Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall

Chapter 79 The little sister is not cute anymore

After a long time, Yan finally put away his horrified mood, and his face became solemn.

"let's start."

At this time, Yan looked at Ye Qifeng and seriously reported his martial spirit and level:

"Yan, Martial Soul Flame Lord, 25th-level Battle Soul Master, please advise."

In Douluo Continent, the fighting spirit is not a life-and-death struggle. In order to show respect, before the fighting spirit, the opponent needs to inform the opponent of his name, martial spirit and spirit power level. This is the default rule of everyone in the spirit master world.

Although this rule is a bit pedantic, this is the characteristic of Douluo Continent, there is no need to break it... Ye Qifeng follows the customs of the countryside, and also seriously reports his martial spirit and level:

"Ye Qifeng, Martial Soul Shadow, 25th-level Battle Spirit Master, please advise."

Afterwards, the two put on a posture, and the battle of souls began immediately.


Xie Yue's eyes lit up in the audience. Yan's spirit and spirit skills are familiar to him. What he is curious about now is Xiaofeng's spirit and spirit skills. Those are thousand-year-level spirit skills. I don't know what it will be. What's it like, what's the power like.

Judging from her younger sister's self-confidence in Xiaofeng Fan, Xie Yue faintly felt that things were not easy, and Yan was likely to... lose?

Thinking of this, Xie Yue suddenly became restless.

He quickly turned to look at Hu Liena and asked:

"Nana, can you give your brother a clue, what are Xiaofeng's two soul skills, and how is his combat power?"

"No," Hu Liena shook her head in rejection, she said to Xieyue with a smile, "You don't allow people to tell Xiaofeng your information, and of course I can't tell you Xiaofeng's soul skills. can't see for yourself."

Hiss-, Xieyue felt a bit of a toothache, and suddenly felt that her sister was not cute, and it seemed that she did not belong to her.

It's over, the little padded jacket is leaking...


On the Soul Stage.

Ye Qifeng and Yan stood facing each other at a distance of ten meters. After the two sides reported their names, martial spirit and spirit power level to each other, the battle began.

Yan didn't talk nonsense any more. Although he was usually careless, when it came time to fight, he changed his personality in an instant and became extremely serious.

Before Ye Qifeng showed off his spirit ring, Yan might still be a little bit contemptuous. Just now, he even thought about adding a little water and letting Ye Qifeng take the shot first.

But now Yan didn't dare to think so, it was really the two violet soul rings on Ye Qifeng's body, which were a little too dazzling.

Those are two thousand-year-old spirit rings, I don't know how Xiaofeng surpassed the limit of the spirit master's body and absorbed it successfully.

Since it is a thousand-year-level spirit ring, it is naturally given a thousand-year-level spirit ability, and its power is definitely not small.

It's not that the two yellow and yellow spirit rings on his body can compare. Yan used to think that his spirit rings were quite cool, but now he suddenly dislikes them...

Suddenly, I seem to like purple a little bit. I didn't feel that big before... I envy Xiaofeng, and I really want to have a thousand-year-old purple spirit ring... Yan keeps thinking in my heart. thinking.

Although there was a lot of thought in his heart, Yan's actions didn't stop for a moment.

"Martial soul possessed!"

Yan drank in a deep voice, and the flame lord's spirit instantly overlapped with his slightly stronger body, and Yan's eyes instantly became red.

At the same time, the three-meter-high flame lord disappeared, and the dark red blazing flame that was burning on the flame lord was also transferred to Yan's body.

The strange thing is that the blazing flame, although the temperature is extremely high, did not cause damage to the clothes on Yan's body, and there was not even the slightest burn mark.

After being possessed by the martial spirit, Yan seemed to have changed into a person, and his whole person looked like a burning man.

"Xiaofeng, you have to be careful." Yan left a sentence, and instantly rushed in the direction of Ye Qifeng.

"Second Soul Skill, Granite Rock!"

Just in the process of rushing forward, Yan gave a low voice, chanted the soul curse, and the second soul ring on his body suddenly flashed.

Under the effect of the spirit ability granted by the spirit ring, the muscles on Yan's body swelled in an instant, and the skin hardened, like granite.

His height jumped from 1.5 meters to 1.8 meters high, and the clothes on his upper body were instantly torn and shattered into pieces of cloth.

The shattered cloth was burned to ashes by the dark red flames as soon as it escaped from Yan's body.

Ye Qifeng looked at Yan's transformed body, and knew that it was the earth attribute of his martial soul plus the spirit ring skill, the ability conferred by it, the body was huge and hardened, the attack power was strong, the defense was extremely strong, and its power should not be underestimated.

Coupled with the ability of the flame lord Wuhun to endow the fire attribute... Hu Liena is actually right. When fighting an opponent like Yan, close combat is not desirable, and long-range attack is the best choice.

In less than a breath of time, Yan completed the release of his soul ability, and at the same time, the person also crossed a distance of ten meters.

As long as he is completely close, his strength can be exerted to the greatest extent.

In a few flashes, Yan's figure appeared on Ye Qifeng's side, his waist was bowed, his fists were raised, and he smashed towards Ye Qifeng.

After Yan's body became huge, with Ye Qifeng's current height, it could only reach the chest position, so his punch was aimed at the head position.

Ye Qifeng did not dodge or evade. When Yan rushed over, he had already completed the possession of his martial soul.

After the martial spirit possessed, Ye Qifeng's body did not change at all, the shadow martial spirit seemed to be a part of the body, and instantly merged into the body.

Under the Dou Soul Stage, Ye Qifeng seemed to be stunned, as if he didn't react. Seeing that Yan's fist with a dark red flame was about to hit Ye Qifeng's head, Hu Liena and Xieyue were shocked at the same time. call:

"Xiaofeng, be careful--!"

Seeing that Ye Qifeng didn't dodge or dodge, Yan was also panicked at this time, but at this time, all the energy on his body had been swung out, and it was too late to withdraw his strength. This punch would definitely hit Ye Qifeng. on the body.

However, this scene did not happen.

At this time, the faint voice of Ye Qifeng sounded in the field:

"Second Soul Skill, Shadow Binding!"

Suddenly, Yan's fist stopped twenty centimeters in front of Ye Qifeng's body.

He was bound by the black vines that looked like ghost vines. The dark vines climbed all over his body, and the whole person was firmly bound in place, unable to move at all.

After releasing the second spirit ability, Ye Qifeng jumped back and retreated a few meters away from Yan's side.

Xie Yue under the stage widened her eyes.

He could clearly see the scene just now, when Yan appeared beside Xiaofeng, the second purple spirit ring on Xiaofeng's body suddenly lit up.

Several groups of black shadows swept out from Xiaofeng's feet, came to Yan's side and turned into vines, and then Yan was bound.

Xie Yue guessed that the control range of Xiaofeng's spirit ability must be more than that, and it must be much larger.

As it turns out, it worked.

Xie Yue's fighting consciousness is really good, and she has already guessed Ye Qifeng's intentions.

It all happened too fast, but a breath of time.

Xie Yue's breathing became rapid, and he couldn't help but think that Xiao Feng's spirit ability was released for too short a time, and it was almost impossible to guard against it. If this was the case, then who else could approach him.

"Control system soul skills?" Yan asked in surprise at this moment.

Then he began to try to break through the shackles of the shadow vines, but to his surprise, the body strengthened with the granite soul skill, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

Ye Qifeng smiled faintly at this time. After all, it was a soul skill of nearly 5,000 years. With Yan's current strength, it was impossible to break free.

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