Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 129 Eye Demon (1)

Allen checked the direction, compared the distance, and walked northeast.

After leaving for a few kilometers, and after it was far enough away from the stronghold, Allen began to investigate carefully.

"Chip! Turn on detailed scanning!"

An invisible wave of light spread around Alan as the center, and Alan plunged into the dark area. As he got deeper and deeper, more and more demonized beasts appeared around him. If he could hide, Alan would hide. If you can't avoid it, solve it quickly and sneak all the way. Fortunately, you don't encounter groups of demonized beasts.

The chip continuously fed back the scanned terrain to Allen's brain. Allen's fingers flashed, and the surrounding terrain began to appear on the sheepskin scroll.

This kind of magic map is very peculiar. Ai Lu seals the surrounding mirror images into the scroll, and a rough topographic map will automatically appear on the scroll. The map that appears on the sheepskin scroll looks more like hand-drawn and cannot preserve the mirror image, but this level is enough for use.

"Drip! Found a man-made building." The voice of the chip machine reminded.

Allen glanced at it, and couldn't help being surprised: "So lucky! There is an ancient ruin here."

Looking at the location marked on the chip, it was about 700 meters away from Allen. In front of it is a small mound, covering the ruins.

Allen directly activated the innate spell on his body, and a flash of light flashed. Immediately after casting an acceleration technique, the whole person rushed over like a bow and arrow off the string.

Quickly bypassing the small hill, a passage appeared in front of him. After walking in, a huge abandoned device appeared in front of him.

This is a metal creation with a length of more than ten meters. The surface has been severely corroded, revealing the structure inside. A broken pipe can be seen inside. The material of the pipe looks like some kind of crystal, and there are some broken pipes not far away. It looked like it was vandalized.

The part connecting the foundation is still there, and most of the others are missing. There are a lot of animal feces around, and some broken bones are scattered around.

"Drip! Warning! There are a lot of high-energy reactions around, please leave the host as soon as possible!! Please leave the host as soon as possible!!!"

"Drip! The species is approaching at high speed! It is expected to encounter the host in 30 seconds, please prepare the host as soon as possible!"

On the light blue map in front of him, red dots are marked out one by one, and the closest one is only tens of meters away from Alan.

Before he had time to think about it, Allen flicked his finger slightly, and a fireball flew out in an instant. With a 'bang', the monster running in the front was blown out.

Then the light came on, and Allen could clearly see the creatures in the dark.

It was a group of various underground species, gray dwarves, subterranean salamanders, and a disgusting species, the Dreadclaw. Allen found several different underground species here and there.

How could these different species appear here together, Allen wondered. The Dreadclaw is a monster mutated by underground radiation and the ecological environment. It has keen hearing and can walk upright. It has a pair of terrifying giant claws, a sharp beak, a pair of compound eyes, and a layer of gray on the outside of its body. hard shell.

The height is close to three meters. After seeing the Dreadclaw, Allen's face changed slightly. The Dreadclaw usually lives in groups, with 5-20 in a litter, and the number of red dots marked on the chip has exceeded 20.

- Mire

A bit of aura full of earth elements flew out, and instantly landed in front of the group of monsters. The monsters rushing in front didn't even have time to stop, and rushed directly into the swamp.

Allen didn't care about it, and the aura kept emerging in his hand. The next moment, the instant spell has been completed.

- Flash


Dreadclaws are afraid of strong light, and their eyes have degenerated very small after living underground for a long time. When they suddenly see strong light, they will lose their eyesight in an instant.

Blindness caused the group of monsters to fall into chaos, and then the fire storm enveloped them all.

A burnt stench permeated the cave, mixed with some meaty smell. After the chip scan, most of the monsters had lost their life signs.

The spell energy was exhausted, Allen stood on the still hot ground, and killed the monsters that hadn't died yet. It is not easy for species to gather together, unless...

At this moment, Allen's brain seemed to be hit hard with a hammer. The severe pain made Allen unstable, and then his eyes went dark, and a sense of dizziness continued to come.

A wave of warmth flowed out of his nose. After being attacked, Allen didn't dare to stay in place, and rolled on the ground. Immediately afterwards, there were constant explosions from where he was standing just now, and flying stones hit Allen's body body.

"Psychic shock, beholder." At this time, even if he didn't see Allen, he could guess what kind of monster it was. One of the most dangerous monsters in the underground, the beholder.

Like his cousin the abyss beholder, this kind of beholder who lives underground also likes to dominate other intelligent creatures. According to legend, the beholder once formed a huge empire-the spirit-sucking monster empire, enslaving many other species including humans , but the empire was later destroyed.

There are also some subspecies of beholders, such as the tentacle evil eye, which is widely distributed in the underground world, but its power to manipulate the mind is far inferior to that of beholders.

The underground beholder mainly enslaves gray dwarves and other species. Although its strength is not as strong as the abyss beholder, it is already a monster at the top of the food chain underground.

Enduring the strong pain, Allen didn't dare to stay in shape. Explosions continued to come from the ground behind him. He kept dodging, and after a jump, he finally hid behind the ruins.

At this time, the tearing pain in his mind faded a little, and before he had time to wipe off the blood stains on his face, he endured the swelling pain in his brain, and Allen cast a protective spell - "Mind Protection."

On the map in front of him, the position of the beholder has been marked. This cunning monster is hiding behind a stone pillar, and the two stone pillars form a blind spot, where the beholder was hiding just now.

- mirror image

Allen summoned a mirror image, and then cast a shadow spell on himself, commanding the mirror image to rush out from the other side, and then quietly hid in the shadow.

The moment the mirror image rushed out, it was fired by several beams of light. After barely avoiding it, it was finally hit by one of them. The moment the mirror image was hit, it turned into a little bit of fluorescence and dissipated.

And Allen has gradually approached the beholder in the shadows, and found that the beholder who was tricked began to glance around in an instant. Then a white ripple spread instantly.


At this time, Alan was only ten meters away from the beholder. Seeing that the beholder used this spell, the sharp sword in Alan's hand, who knew he couldn't dodge, trembled slightly.

——Advanced Acceleration

A flash of spiritual light flashed, and the person rushed out at an accelerated speed.

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