Colonel Siruba's jaw dropped in surprise and he looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

The pain at the joint of his fist made him feel like he was punching the steel.

How is this possible?

I am a powerful existence that can blow up the sandbag with one punch!

With just one punch, Colonel Siruba felt an unprecedented sense of frustration, and his already strong self-confidence was already on the verge of collapse.

"Cyborgs! This man must be the same android that Dr. Groh created, his whole body is forged from mimic alloys! Colonel

Siruba instantly found an excuse for himself, not that he was too weak, but that the other party was not human at all!

Thinking about it this way, Colonel Siruba felt much better.

"What about androids? It's just that my body is a little harder, and with my fighting skills, I've defeated three androids head-on in the android data experiment! Colonel

Siruba said coldly: "The knife is coming!

When a soldier heard this, he hurriedly handed over a sharp long knife respectfully.

"My long knife is also made of alloy, so let's see if your body is hard, or if my knife is harder!"

After speaking, Colonel Siruba jumped in the air and slashed at Li Shu's head.

"There it is!"

Li Shu finally thought of a countermeasure at this time, there were 20 seconds left before the 30-second time limit, and before the long knife slashed him, he first took a [Super Painkiller].

Then the attack of the long knife approached, splitting his upper body in half.

"Big brother!" Wukong screamed in horror, and a strong anger rushed towards the Heavenly Spirit Gai, and he was about to rush up and beat Siluba.

At this moment, Li Shu's voice came from the mouth on the head that was split in half.

"Wukong, don't panic, I just want him to open his eyes, flesh and blood can also be comparable to steel."

Such a strange scene made everyone present stupid.

Colonel Siruba's jaw dropped in shock, his eyes bulging, and he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

The viscera that was clearly visible, even if it was split in two, was still beating, and the strange thing was that not a drop of blood flowed out.

Li Shu, who was divided in half, smiled, looking very weird, and slapped the stunned Colonel Siruba away.

Then he pulled out the long knife stuck in his body, and with a flick of his hand, it was inserted into the crotch of Colonel Siruba's pants, almost scaring him to pee, and his face turned green with fright.

At the same time, under the effect of the [Immortal Body], Li Shu's upper body, which was divided into two, returned to normal, and there was no abnormality in the slightest.

"One against ten?" Li Shu's gaze at Siruba was full of contempt, and with a wave of his hand, a full moon slowly rose in his hand, "Xiao Qisan, have you ever seen such a power?" "

Hex?" Colonel Siruba was like a stunned old iron, his fragile heart was hit again, and the fear of the unknown made his body tremble a little!

"Shoot! Shoot! Colonel Siruba shouted, and the frightened soldiers suddenly woke up like a dream, and instantly pulled the trigger.

Dense bullets shot at Li Shu and Wukong like a storm.

However, the next scene made them feel even more frightened and hopeless.

The imaginary image of the enemy being shot into a hornet's nest does not appear, but two rapidly expanding bodies, gradually dilating in their pupils.

The bullets struck the two hairy bodies, making a ping-pong sound that didn't hurt them in the slightest.

Not even a single hair has been knocked out.



The two huge giant apes broke through the roof in an instant, exuding a violent and ferocious aura from all over their bodies, like a demon god who was destroying the world and standing up to the sky, and their huge pupils indifferently stared at the crowd below like ants.

Looking at the two behemoths in front of them, the soldiers who were full of heart and gall fired a few red quivers, and after seeing that the other party did not hurt in the slightest, they immediately scattered and fled, and became a mess.

Colonel Siruba raised his head with empty eyes, he was already frightened and stupid, when he saw the android for the first time, his worldview was shocked to a mess, and he felt that this world was too outrageous.

Now, he has finally reconstructed his worldview and accepted this new world, only to see the scene in front of him again.

The flesh and blood body is not only invulnerable, but after being split in half, it is still alive and kicking, and it returns to normal in an instant, which is something that people can do?

Now that he had transformed into a monstrous giant ape, the mere ferocious aura that he exuded had broken through his psychological defenses, leaving him without any resistance and only wanting to flee this terrible place.

When he thought of his previous arrogance and conceit, he felt extremely uncomfortable and ashamed.

With a record of one enemy and ten, he is proud enough in the Red Ribbon Legion, but in front of the real powerhouse, he is so small and vulnerable.

Even the other party doesn't need to make a move, just a wisp of breath can break his confidence and make him break his heart!

Colonel Siruba wanted to escape, but under the suppression of this fierce aura, he was too frightened to move.

"One against ten?" The giant ape spat out and laughed disdainfully, and then suddenly shouted: "Let you see, what is called a husband and a wife!" I alone will be enough to annihilate your entire Red Ribbon Legion!

In this roar, Li Shu exerted the power of [Lion's Roar].

After transforming into a giant ape, its rough and tyrannical voice, with the blessing of [Lion Roar], was like a demonic sound of destroying the world, impacting everyone's hearts and minds pervasively, deafening.




The soldiers who fled in all directions covered their ears in pain, collapsed to the ground and bled through seven holes, writhing and struggling on the ground like maggots.

Colonel Siruba was the closest to the Great Ape and bore the brunt of it, and his pain was several times greater than that of the other soldiers.

Not only was he bleeding from his seven orifices, but the pores of his whole body were oozing blood, and his face was as white as paper after losing too much blood.

In addition to fear, there is still fear in the pupils.

Li Shu didn't hurt the killer, he only roared for a second, then stopped and launched the [Inverter Domain].

I saw an invisible ripple, spreading towards the surroundings, and the bodies of Li Shu and Wukong instantly lifted their transformation state and returned to their original state.

"Big brother?" Wukong looked at Li Shu in surprise, the giant ape transformation was lifted like this?

"I'll explain it to you later." A touch of disappointment flashed in Li Shu's eyes, he was really within the scope of everyone, and he was also unable to transform, even if it was the spell caster, it was difficult to avoid it.

It's a long time, but it's only been about 20 seconds.

"None of this broke his faith?" Li Shu frowned slightly, and walked towards the sluggish Colonel Siruba.

"Don't come here!" Colonel Siruba looked at the other in horror, but he had lost even the courage to escape, and could only let out a silent cry, his voice full of supplication.

There were only 5 seconds left before the mission time, and Li Shu looked down at Colonel Siruba, his face becoming more and more ugly.

After doing so much, is it in vain after all?

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