Douluo: I level up alone

Chapter 41 Summary at the end of the volume

Well, I will read through everyone's comments when I have enough time.

This is a new book for a newbie. There are many shortcomings, and I hope you can forgive me.

There are indeed some problems in some places, and I am also thinking about how to correct them.

As for the areas that I personally think are okay, I reserve my opinion.

Seek common ground while reserving differences. After all, fandom is a derivative creation based on the original work, and there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people about the original work. Naturally, there will be different opinions, and there is no way to satisfy everyone's ideas.

So, since I am writing the book, let me follow my ideas.

Okay, now it’s time to answer questions.

Generally speaking, the three areas are more controversial.

The first is the sarcasm of the guard.

I have thought about it carefully. It makes sense for the guards to look down on the innate first-level ones. The entire academy is a soul master. Half-level ones like Yu Xiaogang are special cases. There should not be many. Therefore, from level 1 to level 10, level 1 is almost at the bottom. Noting The talents of the students in the city are not much higher, they should be mostly level 1~3, and it is estimated that the higher level is only level 4. Tang San Xiaowu's full soul power is a special case.

1~3, 1 is also the lowest level, plus the "mutated martial spirit: black pupil" written in the martial soul appraisal, the original martial spirit only came out of the original sect 10,000 years ago and became known to others.

There is no precedent for the body's mutated martial soul + the worst soul power. Ordinary people know that in a lifetime, he will be a ten-level soul master at most. If the mutation is a bad mutation, like Yu Xiaogang, he will be stuck at level 9 and cannot move. It's not impossible.

At least on the surface, he is much worse than other students in the college.

Therefore, it is normal for a guard to look down on the protagonist after seeing him too much. How can a guard at a unit look down on a mere clerk after meeting many big leaders? (I don’t think there is anything wrong with this mental state. There are many people who have high aspirations, thin lives, and nostrils. My inability to make money does not prevent me from despising the stupidity of a big boss who failed to start a business.)

Of course, using "whispering quietly" may be a bit over the top, a bit exaggerated, and can easily offend people.

I thought about it for a long time, and finally it was more appropriate to change it to "abdominal slander". I didn't say it out loud, but deep down I didn't think highly of it. I think this shouldn't be a big problem.

Secondly, regarding Zhu Zhuqing’s concern for the protagonist and his martial soul fusion skills.

Before holding hands, Zhu Zhuqing paid attention to the protagonist, but in the end he didn't use martial arts fusion skills. Some people think it's unjustifiable.

In fact, I have thought about the character of Zhu Zhuqing. In a relatively depressing environment, he becomes lifeless and cold, and naturally he will not get close to others.

But it does not mean that they will be completely isolated from the outside world. This kind of person will constantly observe people on the side, like a bystander, watching others happy and sad indifferently, as if they are incompatible with everything around them.

This is my guess about the character of Zhu Zhuqing.

Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing's attention before "holding hands" was just watching a stranger.

But the protagonist tells a lot of lies, for fear of being exposed, hiding betrayal in his heart, not being honest, and easily doubting himself after being watched for a long time.

I wanted to write about the protagonist's mental state similar to when Cao Cao asked Cao Pi to guard Cao Chong's funeral, the kind of psychological state that he would be startled by every slightest change. Because I have a traitor in my heart, the slightest glance from others seems to mean that I am going to strip myself naked from head to toe.

Therefore, the protagonist "misunderstood" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

After holding hands, there is no need to explain more, I wrote it in narration text in the text.

This is Zhu Zhuqing's "misunderstanding" of the protagonist in turn.

These are my thoughts when writing. Maybe many people can't understand this feeling when reading the book. Maybe it's because my writing power is limited and I can't describe this kind of plot well.

I'm really sorry, please forgive me. I am just a newbie when it comes to writing novels, and I am inferior to many others.

Third, regarding the protagonist's fight against the Soul Emperor, his strength increased too quickly, and it is suspected that his combat power has collapsed.

It is controversial that the protagonist defeats the Soul Emperor and Soul King.

First, I will post a paragraph of the original text of Part 2: [A soul beast will make a qualitative leap when it reaches the ten thousand year level. Generally speaking, if humans want to deal with a ten thousand year level soul beast alone, they need at least six rings of strength. To deal with a spirit beast that is more than 30,000 years old, you must be at least level 7 or above, and you can only try it after you have the true form of the martial spirit. 】

I answered: [The Dreadclaw Bear is equivalent to ten thousand years, and the shadow strength has been reduced, but only a small part, as mentioned above. Because there is no fear of death, there will be a part of the "madness" bonus. In addition, it can be continuously resurrected and can fight attrition.

As for the soul power consumption of resurrection, I did write in the previous article that it cannot support too many resurrections, but after all, I have not written a system, and there is no way to write down the number of resurrections in data. Moreover, it is easy to have "hydrogen people" like the original work when using data. Brainless bug. I can only write based on intuitive feeling.

1 fake ten thousand years + 1 fake 5k years + 13 3k years. You still have a chance to kill a soul emperor with a limited number of resurrections. If you want to fight the king, no matter how strong you are at level 15, you can't beat the opponent without interruption. Isn’t it a team fight between the five resurrected level 13 heroes? 】

Reader asked: [You are more gamified, and the battle is not fought like you punch me and you punch me.

1. You yourself said that the benchmark is ten thousand years, not the real ten thousand years, and there has not been a qualitative change. There are still people who are not fools and will run away if they cannot be defeated.

2. Even if you let the protagonist hide, it still makes sense. Can a great soul master of level 20 withstand a basic attack from the soul emperor? This soul emperor also has several soul kings. At the moment of despair, Why don't you get some support?

3. You are straightforward. The protagonist is carried into the sky by a bird soul beast, and is surrounded by shadows. I can still accept it. What you wrote, those people are just like fools. The Sixth Ring of the Soul Emperor directly clears the place. Come on. A soul king can capture the protagonist. 】

1. It makes sense. I was negligent. The Direclaw Bear is just a benchmark for ten thousand years, not a real ten thousand years. Even if there is an immortal "mad transformation", it is still unknown whether he can be on par with the Soul Emperor. So mark it here and talk about it at the end.

But if you can't defeat the opponent, he will run away. I don't agree with this. I've never written that they can't beat each other. Both of them think they have a chance to drag the protagonist to death or rush in and kill the protagonist directly. They have a psychological advantage. If they don't have the upper hand, of course they will run away, but what if the other party thinks they can kill the protagonist? Can you run?

2. I couldn’t block the Soul Emperor’s attack, but I didn’t consider basic attacks, only soul skills.

From the beginning, the two wanted to attack the protagonist directly and released their soul skills, but the Dreadclaw Bear's defense was very strong, so it was appropriate to use him as a human shield to protect the protagonist. If it was normal, they had to get close first.

But once he gets close, he plays into the protagonist's hands.

I still remember that when I was playing League of Legends, I met a male gunman for the first time. After being deprived of my vision, I panicked and used all my skills to output, but in the end I didn't hit anyone, and I was killed in the end. The unexpected feeling of panic is still fresh in my memory.

Therefore, the soul skill set up is to rely on the dark nature of the shadow to deprive the vision when the ball is broken.

I personally think that depriving vision is a very buggy skill.

My original intention is: the protagonist has always known that his second skill is buggy, so he plans to rely on the moment when the second soul skill breaks to deprive him of his vision and take him by surprise.

I wrote about the surprise when the Soul Emperor broke the ball. The feeling of being deprived of vision in such joy, and the sense of gap, was a good opportunity. The Direclaw Bear took the opportunity to kill a blind man, not without this opportunity.

This kind of psychological game is actually difficult to explain. It is precisely because the Soul Emperor feels that he can beat him that he will not escape. And because the protagonist is weak, he can lure the enemy to attack, relying on the suddenness of his soul skills to seize the only opportunity to kill the enemy at the unexpected moment.

How could he self-destruct when he was killed in one hit?

Only the disadvantaged will self-destruct in despair. How could a superior person think of self-destruction? The dominant person has never considered this option, and he has not been given time to think about it. Self-destruction does not exist.

On the contrary, if the protagonist has overwhelming power, he will self-destruct after a little delay, right?

3. Flying into the sky is unlikely. You also expressed your doubts about the number of resurrections. The shadow cannot be resurrected too many times, and the soul beast cannot survive. If it drags on, the soul power will be gone, and the protagonist will lose.

The result of "Soul Emperor clears the field, Soul King arrests people" is essentially the same. To catch people at close range will deprive you of your field of vision, and the Soul King may die by surprise.

Of course, when dealing with the Soul Emperor later, the protagonist will be in trouble. Without the unexpected effect, the protagonist may also lose, there is no doubt about this.

But then again, the battle between the two sides is originally about anticipating the enemy, finding opportunities, and making split-second choices.

Soul Emperor Soul King certainly has countless ways to kill the protagonist! The protagonist also has countless choices to lose his own advantages, such as flying into the sky without enough soul power to support him.

Naturally, the protagonist does not have no chance. When the weak face the strong, they can only rely on "surprise" and "opponent mistakes." If you seize these two points and never let go of an opportunity, is there really no chance of winning?

In a life-and-death battle, if you lack intelligence, you may be trapped by others. If you hesitate for a moment, you may never have the chance to make a choice. If you make a mistake, you may die.

The protagonist has an intelligence advantage (soul skill bug) and is waiting for the moment of hesitation when the opponent has no vision. This is the opponent's mistake. If you seize it, you can turn defeat into victory.

Emmmm, Soul Emperor Soul King is indeed not a fool. But you can’t write a book about every situation, right? Do we need to add a narration? If the Soul Emperor and Soul King had done something at a certain moment, the result would have been completely different. The protagonist would have been killed by him, blah blah blah.

When writing a book, you must let the protagonist win, otherwise how can you call him the protagonist? There are thousands of possibilities for fighting. I can’t choose the one that is least conducive to the protagonist to write about, right? How unlucky is the protagonist that he never gets any opportunities? If you want to write an enemy that is extremely difficult to deal with and the protagonist is repeatedly frustrated, then I’m afraid readers won’t like it. It’s too cruel to the protagonist.

Unless the protagonist is much stronger than the enemy, there is no need to use any scheming, just crush them all the way.

But crushing has one consequence. Returning to point 1, the opponent cannot be beaten, will run away, cannot escape, and will self-destruct.

How to deal with it?

There are thousands of possibilities and it is impossible to cover everything.

Returning to the mark at point 1, the Soul Emperor is too powerful. The Terrorclaw Bear is not really ten thousand years old. Can it withstand it? I have considered changing the Soul Emperor to Soul King, but I still hesitate, because after the change, will it give them the psychological advantage to kill the protagonist? Give me some time to think about whether to change it or not.

The above is the end of the explanation.

My random thoughts:

My abilities are limited, and what I write may not be very good. I am trying my best, and I hope everyone can understand me.

Writing a fanfic is a thankless task. I used to think that writing a fanfic would be easier by following the timeline and outline of the original work, and I could practice my writing.

Only after writing did I realize that writing fan fiction is difficult, even more difficult than original writing.

Because the creation is based on the original work, which has already been set up, many people have different opinions, so there are many different criticisms and suggestions for fan works.

It's not easy to accommodate all opinions.

If it is original, there won't be so many problems, and all interpretation rights belong to the author.

I am greedy for fan traffic, but also want to have original freedom and interpretation rights. It's difficult...

good night, everyone.

Next volume: See the dragon in the field.

See you in Tiandou City.

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