to fall is very short, and a large amount of data is calculated in such a short period of time. It is very difficult, and the meteorite can only be pulled within fifteen seconds after entering the material plane. After this time, the gravitational acceleration and energy of the meteorite itself will be so great that it is difficult to change.

The problem of calculating the falling trajectory of the meteorite may be difficult for other wizards, but for Allen it just consumes a little energy.

"Sure." Allen nodded.

"If you're worried,

We can do a test first. "

"Okay, let's test it first!" Steller nodded and agreed directly. You only need to try this kind of thing to know.

"Well, since it is determined to use the real meteorite technique to strike, let's test it first, and if it succeeds, we will directly formulate a combat plan around this spell." Fatil made a decision directly, and the others glanced at Alan , nodded in agreement.

Allen and Steller directly used the teleportation spell to come to a plain thousands of kilometers away from the demon fortress.

"Just here, you can't detect it at such a long distance from the Devil's Fortress." Allen said, looking at the surrounding environment.

"Okay, let's get started!" Steller nodded and said.

"Summon a small meteorite first this time."

After finishing speaking, Steller began to draw the rune array on the ground. Allen didn't mean to help. Everyone has their own spell-casting habits, and the same goes for arranging the rune array. Although the difference is not big, there are still differences in the subtleties. After checking other things, Steller took out the formation materials, and quickly painted them on the ground.

Seeing Steller's drawing of the rune array, Allen flew to a place several kilometers away from here, and Allen was going to use this place as the target of the meteorite attack. After determining the target, Allen flew back wobbly.

At this time, Steller's work was coming to an end, and soon a hexagram array with a diameter of about ten meters was completed, and magic stones were inlaid on the nodes of the hexagram array. Only then did Steller stand up and nodded to Allen After signaling, stand directly in the rune array and start casting spells.

A soft incantation sounded, and the energy around Steller began to gather continuously, and a strong spatial fluctuation enveloped the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, Allen felt a strong spatial fluctuation coming from several thousand meters in the sky. The next moment, a huge hole opened in the sky, and through this crack, one could clearly see the star realm outside the door.

The next moment, an asteroid with a diameter of about 50 meters appeared in front of the eyes. The asteroid flew very fast, and then directly passed through the space crack and came to the main material plane.

"The chip calculates the trajectory of the meteorite!" Allen directly activated the supercomputing capability of the chip. For a while, a large amount of data passed quickly before Allen's eyes, and then a three-dimensional picture appeared in front of Allen's eyes.

"The plane deflection is being calculated."

"Calculating air friction factor."

"Calculating the meteorite angle!"

"The right side of the meteorite deflected 15°13 minutes to the left!"

"The rear of the meteorite is deflected by 9°27 minutes!"


"Apply secondary acceleration!"

"Target locked!"

"The meteorite will hit the intended target in 13 seconds."

Allen quickly reported the data one by one. Although Steller was a little skeptical, he still adjusted according to Allen's data, and soon the meteorite met Allen's requirements.

The next thing they saw was a meteorite flying across the sky with flames, and then hit the target spot accurately. There was a huge roar, and then waves of air rushed from the place where the meteorite fell, sweeping away all the branches, gravel and stones along the way, including the ubiquitous twisted shadows and various undead.

The ground was suspended by the air wave, and the air wave rushed to less than three meters in front of the two before dissipating slowly.

"Do you still need to go over and check?" After a while, after the air wave dissipated and the surrounding energy fluctuations calmed down a little, Allen turned his head and said to Steller.

"Hmm." Steller's face turned pale, and her breath was a little erratic. It was not easy for her to release this spell, but she still nodded.

Then cast the flying technique and flew directly to the target location. Along the way, everything around was flattened, and flames were still burning in many places. The two quickly arrived at the target location, and saw that the original target location had become A huge pit.

The diameter of the big crater is about three to four hundred meters, and the deepest part is more than ten meters. The temperature of the crater is very high, and there is still molten magma inside. After seeing the power of the meteorite technique with his own eyes, Allen secretly clicked his tongue. His Meteorite Art has reached the level of legendary spells. As far as it is concerned, the power of legendary spells is also high, but the disadvantages are not without it. The preparation time of this spell is very long. When casting spells, other legendary wizards have enough time Escape from the attack range of the meteorite technique.

This spell can only be used to hit fixed targets. Although the angle can be adjusted when casting the spell, and then the landing position can be changed, but time is running out and there is only one chance, so this spell can only attack targets such as buildings and fortresses.

It is basically impossible to kill the legendary wizard with this spell. The purpose of Allen and others is not to use this spell to destroy the Balrog Lord Helix, but to destroy the entire demon fortress and clean up all the middle and low-level demons. After destroying the demon fortress, the remaining Balrog lord Helix was the meat on the chopping board. He didn't even have a chance to escape from the siege of five legendary wizards.

"The effect is not bad!" Allen looked at the scene caused by the meteorite technique, and was very satisfied with its power.

"Your calculation is very accurate." After checking the target, Steller looked at Alan in surprise, as if meeting him for the first time.

"Then let's prepare. Take a day off first, and wait until tomorrow when you are back to your best condition. Then we will activate the True Meteor Technique to directly attack the Devil's Fortress." Allen hesitated after looking at Steller, who was a little weak. moment.

"This is for you!" Throwing a purple crystal bottle over.

"What is this?" As a result, what Alan threw over, Steller found that it was a crystal bottle that looked crystal clear and contained a purple liquid.

"The recovery potion can quickly restore magic power and mental power." Allen said with a slight smile.

"After releasing the meteorite technique, use it directly, it will allow you to recover some strength."

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