Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 33: Shaanyan Evolution Double Gouyu, a new ability.

Huo Yu then told Huo Yi what happened, but the incident in the canyon didn't go into detail, but Huo Yi also saw a little tricky, he could feel Hu Liena's eyes looking at his son, which was very different and not right.

"Miss Nana, the Pope ordered me to return to Wuhun City immediately." The old soul emperor said suddenly.

"Why did the teacher tell us to go back, isn't my experience just beginning?" Hu Liena was a little puzzled, and she didn't want to go back now.

"I don't know, you have to go back and ask the Pope yourself."

"Okay." Hu Liena was very reluctant, but she had to listen to what Bibi Dong said. She looked at Huo Yu affectionately, and said to the old soul emperor, "Give me a few minutes."

After speaking, Hu Liena slowly walked towards Huo Yu, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, Huo Yu, can you come out alone with me?"

"Um, okay."

Huo Yi glanced meaningfully, followed Hu Liena out of the inn, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Huo Yu, I may have to leave first." Hu Liena said reluctantly.

"Really? Hehe, we will have a chance to meet again in Japan." Huo Yu smiled.

Hu Liena lowered her head slightly, touched her two fingers lightly, and twisted her little body slightly shyly. This was a sign of the little girl's shyness.

She mustered up her courage and looked into Huo Yu's eyes, suddenly very sincere, and said seriously, "Huo Yu, would you like to go to Wuhun City with me?"

"Ah?" Huo Yu was stunned.

"I can recommend you to my teacher, my teacher is the Pope, you can get the best training if you join our Spirit Hall, you have a good talent, and under the training of our Spirit Hall, you will definitely become a leader. A powerful soul master."

Hu Liena wanted to say these words a long time ago, but she couldn't open her mouth. She knew that if she didn't say it now, she would have no chance.

She stared at Huo Yu with wide eyes in anticipation, making Huo Yu embarrassed to refuse.

But Huo Yu knew that he couldn't join the Spirit Hall. He didn't want to be too involved with the forces that would cause great turmoil in the future. In that case, his life would be tied to the Spirit Hall, and he would face all kinds of troubles in the future.

Right now, he just wants to grow up safely and steadily, and he doesn't want to be involved in disputes with any forces, slowly develop steadily, and freely become a Titled Douluo.

Although Spirit Hall is very good, Huo Yu believes that he also has the confidence to become a peerless powerhouse by himself.

So Huo Yu could only refuse Hu Liena's invitation and sigh softly: "I'm sorry Hu Liena, I"

"Don't you want to see me often?" Hu Liena suddenly felt aggrieved and looked like she was about to cry.

She and Huo Yu have only known each other for less than a day, but for some reason, this boy has been deeply imprinted in her mind. She remembered everything that happened that night in her heart. Every time she recalled the scene at that time, Her heart is sweet, she has never been happy, just because of that memory.

She didn't want Huo Yu to leave her, and she didn't want to see this boy for a long time.

Is this what it's like to like someone?

Hu Liena has asked herself this many times, but at this moment she understands that this is what it feels like to like someone.

Huo Yu was stunned for a few seconds. He suddenly didn't know how to answer. Seeing Hu Lina's expression, he felt a little heavy in his heart.

Huo Yu slowly stepped forward, wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corner of Hu Liena's face, and said, "Of course, but each of us has our own path to go, I don't want to be bound by any forces, this is what I don't want to join. The reason for the Spirit Hall."

"If I say, I will let you leave Wuhun Temple and go to Blazing City with me, would you like it?"

Hu Liena hesitated, she was really thinking about the choice, Huo Yu suddenly became nervous, he just made a casual analogy, and did not want Hu Liena to go with him.

If he really kidnapped the beloved disciple of Pope Bibi Dong in the Spirit Palace, he would probably be killed by the Spirit Palace. Huo Yu quickly said:

"Anyway, we are good friends now. I will visit you often in the future. You can visit me at any time."

"Okay?" Huo Yu smiled slightly.

"Yeah." Hu Liena's emotions were restrained a lot, and she felt a lot happier after hearing what Huo Yu said, as well as those words.

These words made her feel that Huo Yu cared about her.

"Then take a look at it with a smile."

Hu Liena bit her lower lip slightly, and a smile appeared on her blushing little face.

"Well, it looks so good to laugh, I almost fell."

"I hate it~!"

Huo Yu didn't expect Hu Liena to be so easy to coax, and she looked a little wronged a second ago, so she became happy.

"Haha, after all, she's still a little girl."

Looking at Hu Liena's reluctant gaze as she followed the team slowly leaving, and Yan's murderous gaze, Huo Yu shook his head and smiled, then turned and left.

After saying goodbye to Hu Liena and those in Wuhun Hall, Huo Yu immediately set off and returned to Blazing Fire City.

On the carriage, Huo Yi and Wang Tiezhu were both smiling and looking at Huo Yu, nodding their heads, as if they wanted to see through Huo Yu.

"What are you doing?" Huo Yu said with some disgust.

"Yu'er, not bad!" Huo Yi happily patted Huo Yu's shoulder and said proudly, "You are becoming more and more like your father and me."

"This girl will definitely be a rare beauty in the future. I'm afraid she's not inferior to your mother. She's quite capable, boy."

Huo Yi adjusted Xu Dao.

"Father, what nonsense are you talking about." Huo Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Haha, let's do it, let's not talk about this." Huo Yi smiled, his face became serious, and asked, "That girl Yu'er shouldn't have an easy identity in Wuhun Hall, right? There are so many strong people around her to protect her."

"Well, she is the direct disciple of Pope Bibi Dong in the Spirit Hall." Huo Yu replied.

"What! The disciple of the Pope of Wuhun Temple!" The two were shocked.

They thought that Hu Liena's identity should not be simple, but they didn't expect it to be so simple. The Pope's personal disciple means that this girl is likely to become the Pope of the Wuhun Highness in the future!

Huo Yi's face suddenly became extremely serious: "Yu'er, this kind of identity is not something that our little Fire Linzard family can provoke. You'd better not get involved too much with her."

"Daddy, I understand." Huo Yu said with a wry smile.

He didn't want to do anything at all, and he understood what his father meant. The gap between the identities of the two sides was too great, and the risk of any relationship was too great, and it would bring disaster to the entire family.

"You just understand."

It will take some time on the way back, Huo Yu no longer communicates with Huo Yi, and sits cross-legged and prepares to practice.

But before cultivating, he now has a doubt in his heart, and this doubt is about Shaanyan.

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