Douluo: Starts From Blowing Up the Spirit Ring

Chapter 246 Bibi Dong feels that being awake is the one who understands her best

She also started recently, and had the idea of ​​​​building an empire.

In addition to the reason Su Xing said, I also want to get rid of Qian Daoliu's restrictions on her!

As long as she is still the Pope of Spirit Hall, she will inevitably be controlled by Qian Daoliu.

But if she creates an empire, then she will definitely control it in her own hands and prevent Qian Daoliu from getting involved.

She didn't expect that not long after she had this idea, she woke up and said it, and it just happened to coincide with her!

This also makes her quite excited, it seems that her idea is not wrong.

"Tell me about your advice carefully!"

After sitting up straight, Bibi Dong let Su Xing continue to speak.

Seeing that he had really hit Bibi Dong's mind, Su Xing also smiled in his heart.

Afterwards, he politely told Bibi Dong what he thought.

Build an empire, how to build it, and how to gather people's hearts in the shortest time, and then rely on the power of the empire to conquer the other two empires.

However, before conquering the other two empires, it is still necessary to deal with some of those powerful sects!

This point of awakening was the same as Bibi Dong's thinking. In this world where there is a soul master, many things are actually decided by the soul master.

For those sects, those who can be drawn will be drawn, and those who cannot be drawn will be destroyed.

In the face of the great cause of unifying the mainland, there is no mercy at all!

If you want to unify the continent, you must be strong and domineering.

Just like Qin Chao who woke up from his previous life!

In the past, Su Xing felt that the Spirit Hall was a bit domineering, but now he felt that it was necessary.

Without covering it up, how to unify the continent?

"Okay, what you said is exactly what the teacher thought!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bibi Dong was even more happy, and Su Xing completely thought of what she was thinking.

At this time, Bibi Dong couldn't help feeling that Su Xing was the one who understood her best!

"But don't you think that if the teacher does this, it looks like a bad person?"

"If you start a war, it will kill a lot of people!"

After being happy, Bibi Dong couldn't help but ask Su Xing again.

"No, this is a great thing. Only by unifying the continent can the war be eliminated!"

"The existence of too many empires and sects is the root of evil. The competition between forces has never stopped since ancient times. The number of people who die every day for this has long been countless!"

"Unifying the continent is the only way to bring true peace to this continent!"

"So this is a great thing, after all, remember the great cause of history!"

Su Xing shook his head firmly, how can such a great cause be defined as good or bad?

That layout is too small.

Of course, Su Xing also knew that these things he said were for ordinary people, and also for people in later generations.

For other empires and some uncontrolled sect forces, they don't care about the future of the continent, and they don't care what kind of benefits the unification can bring to the world.

They only know that it will not benefit them much now, but will infringe on the power they have now.

"Okay, that's great!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong stood up directly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

She never thought of what Su Xing said.

If she wants to unify the continent, she just wants to fulfill her ambition.

Yu Xiaogang even hated her, looked down on her, and thought she was a bad person because of some of the things she had done before!

Bibi Dong herself often felt that she was a bad person.

But now that she heard Su Xing's statement, she felt that she was really doing a great thing, rather than simply satisfying her ambition.

How can such a great cause be described as good or bad?

I am making this world a better place!

"It's amazing that the teacher has such an idea!"

"If the teacher is prepared to do this, I will do my best to help the teacher complete such a great cause!"

Wake up and compliment at the right time.

Hearing Su Xing's words, Bibi Dong looked at Su Xing with more satisfaction undoubtedly.

Or this disciple understands her better!

"Okay, the teacher really needs your help!"

"After a while, the teacher will create our empire, the Spirit Empire!"

"At that time, the teacher will also announce you as the next pope!"

Satisfied, Bibi Dong finally decided to choose Su Xing as the next pope.

"Yes, thank you teacher for your trust, I will not let you down, teacher!"

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Xing quickly responded excitedly.

As Bibi Dong's disciple, although his status in the Spirit Hall was not low, he didn't have much power.

But if you become the next Pope to be chosen, it will be different!

At that time, there will be more things to do when you wake up.

"Well, the teacher believes you!"

Bibi Dong stepped forward and patted Su Xingxing on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Since you have not been affected by the Killing God Domain, then I have something for you to do next!"

Then, Bibi Dong said.

"Teacher, please order!"

Resurrection responded cleanly.

"I'll arrange some people for you!"

"Teacher needs you to help me find one hundred thousand year soul beasts, and there are two!"

Bibi Dong said.

Whether it's establishing an empire or unifying the continent, Bibi Dong is very clear that she must possess absolute strength.

Therefore, obtaining the last two spirit rings is the most important thing to her!

And this is also related to the completion of her Rakshasa divine examination.

What she is currently conducting is the seventh test of the Rakshasa God, and she needs to collect nine spirit rings for her second martial spirit, and she still owes two.

If you don't consider the quality, she can just hunt two spirit rings.

It's just that for Bibi Dong, there is no casual statement.

She knew very well that the most powerful aspect of the twin spirits was the spirit ring hunted by the second spirit, which could help her to quickly increase her spirit power level.

So if she wants to absorb it, she must absorb the best.

If she really can't find a hundred thousand year soul beast, she will choose something else.

"Yes, teacher, I will definitely help you find two hundred thousand year soul beasts!"

Su Xing listened to Bibi Dong's words, if he could find it, let's not talk about it, and he would agree to it immediately.

Seeing the awakening attitude, Bibi Dong expressed her satisfaction again.


"Wake up, are you really going to help that woman absorb two hundred thousand year old spirit rings?"

After leaving from Bibi Dong, Ah Yin's voice sounded from the bottom of his awakened heart for the first time.

The tone seemed to be somewhat resentful.

Of course, to Ah Yin, Bibi Dong was her enemy.

If Wuhundian hadn't hunted her down, she wouldn't be in the current situation.

Before, she told Su Xing the news of the other 100,000-year soul beasts to prevent Xiao Wu from being discovered.

But now that Bibi Dong has actually handed over the search for the 100,000-year-old soul beast to Su Xing, then Xiao Wu and the others are absolutely in no danger. The location of the other 100,000-year-old soul beasts can be completely ignored!


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