Douluo’s Different Fire Becomes God

Chapter 29: The first soul fight (catching insects)

After registering in the Arena for the first time, he will become Iron Fighting Soul. Tang Yan took the Iron Fighting Soul medal to look around, and then put it away without any interest.

Next to him, Tang San whispered to Tang Yan explaining the rules of the fighting spirit arena. In the Arena of Fighting Souls, it takes one hundred points to rise from Iron Fighting Soul to Bronze Fighting Soul, and one thousand points to rise to Silver Fighting Soul. The highest score among all Shrek is only ten, and it was only accumulated by Ma Hongjun after participating in a few games before.

"Then, what are your points, brother?" Tang Yan looked at Tang San curiously, and Tang San smiled, "My brother's points are only one, he won a one-to-one match before. But as long as he can continue If you win, your points will increase exponentially. Yan'er has to come on."

"Well, brother, don't worry, I will definitely not hold back." Tang Yan's white and tender face was serious. When he was at Notting College, he heard other students say that the weakest one in a team is to hold back. Yes, he will definitely not become the weakest, to drag his brother's hind legs.

Tang San smiled, touched Tang Yan's hair, and led him into the arena of souls following the master.

Because the team battle started late, everyone except Oscar and Ning Rongrong decided to take part in the one-on-one competition first.

As night fell, the Great Fighting Soul Arena was as lively as ever, and the bustling crowd included civilians, nobles and rich people.

Master and Flanders, Zao Wou-ki led nine people into the thirteen points of the Arena of Souls. According to the requirements of the master, the nine people signed up with the medals of Iron Fighting Soul, and besides Tang Yan, the other eight people also specialized After adding ten gold soul coins, the names on the materials were changed and changed to the nicknames they had just chosen today.

Several people who want to conduct one-on-one and two-on-two competitions at the same time also explained to the staff of the Arena separately, so that they can stagger the time of their appearances to avoid time conflicts.

In the end, Tang Yan teamed up with Tang San for a two-on-two match, and even gave a cute name: Blue Silver Hammer. Several other people kept shaking their shoulders and laughing because of the name, and even the master cocked his mouth. But Tang San touched Tang Yan's hair as he always did. Although the name didn't have any momentum at all, it was good for Yan'er to be happy.

Tang Yan and Tang San, Xiao Wu and Qingfeng decided to take part in the two-to-two competition first, while the others first went to the one-on-one competition. Oscar and Ning Rongrong could not participate in the competition alone, so they went with them. .

Dean Flender and Teacher Zao Wou-ki both went to the one-on-one arena with a crowd of people, while the master stayed in the two-on-two arena.

Because there will be team battles next, Tang Yan and Tang San as well as Xiao Wu and Qingfeng will all be arranged to play in front. If they are unlucky, the two teams are most likely to be arranged as opponents. But fortunately, Tang Yan and Tang San were the second to play, while Xiao Wu and Qingfeng were the first to play before them.

Tang Yan and Tang San stood under the Arena of Souls and looked at Xiao Wu and Qingfeng. One of them was a strong attack type spirit master and the other a sensitive attack type spirit master. They were both top martial arts spirits, unless they encountered extremely difficult opponents. Otherwise Xiao Wu and Qingfeng would generally not lose.

And the result was exactly as they expected, Xiao Wu and Qingfeng won the first two-on-two competition without spending much time.

Many people in the stands were very angry, because the two people named Wufeng combination by Xiao Wu were basically unknown, naturally no one would support them, but the other combination that was put down by everyone lost completely.

After Xiao Wu came down from the battlefield, she smiled with Tang Yan, "You have to win!"

"Yeah." Tang Yan nodded earnestly, and followed Tang San to the soul arena.

The host is standing aside announcing that they are going to play, "The next one is the Blue Silver Hammer combination, and their opponent is the cat and mouse combination that has won four consecutive victories. The strength of the cat and mouse combination is at the Soul Sovereign level. Undoubtedly, can they win the blue and silver hammer combination of their opponents today? If they win this competition, they will complete a five-game winning streak and may enter the Central Arena of Souls. But the honor of the soul-fighter!"

As soon as the host said what the host said, there was a lot of laughter in the stands, even mixed with boos, many people directly laughed and said: "Blue Silver Hammer, hahaha, what is this name? I'm afraid it is in my heart. !"

However, Tang Yan and Tang San, who were standing in the stands, ignored the voices in the audience, instead focusing on the name of the cat and mouse combination in the host's words. From the name alone, they knew that their opponents were all agile attack type spirit masters, and Tang San happened to be the nemesis of agile attack type spirit masters.

As long as the level does not exceed their tenth level, they are 100% sure to win this competition.

Soon their opponent, the Cat and Mouse combination, came on stage. The Cat and Mouse combination is a male and a female. The female has short red hair, a slender figure, sharp eyes, and her ten fingers are constantly moving slightly. Dai Mubai once said that the ten-finger rhythm of the feline spirit masters is their usual movement.

The man was short in stature and extremely fat, even fatter than Ma Hongjun. Only those small eyes showed the feeling of a rat-like martial spirit.

Not to mention how ridiculous the combination of their appearance, just to say that they can win four games in a row proves that their strength is indeed amazing.

The cat and mouse group naturally looked at Tang Yan and Tang San when they came on stage, but they were stunned when they saw the green monster masks on their faces. The soul masters who came to the arena to compete will inevitably need to conceal their identities, but bring them There are still very few people in masks.

The atmosphere of the two-on-two arena has already been mobilized after the first match. Thanks to Xiaowu and Qingfeng, because they also wear green monster masks, many people are beginning to look forward to this two-on-two. Test.

The host didn't delay too much, and immediately announced that the two-on-two battle of souls had officially begun.

As soon as the host's voice fell, the four of them released Wuhun at the same time. Sure enough, the red-haired woman was a cat-like Wuhun. After Wuhun possessed her body, her pupils were erected, her upper body was crawling, and a layer of silver hair appeared on her body. The image of the man with the martial spirit of the rat is a bit funny, after all, the fat rat is really not that beautiful.

However, the spirit rings released by the two were all white, yellow and purple, which shows that the third spirit abilities given to them by their third spirit ring are not so ordinary.

However, the senses that Tang Yan and Tang San gave the audience were even more amazed, the same two yellow and one purple six spirit rings moving around them. The blue silver grass blades that had turned into blue-purple creeped quietly on the ground, while Tang Yan held his blue-golden hammer in both hands and looked at the other two.

Although the cat and mouse combination was taken aback by the matching of Tang Yan and Tang San's spirit ring, the arrow was on the line at the moment, and it had to be sent. The red-haired woman stretched out, her legs swiftly rhythmic, as if a whirlwind hit the two of them. At the same time, the first two spirit rings around her lighted up slightly, and a sharp claw attack followed.

Tang San had already judged human attacks at a glance, one was speed blessing, and the other was sharp claw attack. Tang San didn't retreat but moved forward, stepping on the ghost and shadow, and using his hands to control the crane to capture the dragon, and the future attack will be biased.

But what was also shocking to Tang San was that he was staggered by the woman's attack strength, and the woman's spirit power level might not be lower than Dai Mubai.

And Tang Yan had some spiritual communication with Tang San because of the twins, and they had a tacit understanding in the battle. When Tang San dealt with the red-haired woman, Tang Yan had already jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the fat man.

Although the man was fat, he was a spirit master of the agile attack type, and his speed was no slower than that of the red-haired woman, or even faster. The man's first and second spirit rings also lit up at the same time, attacking Tang Yan.

But Tang Yan's first spirit ability not only added a tremendous amount of weight to his Lan Hao hammer, but also gave it a spirit ability that can be said to be a control system. Sure enough, after Tang Yan hit the ground with a hammer, the man's speed dropped suddenly.

Although the man's speed slowed down, his third spirit ring lit up, and a shadow-like tail whip slammed towards Tang Yan. Tang Yan quickly took off after the first hammer hit the ground. He didn't care about the man's tail whip attack. He smashed the astonishing weight of Lan Hao on the man's body and smashed the same low-weight man off the competition table. .

And the woman on Tang San's side was kicked off the competition stage by Tang San at the same time. It turned out that when the woman was attacking Tang San, Tang San's blue silver grass had already quietly entangled the woman. After avoiding the woman's first attack, the woman also launched a second attack, but after being avoided by Tang San, she was paralyzed by the speed contained in the blue silver grass and kicked off the competition platform.

The entire battle was extremely short. The cat and mouse combination activated all six spirit abilities, while Tang San and Tang Yan each activated only one spirit ability. Although Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass was not awakened, how could the Blue Silver Grass inherited from A Yin’s Blue Silver Emperor be an ordinary Blue Silver Grass, not to mention Tang Yan’s Lan Hao Hammer was the Blue Silver Emperor and the Clear Sky Hammer. Combined mutant Martial Soul. Although the martial spirits of the two were not apparent on the surface, they were actually the best martial spirits.

The gap between the spirits will bring completely different combat power to the spirit masters of the same level, not to mention that the spirit rings of the two are far stronger than those seen by outsiders.

Tang Yan slightly tickled the corner of Tang San's mouth. He still remembered that his brother said not to laugh casually outside. Not only is he not just a random fire, he is also a fire that listens to his brother.

The master sitting in the stands nodded in satisfaction. The opponents Xiao Wu and Qingfeng had encountered before were about the same level as theirs, so the ease of winning may not be so obvious. But Tang Yan and Tang San’s opponents’ spirit power levels are obviously much higher than them, and they can win the game so quickly and easily. Not only is the difference in spirits, the difference in spirit rings, and the reason for the restraint of the spirits, but also Their resilience and the degree of familiarity with their own martial arts and soul abilities.

The training of the previous month has already paid off!

The host announced the victory of the new combination of Blue and Silver Hammers, and the people who bet them to win because they saw their masks are the same as the masks they won the first time on stage can be said to have made a profit this time.

The cheers and boos of the people in the stands sounded at the same time, but these Tang Yan and Tang San no longer paid attention. They were already meeting with Xiao Wu, Qingfeng, and the master to prepare for a one-on-one match.

Maybe today is the lucky day for everyone in Shrek, and all nine people have won one-on-one and two-on-two. The combination called Crazy Team encountered in the team battle, although it was also a difficult bone to chew, everyone in Shrek still won the competition even when Tang Yan and Oscar did not participate.

In the final team battle, Tang San's temperament changed drastically because of the spirit bone attached to his back. As a result, Tang San was entangled by Tang Yan. He carefully confirmed that Tang San really did not appear. The question came down from Tang San.

And the spider female soul master of the opposing team who lost the game looked at Tang San, who was still cold and evil for a second, with a warm smile at Tang Yan, feeling cold all over her body inexplicably. How indifferent to outsiders can you manage your emotions so freely!

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