"Does the enemy who wants to kill you only come when you have the strongest spirit power?" Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, and these words made him speechless.

"Tang Luren."


"Today you really disappointed me. Although it was just a drill, you were so careless. You clearly know that Tang San's ability restrains you more. Why isn't the arrow just now Chao Tang San?..."

The master pointed out his mistakes one by one, and his tone was very severe. As for other people, it was naturally hard to escape.

So everyone was punished, even Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who were right.

It is a load-bearing run. Everyone has a back basket with a superscript name, and the weight of the stones in it are different.

Tang Luren glanced at it and knew that his fear was the heaviest.

Tang Luren started running at a constant speed. Li Mochen was right next to Tang Luren. Tang San and Dai Mubai were very aggressive and soon passed the two. But when Tang San saw Tang Luren running at a constant speed, he seemed to remember something and said: "Everyone Stop it."

Dai Mubai stopped and asked strangely, "What are you doing?"

Tang San: "This is wrong. From the perspective of the basket, it is obvious that the teacher is premeditated. Since it is all, maybe everyone will help each other."

The few people running behind followed, and Oscar listened to the premeditated words and thought about it: "Yes, the stones are obviously added based on everyone's strength. If it is just punishment, why Li Mochen and Dai Boss are the same. "

When Ning Rongrong heard this, he also echoed: "I didn't make any mistakes with me and Sister Zhu Qing, but I still have to run. Moreover, I don't know if I don't run. With the current physical exertion, Oscar and I have a hard time staying together until the end."

Ma Hongjun wanted to slick his head and said: "Then you can cheat by eating Xiaoao sausage. It's okay..."

Before Ma Hongjun finished talking, Tang Luren had already made a stab at him. Ma Hongjun, who wanted to check Tang Luren's favorability, immediately closed his mouth.

Oscar shook his head and said: "You think the master is stupid, it must be in his calculations."

Ma Hongjun wanted to take the conversation, but he didn't dare. Xiao Wu said what he wanted to say: "Wow, it's an arrogant plan."

Ma Hongjun: Nodding desperately.

Tang San saw that they were talking about the topic, and immediately pulled them back: "Since this is the case, you can only suffer. Everyone learns from Brother Lu Ren and runs at a constant speed, so that it can save effort.

"Okay, everyone helps each other. If someone can't hold on, there are people with physical strength to help." Oscar also suggested.

Everyone agreed.

At the moment, several people restarted their long-distance running journey.

Undoubtedly, among the nine people, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who are the auxiliary spirit masters, were naturally the weakest, and everyone ran at their speed. Moving forward at a constant speed, heading in the direction of Soto City.

The first round trip was completed at this constant speed.

When really running, everyone gradually felt the pressure brought by the load. If it's just ordinary running, even if it doesn't use spirit power, this six-kilometer back-and-forth distance will not be a load for them. The transformation of the body by spirit power gave them a physical stamina far beyond ordinary people, even auxiliary spirit masters such as Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

With weight. The body obviously became uncomfortable. After going back and forth, Ning Rongrong and Oscar were already sweating, and the others also showed a little fatigue.

Ning Rongrong is undoubtedly the weakest among the people. Although Oscar is also an auxiliary spirit master, he has broken through the 30th level after all. His body has the bonus of the third spirit ring in various attributes, and his condition is better than that of Ning Rong. There are a lot of honors.

The weight of Tang San and Dai Mubai, Tang Luren and Li Mochen was a stone weighing 12 kilograms. Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun carried ten kilograms. Although Ning Rongrong and Oscar only weighed five kilograms, they felt as if they were carrying a large mountain on their backs.

The gate of the academy was in sight. To everyone's surprise, the master was standing at the gate of the academy watching them finish their first round trip and return. Next to the master, there is also a table with a big bucket on it.

"Everyone drink some water, and then continue." The master's words have always been concise and concise.

The bucket contains warm water with a slightly salty taste, which seems to be salt. Under the supervision of the master, everyone was only allowed to drink a glass of warm water, and immediately urged them to embark on the path of punishment again.

With the passage of time, the big fireball in the air has gradually moved closer, and the temperature brought by it has gradually increased. Everyone who drank salt water has gained some physical strength. Those with good physical strength are okay, but Oscar and Ning Rongrong I obviously felt that I had recovered a bit of strength.

Looking at the backs of the students gradually moving away, the master stood on the original ground with no expression, but when he saw that several people had come back together, his eyes were obviously somewhat satisfied.

Carrying the big bucket, walked towards the college. At this time, he is not only a teacher who teaches students, but also an elder who cares about them. What he wants to do is not to abuse the students, but to let them get real exercise.

The second round trip, the third round trip, the fourth...

Every time everyone returned to the academy, they would drink salt water prepared by the master and at a suitable temperature. Warm water is easy to absorb, and the salt supplements the overdraft of perspiration. Even Ning Rongrong and Oscar felt that they had managed to run four round trips at a constant speed like a miracle, except for drinking water, without any pause in the middle.

However, when the fifth round trip began, Oscar and Ning Rongrong's speed had already slowed down significantly. The scene in front of them had begun to blur, and their legs were as heavy as lead. The bamboo basket on the back brings this gravity more like a mountain.

At a constant speed, other people's physical strength can be maintained, although everyone is sweating at this time, but the spirit is maintained very well.

"Xiao Ao, give me your stone." Tang San said to Oscar.

Dai Mubai also reached out to Ning Rongrong at the same time.

This time, neither Oscar nor Ning Rongrong refused. They knew very well that their physical strength was already a bit overdrawn. If this goes on, I am afraid that they may not be able to persist this round trip.

Tang San and Dai Mubai's weight directly changed from 15 kilograms to 20 kilograms, and the bamboo basket turned into two stones. Five kilograms does not seem to be heavy, but in the case of substantial physical exertion, this simple five kilograms has already brought an obvious burden to the two of them. Although the constant speed can still be maintained, the breathing of the two of them has obviously become heavier.

On the contrary, after losing five kilograms of pressure, Oscar and Ning Rongrong instantly felt a sense of detachment, as if the whole body was light enough to float up, breathing a few times, and running suddenly became relaxed. Too much, not only restored the original uniform speed, but also felt a little more comfortable.

The fifth, sixth, seventh, three round trips ended in this situation. At the beginning of the eighth round trip, nearly two hours had passed. The sun at this time has deviated from the center, and noon has passed.

Everyone's breathing became harder, and their lungs seemed to be burning like fire. Every step they took, a clear watermark was left on the ground, which was the sweat flowing on their bodies. Since the last round trip, the salt water they added at the gate of the college has become two cups. And there is a short break. The master didn't urge them, he still prepared warm salt water for them after every round trip.

"No more, I can't do it." It was Ma Hongjun who was talking. He staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground. The fat man stopped, resting his hands on his knees, gasping for breath. His fat face has become pale, and it seems that every breath has been extremely difficult.

Li Mochen helped Ma Hongjun up and put the stone on himself.

Everyone stopped one after another. At this moment, everyone was speechless. Looking at each other, they found that the clothes of each partner had been soaked in sweat.

Originally Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Li Mochen shouldn't be so tired, but they are burdened by Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, which is heavier than the others. Only Xiao Wu and Tang Luren were more relaxed, Xiao Wu also reached level 30, but her load was the same as Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun. In addition, her body is good. Tang Luren said that she has no other people's stones, and her physical fitness is also very good.

But at this moment Tang Luren glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, and it was obvious that she couldn't hold it either, "Give it to me."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't refuse her, it was indeed impossible.

At the end of the eighth round trip, the master deliberately glanced at the bamboo baskets behind everyone when he provided them with warm salt water, but said nothing.

The ninth round trip continued. Although there was no load, the physical strength of Oscar and Ning Rongrong had reached the limit. Ma Hongjun had recovered a bit, Xiao Wu could hold on, but Zhu Zhuqing's pace was getting slower and slower. On the contrary, Tang San seemed to have passed his limit through gritted teeth, and it seemed that there was no sign of overdraft.

Seeing Soto City is already in sight, the ninth round trip will be halfway through. Suddenly, Dai Mubai staggered, and his whole body fell forward.

If in the past, relying on Dai Mubai's strength, he could stand upright as soon as he stood up, but at this time his physical strength was really exhausted.

Tang San followed Dai Mubai all the time, seeing him about to fall, hurried forward with a stride, holding on to his shoulder.

Li Mochen silently placed Dai Mubai's stone on himself.

The pupils in Dai Mubai's evil eyes were already united. Tang San had seen this situation when they were in danger. This should be an expression of the limit.

Dai Mubai did not stand on her own. The whole person was leaning on Tang San's shoulders, his chest undulating violently like a bellows, and the whole person seemed to be close to a dehydrated state.

"Boss Dai, how are you?" Everyone hurriedly gathered around. Inquired with concern.

"No, I can hold on." Dai Mubai barely stood up straight, with a resolute look in his eyes, looking at Li Mochen, "I can, brothers, let us stick to it, no one can be left behind."

While talking, Dai Mubai forcibly took out his stone from Li Mochen's bamboo basket and returned to his bamboo basket again.

Ning Rongrong suddenly took a step forward, "I'm much better now, and I can carry it by myself."

Dai Mubai said seriously: "No, I can."

But Ning Rongrong insisted on returning the stone. Her eyes were firm, and Dai Mubai felt a little admiration in his heart when he saw his eyes. He returned the stone to Ning Rongrong.

The journey continued, every step forward was so difficult, Dai Mubai was able to survive with his tenacious perseverance while losing five kilograms of weight.

The ninth round trip was supported by everyone. Although they were still running at this time, they were actually not much faster than walking. From the beginning of the punishment to the present, three full hours have passed.

Drinking salt water gulp, the seven people seemed to be fished out of the water, and the master still stood by without saying a word.

Dai Mubai tried hard, "Brothers, there is one last time, everyone must hold on."

Oscar suddenly said: "Little San, return my load to me, there is only one back and forth left, I can support."

Tang San was stunned for a moment, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something more in Oscar's eyes. But looking at his trembling legs, Tang San shook his head, "No, I can do it."

Oscar walked to Tang San's side, sweat kept dripping, but his eyes became very firm at this time, "When I am a brother, give it back to me. I can do it."

Ning Rongrong was already panting from the side. His face was pale, and she was almost fainted. Tang Luren was supporting her, but when Oscar took out the five kilograms of stones from Tang San’s bamboo basket, he couldn’t bear it. She said: "Little, little...Oh..., you...today...really like a...man..."

Oscar was so tired that he couldn't laugh anymore, so he could only stand tall and put on a natural look.

At this time, the seven Shrek monsters had already overdrawn their physical strength, but none of their expressions relaxed. Sometimes, the difference between genius and mediocrity lies in whether the willpower is firm or not. To survive the limit once means that everything will change.

The tenth round of punishment finally embarked on the journey. This time, everyone was really unable to run, and they could only barely move their steps and move forward step by step. Can't it work? No, it's okay, we can all do it. Carrying the stones behind them, they took heavy steps, step by step toward the final goal.

After walking for a kilometer, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, who were almost fainted, reached Li Mochen's bamboo basket with the stones behind them.

Two kilometers out, Zhu Zhuqing carried the fainted Ning Rongrong on his back.

Three kilometers out, Oscar fainted, Li Mochen carried Oscar on his back. The stone reached Tang Luren. Returning one kilometer, Zhu Zhuqing took back his stones, Xiao Wu's load was in Ma Hongjun's bamboo basket, Ning Rongrong was on Xiao Wu's back, and Tang San carried Oscar on his back.

Returning two kilometers, Zhu Zhuqing passed out, and Dai Mubai reluctantly picked her up.

There was less than 500 meters away from the end, and everyone was almost wiped out.

"Let it go, let me down..." Ning Rongrong's weak voice sounded behind Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu staggered and almost fell to the ground, and Ning Rongrong also slipped off her back, and the two supported each other. , Go forward step by step.

Oscar also woke up from the coma, struggling to slip off Li Mochen's back, and walked forward with the help of Li Mochen.

Zhu Zhuqing is still not awake. Although she didn't say anything, she was more overdrafted than Oscar and Ning Rongrong before. Although Ma Hongjun was fat, her physical strength was much better than Zhu Zhuqing. Dai Mubai helped him take another one. With the weight of distance, the situation is naturally much better.

Although Tang Luren didn't speak, he actually had more rocks on his body than the others.

Of course, at this time, Ma Hongjun had also reached his limit. They joined Tang San and Oscar. Several people helped each other and walked forward step by step.

If it was a person who was punished, with the physical strength of Ning Rongrong or Oscar, he would have been unable to hold on for a long time.

But it was seven people who were punished. With mutual support and mutual help, the attachments in their hearts had long been aroused.

The scene in front of them is blurred, and the end point can be vaguely seen. Their bodies are now completely supported by willpower to move forward.

Tang San carried heavy stones on his back and was supported by Tang Luren. The two held Ma Hongjun and Oscar respectively to help them support part of their weight. Dai Mubai's waist was already slightly bent, and the evil eyes were already a little red, and every step of the way seemed to be pressed by a mighty force of gravity.

Four hundred meters..., three hundred meters..., two hundred meters..., one hundred meters...

The master's stiff face has appeared in front of everyone, and even the master can't help being moved when seeing them supporting each other and moving forward together.

This last time they went back and forth, they walked for an hour. However, they finally insisted on returning.

Puff, puff...

Several people fell to the ground almost one after another, and Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun fainted almost at the same time.

The others are finished, but Tang Luren has to continue.

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