Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seven: City of Dolls

If there were really only ten minutes left to save the puppet master, Lin Sanjiu couldn't believe that for half a minute, she could only stand there blankly.

The only thing moving in front of her was a small number that kept beating on the screen.

... Even if Lin Sanjiu stared at it and used all his willpower to urge it to move quickly, the elevator still maintained the same speed - that is, the introduction board with a very proud tone on the elevator wall said " The ground moved by the speed rises steadily.

With a "ding" and a soft female voice prompting, the elevator finally stopped at the top floor - it only took more than thirty seconds.

This was already quite an admirable speed; but now Lin Sanjiu only had less than ten minutes to save people. When she opened and closed her mouth, relieved the pressure in her ears, and rushed out of the elevator, she even doubted herself. An irreversible mistake has been made.

Can you tell?

Lin Sanjiu pressed his hands on the floor-to-ceiling window glass, staring unblinkingly at the dark city spread out outside the window.

Thick clouds blocked the skylight, and only the occasional snow-white thunder and lightning suddenly illuminated the curtains of water that quickly slid down the glass; the rain curtain had already enveloped this viewing platform, and further down, the cold and quiet darkness The city was submerged in darkness, silently looking back at her from afar.

The cold glass she touched at this moment, the countless falling rain curtains floating in the sky, the black river meandering through the city, the purple-blood-red street lights that suddenly lit up in the darkness... They were all puppeteers, and none of them were. Puppeteer.


Lin Sanjiu whispered to the dark rain outside the glass. She didn't know if the puppet master was still conscious or if she could still hear her plea. "Give me a signal and tell me how to stop you from becoming a copy..."

On the glass that was darkened by the storm, there was only her own reflection, looking at her anxiously.

Even if the puppet master was about to turn into a copy, he would never ask her to save her life - he would not even help her save himself.

Before she rushed to the top of the building, the message that the great miko had managed to successfully convey echoed in her mind again.

"The copy is almost completed now," her voice echoed in every street and alley in all directions, "I will try my best to hold him back, you hurry up..."

that's all?

Lin Sanjiu didn't hear anything useful and was so anxious that she stamped her feet. The information she needs most is how to save the puppet master. She doesn't care whether the content of the copy is previewed or not; the great witch can't say a single useful word, so what should she do? While she was anxious, she looked around, and when she turned back unintentionally, she was suddenly startled when her eyes swept across the road she rushed in from.

When she couldn't make up her mind, the dark city was still expanding outwards; the edge of the road where she had just rushed in had been pushed far away without even realizing it - Lin Sanjiu knew very well that she could Didn't go that far.

If the city extends in one direction, does it also extend in other directions?

If the rest of the city has taken shape and only this side continues to grow, is it possible that the last bit of puppet master can be found in the unfinished corner of the city, where it is still growing?

To confirm this conjecture, she had to have a panoramic view of the entire city at the same time; there was only one place in this city where she could do this, which was the surrounding view of the tallest building she saw when she looked down from the cliff. Viewpoint.

Lin Sanjiu narrowed her eyes and leaned forward along with the reflection. Two identical faces almost touched each other on the dark glass.

Her heart skipped a beat - the city she was looking at was indeed slowly extending outward.

However, the direction she was staring in was not at the same place as the entrance to the city where she had just rushed.

what happened?

Could it be that...could it be said that the city is slowly growing in every direction?

As soon as this thought popped into her mind, Lin Sanjiu immediately ran away, following the floor-to-ceiling windows that surrounded the top floor of the building, and quickly and carefully looked at the entire black city - just as she feared, the black city was indeed coming. extending in all directions at the same time.

She almost fell to the ground in despair. The puppeteer ran out of time, and another of her speculations failed.

No matter what was going on, it was impossible for her to spread herself in all directions at the same time to check the situation; considering the size of this city, ten minutes would not be enough to go around it...

what to do?

Lin Sanjiu stared blankly at the dark glass, his gaze resting on the scattered urban buildings of different heights in the distance. She looked at it for a few seconds, then suddenly her heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly came closer.

If she read it correctly, it seemed that the growth rate of buildings and roads in the western corner was slightly slower than that in other directions - from her height, it only took three or four seconds in other directions to grow. It can extend a distance as long as a thumb, but it takes almost twice as long to reach the western city.

That's right... "I will try my best to hold him off", the great miko said twice.

The growth in the west is slower because the Great Miko is blocking the progress of the city dungeon there?

Lin Sanjiu looked at the position of Yu Mu at this time, turned around and rushed to the elevator.

The tallest building is right in the middle of the city, and running in any direction from here saves a lot of distance; but most of her combat power and physical strength have been asleep, and today she has had many twists and turns and running around, and she is already exhausted - at this time, she Listening to the sound of his footsteps stepping on the empty streets step by step, and the heavy and broken breathing in his nose and throat, it seemed that his soul had been soaked in the rain of this black city, and he was so heavy that he could not lift his head.

No... The puppet master's last chance to be rescued cannot be ruined by his legs that are so weak that he is about to kneel on the ground.

Lin Sanjiu looked around and suddenly had an idea.

Elevators can operate normally, but can cars on the road do the same?

...As it turns out, it can.

When she opened the door, the owner of the car was sitting blankly in the driver's seat, with his arms on the steering wheel; perhaps because the copy had not been completed yet, he had not been fully "activated" yet. He looked almost like a mannequin and didn't even look back.

I wonder what role this car and the people in it will play after the copy is completed?

Lin Sanjiu grabbed his collar, pulled him out of the car, threw him on the ground, and took his place and got in. With a twist of the key and a kick of the accelerator, the car suddenly lurched toward him with the roar of the engine. West rushed out. She didn't have to worry about traffic rules at all and could take any shortcut. Not only did she drive her car onto the sidewalk, she also passed through narrow alleys several times, smashed through the outdoor dining area of ​​a restaurant, and left a trail behind her. A flash of sparks.

"You must hurry up. This copy is very close to completion. UU Kanshu is about to start the content preview!"

When the great witch's voice suddenly sounded from the radio, Lin Sanjiu was startled and almost hit the car into a pillar under the sky track.

"What is it? Will it cause danger to me?" she asked urgently.

"Probably not," the great miko sounded a little unsure, "The main reason is——"

She couldn't finish her sentence, and the second half of her words was cut off.

Lin Sanjiu was stunned.

Immediately, she slammed the accelerator to the bottom, and the car sped straight ahead in a suicidal manner.

The great witch knows how tight time is better than she does, so what she tells Lin Sanjiu at this moment must not be useless information that comes to mind.

She didn't ask Lin Sanjiu to look back or think of another way. Instead, she just told her to "seize the time." I'm afraid she was hinting that Lin Sanjiu was taking the right direction. Then, in the message "The content of the dungeon is about to be previewed" , does it also contain information crucial to saving the puppet master?

Lin Sanjiu's mind was so wrapped up in this idea that she didn't notice the strange thing on the road in front of her in time. Instead, she drove straight into the large group of people - waiting for her to rush As she hit the brakes, she gasped and realized she was surrounded by a group of figures.

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