In addition to the kingdom of death, there are the most souls in the Styx, but stealing souls from the Styx is a technical job.

The River Styx flows out of nothingness, passes through the main material plane, then flows to the lower plane, and finally comes to the kingdom of death, and then returns to the source sea from here.

The Styx has countless tributaries, and these tributaries connect countless planes. The Styx will bring these souls to the underworld, so in theory, the Styx connects countless planes. Through the Styx, you can enter any The passing plane.

But very few people have done this for tens of thousands of years, because the Styx River is not safe. The water in the Styx River is very light and has almost no buoyancy. Except for the soul that can float on the water, other things will sink into the water. The tool that weighs the soul is called the golden balance.

It weighs the soul, and places the soul on one end of the scale and a feather on the other. The soul is lighter than a feather, and the river Styx is also known as the 'river of feathers sinking'.

The Styx is very corrosive. Human bodies will melt quickly after touching the water of the Styx. Even gods rarely touch the water of the Styx. In the multiverse, only Death can resist this kind of corrosion. force.

The more frightening thing about the water of the Styx River is that it can cleanse a person's memory, as long as they touch the water of the Styx River, they will permanently lose some memories. This is also an important purpose of the Styx. A large number of souls are attracted by the Styx, and then their memories will be washed away, and then they will enter the source sea to reincarnate.

So basically, except for the god of death or the servant of the god of death, no one will enter other main material worlds through the Styx.

The Styx Soulstealer is a kind of creature that lives near the Styx River. It is one of the few monsters who dare to touch the water of the Styx River. This monster is often in a state of confusion, because touching the soul is forbidden. The water of the Styx washes away the memory.

In fact, the various dangers of Styx are more to protect the soul from being stolen by others.

Except for these places, the most soul spars are devils and demons. Tibes world is now integrating the abyss in full swing, producing many soul spars. Allen got some high-level soul spars from Tibes, but because Tibes The world of Biss has a great demand for soul spars, so the number handed over to Allen is limited.

There are several ways to obtain soul crystals. The most simple and crude method is to kill people and then extract the soul. However, most of the soul crystals obtained by this method are of low quality, mostly gray, and there are basically no high-level soul crystals. One is Killing demons, devils and other powerful creatures, this method can get high-quality soul spar.

This is how Allen obtained the high-level soul spar, but this method is very dangerous, and demons are not so easy to kill. There are also some powerful soul bodies such as ghosts and earth-bound spirits. Soul crystals will be dropped when killed, and the higher the strength, the better the quality.

While the Aquamarine factory was being built, Allen sent a spaceship back to Earth and brought his clone here. He planned to let this clone take over the work here instead of him, and continue to enslave the Predator for him after Ai Lu left. Provide supplies.

Allen plans to build a seat gate in this plane, connect it with his wizard tower, and use the resources of this world to support the construction of his floating city.

It takes a lot of energy to open the gate of the plane. Allen plans to install it in his palace. There is an element pool here, and the energy in it is enough to open the gate of the plane. The gate of the plane is opened once a month. The materials accumulated for a month will be transported to the wizard tower.

After a large number of calculations by the chip, Allen began to build the gate of the plane in the palace. Because there is no interference from the will of the abyss, the consumption of this cross-plane transmission will be much reduced. The gate of the plane uses a lot of obsidian for construction.

At the same time, the element pool is connected, because it has been built several times, and the construction speed of this gate is very fast.

It took three days for Alan to complete the construction, and after handing over the task to the clone, he was about to leave this world, take the Alien Queen back to his private space, and fill the rest of the space with materials. on the palace.

There are many gains this time that cannot be taken away. This is something that Allen regrets. If the Iron-Blooded Battleship can be brought back to the wizarding world, this thing is already compared to a small floating city, but the Iron-Blooded Battleship is too big. Allen’s The private space can't fit, and the space channel opened by the gate of the plane is too small, so Allen can only leave this iron-blooded battleship here regretfully.

Open the system interface, click the return button, a spiritual light rises, and Alan's figure disappears in the empty palace.

Wizard World, Southeast Sea, Wizard Tower.

A spiritual light rose from the astrologer, and Alan's figure appeared here.

"It's so comfortable!"

Taking a deep breath of the air full of elemental energy, Allen stood on the astrologer and stretched. He actually tasted a slight sweetness in the air.

"The smell of elements is really good." After taking a few breaths of air, Allen was in a good mood.

To be honest, he felt very uncomfortable staying in that technological world, because the energy of the elements there was too low, like you used to live in the tropical rainforest with a humid climate, and then suddenly came to the Arabian desert. .

It is very difficult to release spells and restore magic power, just like walking in mudflats, with great obstacles. Allen doesn't like this feeling very much, but this time the rewards are also great.

"Subject, you are back." A clone exactly like Allen appeared on the astrologer. This is a trumpet cloned by Allen before. When Allen travels to other planes, he will be awakened Housekeeping. This clone was only a level 1 wizard before, but now it has reached level 2.

"Well." Allen nodded, and then took back a trace of the soul in the clone, and everything that happened during this period appeared in his mind.

Waving the clone into the life-support cabin, Allen left the astrologer. During this time, the first phase of the floating city project was underway. The central city of Atlantis had just been separated, and other transformations had just begun , the main reason is the shortage of manpower.

But this time with the alien brought back by Allen, I believe the progress of the project will be much faster. The steel golem production line is also slowly being assembled. Due to the lack of raw materials, the construction has not been accelerated. However, this time when Alan comes back, he will assemble it as soon as possible. After a long period of accumulation, there are now more than 800 high-level soul spars. , enough to produce for a while.

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