Douluo: The Legendary Hegemony of Douluo

Chapter 10 Chen Xiu'er Was Abducted?

It was getting dark soon, and Chen Xiu'er couldn't make a fire, so she could only lean against the tree by herself.

The night was very cold, and Chen Xiu'er was wearing very thin clothes, so he could only shrink himself into a small ball.

The forest at night is very gloomy and cold.

The roar of beasts and the sound of the wind from time to time can make a person's heart collapse quickly.

Psychological imbalance will spread in an instant, especially in the dark without a little light.

Cold and darkness are the environments that human beings fear most.

And warmth and light are the most favorite environment for human beings.

After coming to this world, this was the first time Chen Xiuer camped in the wild alone. And it was still in a dark environment.

Vaguely, Chen Xiu'er seemed to be able to hear a voice whispering in his ear:

"Are you afraid? Do you regret it? It's all because of Tang San. If he hadn't taken your place as a work-study student, you wouldn't be in the current situation."


"Tang San's quota was given to him by me, don't talk about it anymore!" Chen Xiu'er said.


"You don't believe it yourself, do you? Old Jack doesn't like you at all. He thinks you have no potential at all, and you are a waste~"

"you shut up!"

If someone saw Chen Xiu'er at this time, they would probably think him a lunatic, talking to himself alone.

"It's cold. There is no fire, no food, and no one to talk to at night alone. Do you already feel lonely?"

Chen Xiu'er's eyes gradually blurred, and some memories that had been buried by him were gradually emerging.

"Recall quickly, what memories of blood."

"You were squeezed out by your siblings, your mother died of a heart attack, your father didn't care about you at all, they bullied you, oppressed you, teased you, mocked you, have you forgotten all this?"

"Quickly recall~"

Following the whispers in Chen Xiu'er's ears, his eyes gradually became clouded.

Chen Xiuer, he is just a derivative personality.

The real owner of this body is actually not him.

Chen Xiu is the illegitimate son of the CEO of Longcheng International Company, if her mother hadn't died of a heart attack.

Chen Xiu may not know who her father is all her life.

He lived in a poor family since he was a child, and his life was hard.

Even though Chen Xiu's father, Chen Feiyun recognized him later, his life did not improve much.

Because, Chen Feiyun has a total of six sons and four daughters!

Chen Xiu was the youngest at home and was excluded everywhere.

Chen Xiu hates dogs!

And these rich young masters play with their pet dogs in Chen Xiu's room every day!

Why does Chen Xiu hate dogs?

Not because of fear, but because of disgust!

Chen Xiu felt disgusted when she saw their courteous appearance.

However, there is a chance!

The same dim space is the wine cellar of Chen Feiyun's family.

These young masters and ladies left their dogs inside and locked Chen Xiu inside.

In the dark room of the wine cellar, the lights were very dim.

Chen Xiu doesn't trust anyone. He is suspicious by nature and carries a fruit knife with him at home.

In this way, he used this fruit knife to assassinate these dogs one by one!

In the dark basement, blood is like fine wine!

It was intoxicating. At that time, Chen Xiu felt the emotion called 'pleasure'.

Later, when Chen Xiu was discovered, Chen Feiyun had already returned.

Chen Xiu was severely criticized, and Chen Feiyun chose a precious dog for each of his sons and daughters.

However, this time, all the dogs were afraid of Chen Xiu!

None of these dogs dared to get close to Chen Xiu.

There is a smell coming from him, and the dogs are scared when they smell it!

When Chen Feiyun discovered that Chen Xiu was abnormal, he was already nine years old.

Chen Xiu was robbed by a gangster after school.

As for Chen Xiu, when she took out the money, she also took out a dagger and cut the gangster's throat with one stroke.

In the end, Chen Xiu returned home on the grounds that her behavior was justifiable self-defense.

It doesn't matter whether there is any shady in it.

After that, Chen Feiyun took Chen Xiu to see the most famous psychiatrist in the country.

What the doctor said made Chen Yunfei unforgettable for the rest of his life!

(Not written here, in the following chapters)

Afterwards, the doctor injected Chen Xiu with a large amount of psychotropic drugs and hypnotized him.

This allowed him to give birth to another personality, which has been in control of the body, and strictly speaking, he is now in a state of schizophrenia.

'Chen Xiu' was born with an evil spirit in his bones, he likes freedom, he likes to be unrestrained.

But how can a person not restrain himself in this world?

People who do not restrain themselves at all are called demons!

On the other hand, Chen Xiu'er, a derivative personality, was very fragile. She was not only afraid of being alone, but even more afraid of being lost.

People are always afraid of being alone, always greedy for lively crowds, and always unwilling to do nothing.

Because when they face loneliness, they often face pain.

But once people can face this pain directly, people often have talent and courage.


There is a saying - outstanding people must be alone.

Soon, a long night passed.

In the cold, Chen Xiuer spent such a unique night with the darkness.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning pierced through the buds of the shade and shone on Chen Xiu'er's face. It made his cold body barely feel a little warmth.

Chen Xiu'er vaguely felt that she seemed to be moving, and there was also a vague conversation.

"It's really lucky this time. I didn't expect to pick up another one on the way. Counting the original three children, we will definitely make money this time."


"If it wasn't for the strict investigation by the Wuhun Palace recently, we wouldn't have to go to the Black Mist Forest. It would be better in the first few years."

"that is."

"Although there are no thousand-year-old soul beasts in the Black Mist Forest, there are still some hundred-year-old soul beasts, and my eyes and ears are aroused."

"It's still the damn Wuhundian. If it weren't for them, wouldn't we have been catching children by dozens or dozens?"

"That's all in the past, don't mention it, now it's good enough to have one or two children, what else do you want, fat man."

Chen Xiu'er gradually regained consciousness, and he did not expose himself hastily.

Chen Xiu'er first looked around from the corner of her eyes, and found that at this moment, she was locked in a wooden cage.

There are wheels under the wooden cage, and a fat man is pulling the cart in front.

Judging from the previous sound, there should be two people walking behind the car.

At the same time, there were three other children locked up with Chen Xiuer.

They noticed that Chen Xiu'er was awake, and first gestured to him for mute.

It was only then that Chen Xiu'er realized that these three children seemed to be a little different.

There was not much fear on their faces, but mostly excitement.

Is it gay?

Chen Xiuer thought so.

But after thinking about it, Chen Xiu'er calmly analyzed the current situation, "Well, I should have been trafficked by traffickers."

But if they were abducted, how do you explain these three excited children.

They looked about the same age as Chen Xiu'er, but at the same time, their eyes shone with a light that far surpassed that of their peers.

In Douluo Continent, human traffickers are not common, mainly because they hide too deeply.

They all abducted children from particularly remote villages, usually villages without a branch of the Wuhun Temple.

There are generally no soul masters in that kind of place, and most of these traffickers are first-ring soul masters.

Therefore, ordinary villages really cannot resist the claws of these human traffickers.

But they wouldn't attack people like Holy Soul Village, and it was purely a coincidence that they ran into Chen Xiu'er on the road.

It just happened to take the road to the Black Mist Forest, and Chen Xiuer happened to be lying on the only way to the Black Mist Forest.

Simply put, he was too unlucky.

Chen Xiu'er glanced at the three traffickers, and according to the detection ability of the Heavenly Court Martial Soul, Chen Xiu'er knew their basic information.

The fat man pulling the cart is a fourteenth-level battle soul master, and the martial soul is a stone-toothed wild boar.

The two soul masters in the back, one is a twelfth-level auxiliary soul master, and the martial soul is Fly Ash.

The other one is the most powerful of the three, an eighteenth-level battle soul master, and a martial arts iron-blooded flying sickle.

"Well, according to my repeated analysis, careful consideration, and finally my detailed planning,"

"Well, I can't beat it."

"Go to sleep."

Since she couldn't beat Chen Xiu'er, she gave up resisting directly, and her consciousness was immersed in the heavenly space.

In a void of heaven, the blue silver grass surrounded by a circle of light quietly floats in the air.

Around him is a white soul ring, which is the product of Chen Xiu'er's three fusions.

Although the three fusions were all young vines, the age of the young vines has been increased to 86 years.

Chen Xiu'er looked at another soul ring floating on the other side of the heavenly space.

Although the color of this soul ring is also white, it has a faint golden yellow.

The age limit is 97 years, which is close to a hundred years.

Looking at Youteng's soul ring, and then at Wood Spirit's soul ring, Chen Xiu'er grinned.


[The fusion rate of wood spirits and young vines: 85%]

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