Douluo: Possess Eight Magic Skills

Chapter 39 Traditional Performing Arts

sixty days later,

"Little thing, can you tell me what's going on outside?"

Mo Lin looked at the big mantis in front of him, feeling a little helpless. He had already told a "bedtime story" to a big boa constrictor for two months:

"No, senior, why are you doing this?"

Skybreaker Mantis:

"Why do you think I reached an agreement with the Mohists together with that broken snake? If it weren't for the friendship that I have fought for a hundred thousand years, I would trust him?"

After Mo Lin heard this sentence, he naturally understood that the ages of these two great immortals were probably about the same, and that they were both approaching the end of their lives, but he didn't feel too much surprise in his heart, and now he felt more I am very fortunate, thankful that I investigated my life experience earlier and came to this Soul Beast Island as soon as possible.

If Mo Lin didn't take the initiative to investigate his life experience, but only passively knew that he still had relatives alive when he was twenty years old, and by that time, these two should have passed away one after another, then the balance of this island would be completely shaken. Breaking through, in order to snatch the territory of a hundred thousand year soul beast, the island will inevitably fall into chaos, and the Mo family, which has lost two allies, cannot stay out of the matter, and is bound to be involved in the struggle between soul beasts,

It is conceivable that the Mohists, who have been living in peace and stability, will suddenly have to fight against the hundreds of thousands of souls on the island, and the final outcome will inevitably be perish.

However, now that Mo Lin has come to Soul Beast Island ahead of time, he has learned this important information, and the Mo family will definitely leave Soul Beast Island within six years, so this situation can be completely avoided.

"Little thing, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Mo Lin didn't move suddenly, Breaking Sky Mantis pushed Mo Lin with his foreleg.

Being hit like this, Mo Lin came out of his thoughts:

"I'm sorry, senior, I suddenly thought of something. You also want to listen to some outside things, right? Let me think about it."

Four months later, Mo Jia, who had been practicing, suddenly thought of one thing—whether he should go to Douluo Dalu again.

Because he hasn't read his nephew's letter yet, he guesses that Mo Lin originally planned to return to Douluo Continent after staying for more than half a year, but now that such an accident occurs, the time will definitely be extended. More.

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Jia finally decided to confirm with Mo Lin. If Mo Lin had already written it and would stay for a year or two, he would not need to go back. By the way, he will see how Mo Lin is doing. Living in a forest full of spirit beasts is not an easy task.

Mojia knew a little about the habitats of the two hundred thousand year spirit beasts. He felt that those two should be able to understand his behavior.

Mo Jia successively came to the habitat of the Titan Python and the Sky-Breaking Mantis, but not only did he not find Mo Lin, he didn't even see the two soul beasts.

'It won't be at this time that other 100,000-year soul beasts will come over! '

Just when Mojia was worried about new accidents, a small voice came into Mojia's ears, it was a human voice!

Mo Jia quickly followed the sound, and within a minute, he found the source of the sound, but also saw a rather funny scene,

The boa constrictor and the praying mantis sat obediently in front of a rock without making any movements, as if fascinated by something,

And Mo Lin sat on the rock and talked eloquently, talking about some strange things.

As Mo Jia approached, the two 100,000-year-old soul beasts quickly changed their state, releasing murderous aura towards Mo Jia's direction.

Mo Jia quickly appeared:

"Seniors, please don't get me wrong, I'm not here to find fault, I just want to ask Mo Lin something."

The two worms put away their murderous aura, but both said in a very bad tone:

"Ask, we haven't heard enough!"

"Yes yes yes!" Mo Jia quickly motioned for Mo Lin to come over while responding.

Mo Lin didn't know what his uncle was doing suddenly, so he asked quite nervously:

"Uncle, what are you doing here? Don't you know that this might make those two unhappy?!"

"Of course I know, but I counted your actions, have you forgotten what happened in Douluo Dalu?" Mo Jia asked.

"Ah? Why do you ask that? I definitely want to go back!" Mo Lin

"Nonsense, of course I know you want to go back, but did you specify in your letter how long you will stay here? Are you not afraid that the people over there will worry?" Mo Jia

"Hi~, that's it?" Mo Lin's tone was obviously relaxed: "Don't worry, my letter didn't specify how long I would stay, just said that I won't go back for the time being, so you don't have to worry about it." Run again."


"It's almost there!" Mo Lin responded, "Uncle, hurry up and get out, don't misunderstand it then! I still have to tell a story to those two!"

'tell a story? How old are you? What's your story? '

Mo Jia was surprised to see Mo Lin running back happily and continuing to talk.

Originally, Mo Jia thought it was good that Mo Lin didn't beg him to take him back, but now it seems that Mo Lin's ability to adapt is far beyond his imagination, so he was relieved and went back.

Back at the Mo family, Mo Teng immediately approached Mo Jia:

"Jia'er, have you met Xiaolin just now?"

Mojia made a salute:

"Yes, father, I went to see Xiao Lin because I wanted to confirm something. Please rest assured that he is fine."

"It's really all right?" Mo Teng couldn't believe it. In his eyes, although Mo Lin was more mature than ordinary children, he was still just a child. How could he bear to stay in the deep mountains and old forests all the time.

"It's really nothing, and I think Xiao Lin is not only not disgusted, but rather happy." Mo Jia

As for Mo Lin's storytelling, it is of course the most favorite thing for travelers to do. Every traveler who travels to ancient times or other worlds, most of them rely on the stories they heard in their previous lives to pretend to be B, Talking about it, coaxing children, socializing, making money and other purposes, although a bit clichéd, but if this kind of thing is useful, you have to do it!

War, martial arts, world view, and combat power system can be changed together!

Cultivation of Immortals, after finishing an article, you change the wording of the combat power classification, you don’t even need to change the background of the protagonist, just change a few surnames, and it will be a completely new story in no time!

For romance, you don’t need to change your world view, you don’t need to change anything, you just memorize it and it’s over. No one is going to sue me anyway!

These are all necessary knowledge points for crossing, and they are required for the final exam!

Mo Lin relied on this trick in the past two months to easily get closer to two soul beasts who have never seen the world. For them, what they heard in the past few months was more important than what they had heard in a hundred thousand years. Many (although many of them are fake), they didn't have any hostility towards Mo Lin, and they didn't just treat Mo Lin as an interesting human being.

Let me tell you, I only plan to write the first part of the Douluo Continent, and I really don't want to care about the setting of the next few parts

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