Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 364 Parliament

After completing the diamond golem, Allen returned to his peaceful daily work, doing research and learning every day.

As a qualified legendary wizard, it is necessary to master enough super magic expertise. In many cases, the combat power of a legendary wizard is directly related to the super magic expertise he has mastered.

Allen had to share the technical information of the elemental furnace with Tibes. Although there has been a lot of progress, there are still many problems. The danger of the elemental furnace is very high. Allen is not clear about the principle of the Miser nuclear, but only knows it. Relying on the magic net, it can stably extract energy from the magic net.

The elemental furnace uses elemental fission or elemental fusion. Both of these situations are completed in an instant, and then a huge amount of energy erupts. Controlling the reaction speed is very critical. With continuous research, Allen has a preliminary understanding of the elemental furnace. idea.

If the energy problem of the floating tower is solved, the next step is to upgrade the floating tower into a floating city. It is impossible for Allen's floating city to follow the arcane city of Tibes world.

The arcane city of Tibes World gathers the power of the entire plane, has enough spellcasters and various resources, and some rare resources can also be obtained, so it can be built very large. It is impossible to realize, so the floating city needs to be simplified as much as possible, and at the same time, it needs to leave room for upgrading and transformation.

A floating city needs many components, such as floating towers, golem factories, energy storage areas, ecological parks, residential areas, weapons and equipment, mission halls, air circulation systems, and so on.

Of course, it is impossible to complete so many parts at one time. Allen plans to use the central area of ​​Atlantis City directly as the main body of the floating city, so that there is no need to build another city, but there are many cities in Atlantis Modifications are required everywhere.

The construction method Allen plans to use the assembled construction, and each part is detachable. The advantage of this method is that it can be constructed in sections, and it is also very convenient to repair and replace after serious damage.

The Five Rings Tower is already contacting other wizarding organizations at this time. The first contact is the Wizarding Union and Blind Eye. These two wizarding organizations are both large wizarding organizations, and they have a good relationship with the Five Rings Tower. Knowing that there are other worlds that have been eroded by the abyss, and came to this world to ask for help, the two wizarding organizations sent enough wizards to come immediately.

Allen was also invited to the meeting. As the wizard who knew Tibes best, they had a lot to confirm with Allen.

The proposal to form an alliance to fight against the abyss did not go as smoothly as expected. Wizards are not the Holy Mother, on the contrary they value interests extremely.

For a wizarding civilization that was about to enter the astral era, it was very difficult to conduct a cross-plane battle.

"I'm sorry, Sir William!"

"Although I personally sympathize with what happened to your world, this doesn't make our Wizarding Union make up our minds to go to Tibes for support."

"The wizarding world is also becoming dangerous now, and there is a group of depraved dark wizards who are willing to rush to be the lackeys of the abyss. We have been involved a lot of energy. If we go to support Tibes, we are likely to be messed up by these degenerates. A blind witch stood up and said, her eyes were closed tightly, and her beautiful face was a little sickly pale.

"My eyes see the future, it's full of fog, I can't see the light."

"I understand your concerns. Ms. Alka." William said in a low voice.

"Prophecy has been ineffective for most of this period, and the power of the abyss will obscure the future, unless you can pass through the obstacles of the abyss, and you should understand that the effect of prophecy is extremely limited, and the future is not static. It is about the fate of the entire world. , You’d better not go peeping. Few people can bear the price after the backlash.” William Oak glanced at the witch with her eyes closed and continued.

"We will unite as many wizards as possible."

"I hope you can join me when the time comes. I know this task is difficult, but I will not give up for the sake of my hometown!"

"The abyss is our common enemy. If Tibes is swallowed by the abyss one day, do you think the wizarding world can escape?" William said with a serious expression.

"Even if the world of Tibes is occupied by the abyss, they still need to digest their spoils. Every invasion of the abyss is in the period of elemental tides, and the time of elemental tides is only a few hundred years. It is very likely that the world of Tibes will be digested by the abyss." After that, it will fall back into elemental silence, and the abyss plane will stop expanding." A somewhat fiery voice interrupted William's words.

"It's good to be able to defeat the will of the abyss, but now we are not sure about defeating them."

William was silent.

"I don't think we should run away, or even deceive ourselves into believing that the abyss will stop after devouring Tibes."

"Instead of hoping that the abyss will stop, it's better to work hard to strengthen yourself." Allen said in a deep voice from the side. Is it possible to count on the mercy of an opponent? The abyss has more appetite than you can imagine.

Faced with Allen's words, the wizard obviously didn't think about this problem. Some people are like this, and they are unwilling to face reality even at the last moment.

"Everyone, our world of Tibes has more advanced technology than the world of wizards. We will share information with wizard organizations that are willing to help the world of Tibes and help us fight against the abyss."

"You know, our Arcane Council has inherited some of the technologies handed down from the Arcane Empire period, such as floating tower technology, floating city technology, and some supermagic specialties. These are what the wizarding world needs. Sincerity." William Oak took a deep breath and took out the chips in his hand.

Hearing William Oak's words, several wizards looked at each other, and then a man in a white wizard robe stood up and said slowly: "Your Excellency William, I know that you have paid an incalculable price to fight against the abyss. , we are willing to fight against the abyss with you, but we need to obtain the technology you mentioned."

When William heard this, his face finally became much lighter: "Yes, as long as the alliance is formally established, we will keep our promise, and I hope you will do the same."

"Our world is already in a precarious state. The greed of the abyss is endless. It will extend its tentacles to other worlds. You are also the target of the abyss."

"The abyss watches you."

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