Dragon Hermit

Chapter 443 Lifting People Up Again

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"Green, can you help me teach this yellow-skinned boy a lesson?" Lao Mi's character is direct, Derek didn't have any tact, and he wanted to teach Xia Yan directly.

"Of course, we are friends, but why did you teach him a lesson?" Old Heigelin asked with a grinning grin while squeezing his sand bowl-sized fist.

"He stole my woman!" Derek said cheekily.

"Derek, don't you want to be ashamed, who is your woman?" Catherine exploded, "Also, if you dare to do anything to Xia, I will tell the captain, you will be kicked off the ship, and you will be prosecuted, I guarantee you You will definitely be convicted!"

"Boy Huang, are you going to let a woman protect you?" Derek shouted at Xia Yan instead of arguing with Catherine.

"Hehe!" Xia Yan laughed, but the smile was stunned, and Derek angered him by spitting out "yellow boy".

"Catherine, thank you for speaking for me, but let me settle this matter myself." Xia Yan stood up from the recliner and stood in front of Green and Derek. Derek was around eight meters tall and Green was one meter taller. Both of them were taller than Xia Yan in their early nineties, and Green's explosive muscles were strengthened twice by Xia Yan.

It seemed that Xia Yan was at a disadvantage, as if he was no match for these two muscular men.

But Bai Shaoming never saw it that way. Xia Yan lifted up his former special forces bodyguards and almost threw them into the sea. Could these two be stronger now? That is impossible!

This opportunity must not be missed! Bai Shaoming thought for a second, then stood up, stood beside Xia Yan, and said loudly: "If you want to deal with Shao Xia, you have to pass my test first!"

Xia Yan naturally knew what this guy was thinking, but at a critical moment, it was not bad that this guy dared to stand up.

"Xiao Ming, this white man is handed over to you." Xia Yan looked at Bai Shaoming and said with a smile.

"No problem!" Bai Shaoming felt a little weak at Derek's strong body, but he still patted his chest. He couldn't give up in front of Xia Yan.

"Hehe, it's really not that simple!" Old Black Green grinned, his teeth were as white as a black toothpaste commercial.

"Hehe, it really came for me." Xia Yan also smiled, and when Lao Hei said "Sure enough", he could be sure.

Seeing the conflict here, the eyes of the entire swimming pool were attracted. Many people recognized Xia Yan. After all, he created a miracle in ** that day, and even made many people happy and won money.

Now that the two strong men seem to be disadvantageous to the magical Huaxia boy, those with a strong sense of justice are ready to come and watch. If there is no danger, help the Huaxia boy, and maybe let the Huaxia boy lead him to win another wave money!

"What are you doing?" A tall and shapely white man strode over, ready to stop Green and Drucker. Before he could approach, Green stretched out his hand and grabbed one of his arms. Then he bent down and lifted up the 90-kilogram man, and threw it into the swimming pool with a "plop".

As soon as this hand was revealed, many people stopped. No one wanted to provoke such a murderer because of Xia Yan.

Seeing Green showing his hand, Drucker smiled happily.

Bai Shaoming felt bitter in his heart, damn, how can this old black lift people up? Who is stronger, he or Xia Yan? Should I not stand up?

Derek was also taken aback by Green's divine power, and immediately became excited, looking at Xia Yan and Bai Shaoming provocatively, his eyes were full of "Are you scared?"

Of course Xia Yan wasn't afraid, he could see clearly that the old black man was purely using his own body strength, and it wasn't as easy as he looked, as evidenced by the veins on his neck.

This old black doesn't seem to be a person with supernatural abilities, so why did they find him? strangeness!

"Yellow boy, you..." Derek was triumphant, and was about to humiliate Xia Yan, who knew that just after saying a few words, Xia Yan stepped forward and punched Green quickly.

This Green has put in a lot of hard work in boxing, comparable to professional boxers. Even if he doesn't fight, and ordinary people hit him on the head, others may not be able to touch his face when they are tired.

With a sway, he dodged Xia Yan's fist, and was about to hit the yellow-skinned boy's ribs with a left hook, but he felt his arm tighten. It turned out that Xia Yan's other hand was moving faster. grabbed his arm.

Xia Yan pulled him into his arms. The old black still wanted to break free, but he couldn't move. Xia Yan's hands were like pliers, and the strength was terrifying. It made him feel that it was not a person who pulled him, but A car, with no resistance at all, was pulled over.

Then his waist tightened, and he also grabbed hold of it, and then his body was lifted up sideways, facing the sky on his back, completely losing the possibility of resisting.

This trick again! Bai Shaoming yelled in his heart, he was so excited, last time Xia Yan raised his bodyguard, he was scared at that time, but now it is someone else, he just feels excited.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, Old Heigelin felt that the sun was dazzling, so he couldn't help squinting his eyes, his heart was full of fear. It was too fast, the strength was too great, how could I be lifted up so easily? Who are we going to deal with this time?

Derek was stunned. When Green lifted someone into the swimming pool, he was so excited, but now, it was Green's turn to be lifted, and it took only a dozen seconds before and after. How could the plot be reversed?

The other people in the swimming pool were also stunned. Do you want to be so exaggerated? Why do they all like to lift people up?

Moreover, that magical Huaxia boy looks much thinner than that black man, and he can lift a strong man of nearly two hundred catties with ease. Is he a weightlifter? Huaxia's weightlifting is really strong, and they often win gold medals in the Olympics...

Catherine covered her mouth, her blue eyes opened wide, her face was full of surprise, and when she looked at Xia Yan, her eyes were even more radiant. Women admire powerful men. At this moment, Catherine fell in love with Xia Yan.

In the middle of everyone's surprised eyes, Xia Yan pushed with both hands, and threw Old Hei Green into the swimming pool. Old Hei rolled 3600 degrees in the air, turned dizzy, and splashed water several meters high. If it was a diving competition, he would It can only be a tragedy.

Of course, he is also a tragedy now.

The crowd of onlookers exploded with a bang, and the scene before them was astonishing.

Moreover, this is the victory of justice over evil, and it is a plot that everyone loves to see! Just now when Old Hei threw someone into the swimming pool, he had already committed public outrage. Seeing him in such a mess now, everyone couldn't help being upset.

And the mysterious aura that shrouded Xia Yan's body added another layer. The lucky Huaxia boy turned out to be a master of Chinese Kungfu just like Bruce Lee!

Xia Yan raised her head and saw a few people standing by the railing on the upper deck, all of them with beards had gloomy faces.

"It's my turn!" Xia Yan said silently. Seeing his mouth shape, the bearded face became more gloomy. Without saying a word, he turned and left.

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