Douluo: The Legendary Hegemony of Douluo

Chapter 62 Defeat, Yu Tianheng!

Training Course.

The area of ​​the battlefield here is huge, enough to cover an area equal to that of the royal trainees.

At this time, nearly a hundred teenagers gathered together.

They were arranged in two rows, but luckily the venue was big enough for a hundred children to be arranged in two rows.

I saw a hundred children facing each other in pairs, each with a red line in front of them.

And in the center where the two children are facing each other, a huge square stone stands upright.

Chen Xiu'er simply understood the rules, which are mainly similar to tug-of-war.

Two-person turn system, one person can attack the boulder once, and then it is the next person's turn to attack.

Until one party hits the boulder to the other party's red line.

This is also a test of endurance, but more emphasis on explosive power.

If the explosive power is strong enough, the winner can be determined in the first round!

You can use martial souls or soul skills.

But can't hurt the opponent, can't destroy the boulder.

These children also have an unwritten rule, that is, no one will use Wuhun in the first ten rounds!

"Group 16, Yu Tianxuan, are you new here?" the teacher asked.

"Yes, teacher." Chen Xiu'er replied neither humble nor overbearing.

The teacher just squinted at Chen Xiu'er, he felt the need to suppress the newcomer's spirit.

"Group sixteen, Yu Tianxuan, you fight Yu Tianheng."

After the words fell, there was a burst of exclamation below!

"This newcomer is really sad. He ran into Boss Tianheng on the first day."

"It's boring, it's boring, I can't see the boss slapping Yu Tianxin anymore."


"Yu Tianheng didn't meet our boss, it's his luck!"

"That's right, that's right, if he meets our boss, I'm afraid he won't lose too badly."

"It would be embarrassing to lose at that time."

"You fart!"

"Your mouth stinks!"

"You don't wash your feet!"

"You hold stinky feet!"

"I'll poke your nostrils!"

"I'll pick your eyeballs!"

"Fight!" xN

The battle is on the verge of breaking out, girls against girls, boys against boys.

Yu Tianling was worried about Chen Xiu'er.

"Tianxuan will definitely not be able to beat Yu Tianheng, I hope he won't try too hard." Yu Tianling worried.

Back to Chen Xiu'er.

"Yu Tianheng, it's a boss fight, but I like it!" Chen Xiu'er laughed secretly.

"New here, it's your misfortune to meet me, don't say I bully you, I don't use martial spirit, and I will let you attack three times first." Yu Tianheng stretched out three fingers and smiled.

"Sure enough, it's as arrogant as the rumors, but I never take advantage of others, and I don't use a martial soul." Chen Xiu'er laughed.

Yu Tianheng frowned.

This person seems to be more pretentious than me!

"Don't say big things too early, you will lose at that time, it will be embarrassing." Yu Tianheng laughed.

"This sentence, I will give you back exactly what I said. The grass on the grave of the person who looked down on me at the beginning is already three feet high." Chen Xiu'er was furious, and directly punched the boulder!

At this moment, the dragon blood in Chen Xiuer's body boiled!

The blood vessels emitted a blood-red light, looming!


Chen Xiu'er's fist hit the boulder, and the boulder suddenly slid towards Yu Tianheng's direction!

For a moment, Yu Tianheng was shocked!

If he can maintain this strength with three punches, then Yu Tianheng will be cool immediately!

"This kid's fist is too terrifying, he is simply a monster! In terms of body alone, I may not be his opponent!" Yu Tianheng secretly gritted his teeth.

He really regretted it this time.

The previous sense of superiority is gone!

"Don't say I bully you, I only punch this one, besides, you are weaker than me, I don't need the pity of the weak," Chen Xiu'er said arrogantly.

He was deliberately provoking Yu Tianheng!

Through Yu Tianheng, Chen Xiuer will become famous in one battle!


Yu Tianheng clenched his sharp teeth!

This kid can not only pretend, but also be arrogant!

How can I bear it!

"ok I admit it."

"I underestimated you before, I, Yu Tianheng, officially challenge you!" Yu Tianheng said with a run-up, and suddenly blasted towards the boulder.


Suddenly, the boulder slid back, but did not return to its original position.

Yu Tianheng's strength is not as strong as Chen Xiu'er!

The contest between the two has attracted the attention of many people. On the surface, there are members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, but secretly, there is the suzerain, Yu Luomian!

At this time, the three elders are all on a high platform, where you can see the panoramic view of the training ground.

Yu Luomian stood at the very edge, observing the duel between Chen Xiuer and Yu Tianheng.

One is his grandson and the other is his apprentice.

This match was also deliberately done by Yu Luomian.

If there is no accident, the future suzerain will be born among the two.

"Tianheng's strength is weaker than Tianxuan's, but this is not the reason for his arrogance. His biggest weakness is arrogance. I hope Tianxuan can make him realize this mistake." Yu Luomian said.

"Young Sect Master, after all, is young at heart, young and frivolous, it's not a fault, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is nothing good about it." Yu Guangtian agreed from the side.

"Elder Guangtian, I didn't say that he is the future suzerain, everything is hard to say now." Yu Luomian didn't say anything.

"Yes, suzerain."

Yu Guangtian was secretly delighted, just now he was secretly asking Yu Luomian what he thought of Chen Xiu'er.

And Yu Luomian also replied, Chen Xiu'er may become suzerain!

Back to Chen Xiu'er.

The children were all stunned that Yu Tianheng was weaker than Chen Xiuer in terms of strength!

"Tianxuan is great!"

"We must work hard, defeat Yu Tianheng!" Yu Tianling secretly cheered for Chen Xiu'er.

"Is it my turn next?" Chen Xiu'er asked with a smile.

At this moment, there was a trace of cold sweat on Yu Tianheng's forehead.

"It's useless to talk too much."

Chen Xiu'er smiled and shook her head, struggling desperately.

"You can use Wuhun as you like, but I can beat you without Wuhun!" Chen Xiu'er said, and launched an attack again!

There are two reasons why Chen Xiu'er did not choose martial soul possession.

One is that it cannot.

The second is useless.

Chen Xiu'er's martial soul possession will not bring him an increase in strength.

Soul skills are fine.

However, if Yu Tianheng uses Wuhun, Chen Xiuer has no chance of winning!

If she used her soul skills, Chen Xiu'er would have no chance of winning!

But Chen Xiu'er took advantage of Yu Tianheng's arrogant character!

As long as Chen Xiu'er doesn't use Wuhun, Yu Tianheng will definitely not put down his face and take the lead in using Wuhun!

And Yu Tianheng's strength is not as good as Chen Xiu'er, so Chen Xiu'er will definitely win in the end!

Chen Xiu'er punched again, this punch was more powerful than the previous one!

Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth again.

This time it fell!

Compared with using Wuhun and losing face, being ridiculed by others.

Yu Tianheng is more willing to take the initiative to admit defeat!

Save yourself from being talked about!

"There's no need to compare. I lost. I, Yu Tianheng, am willing to admit defeat. I remember you, Yu, God, Xuan!"

Your arrogance is your greatest weakness!

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