Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen An unexpected reunion

If someone had asked Lin Sanjiu before what was the worst way for a person to spend his life, she would probably have answered "alone".

After spending so long in the apocalypse - so long that when she looks back, she feels that before evolution it was just as short and narrow as the edge of a fingernail, but after evolution it was a long and endless river with no end - she now has a different answer. .

It's not a good thing to live alone all your life, but it's certainly not the worst if you have no worries. Even if you have someone to care about, you can still be alone, and you can still endure it.

The worst way is undoubtedly a situation like this in the apocalypse: just after gritting one's teeth and making a decision, one discovers a few new snow-white buds showing up among the branches, and one gradually becomes familiar with the road under one's feet... time is cut off.

You have made a decision, but because there is no soil, it is floating in nothingness; what kind of flowers will bloom on the tree and what kind of fruits will be produced, there is no chance to see it again; there is no news from the lost friend, so you have to pretend She forgot.

Every transmission is like pausing the previous days and starting a new time; life becomes a big frame, containing small lives that were suddenly interrupted. From a certain perspective, every evolver is Bohemia whose life has been cut into several segments. She is not even as lucky as Bohemia, because she at least remembers nothing.

The wishes that have not been fulfilled before, the promises that have not been fulfilled, the people who have not yet met... Even if they are suddenly teleported away on the way to put out the fire, knowing that the fire is still burning, they must all be put aside for the time being. Most of the time, I pretended to be fine, forcing myself not to think about it anymore, and comforting myself by saying that maybe there might be another teleportation in the future that would give me the opportunity to complete them one by one.

However, even Lin Sanjiu couldn't deceive him anymore.

The fact is that as long as there is still teleportation, no matter it is fourteen months or a great flood, she will never be able to listen to a song, tell a story, or get to know a person.

Before she entered the "brain in a vat", she had almost forgotten that there was another kind of life: people who travel will always come home; the things they agreed to do together can be completed. Everything is solid, continuous, and has meaning.

Before the big floods, some lucky evolvers could barely maintain this meaning through visas; but now that big floods are becoming more and more frequent, Lin Sanjiu doesn't even dare to think about the future - what if Being able to stay, if you can get your friends to stay, is undoubtedly the greatest salvation for them.

Because of this, she felt that the words "thank you" were too light. I'm afraid there is nothing in this world that can match Lou Qin's efforts and the significance of this matter. After being silent for a while, Lin Sanjiu asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes," Lou Qin said. "Aquan copy is in your hands, right?"

Lin Sanjiu almost forgot that the shark group in front of him who wanted to save the evolved people from teleportation was actually the same organization as the previous shark group that altered memories and deceived people's hearts. There seemed to be a deep and wide chasm between the two. When she stood at one end, looking at the other end felt unreal.

"Does it have to be him?" She murmured, " those things?"

Lou Qin didn't ask "what things", and was silent for a few seconds before slowly saying: "I need to get the copy of Ah Quan back. When everything succeeds, I can restore their memories at that time, or make amends and save them." , can all be done later. But now, I think the most important thing is to solve the teleportation, and everything should make way for this."

Xie Feng's words suddenly echoed in Lin Sanjiu's mind, "Although what the Sharks did was unfair, it was right."

When I thought of this, several other mysteries became clear one by one: Wu Yiliu said that he knew that his memory had been changed, but he could accept this fact calmly; also, Xie Feng said that he would never go back to the City of Tears. She left because she knew that with the vaccine, she could always be with Dong Luorong, right?

"Don't you just need to try it again with the Great Flood to know whether it is finally successful?" Lin Sanjiu asked, still somewhat reluctant to hand over Ah Quan's copy. "Why do you still need Ah Quan at the last moment?"

Lou Qin shook his head at this.

"Until the moment of real success, none of us know whether this is the last moment... Even if it succeeds, it will only be the end of the research part. There will be several phases of clinical trials, and when the clinical trials are over, we will We still face difficulties in large-scale production. This is not the same as a real vaccine. Every step we take is to build castles in the air and cannot learn from any previous experience or foundation. It should be said that the difficulties have just begun... This is when you need a copy of Ah Quan.”

She didn't explain "why" too clearly, and Lin Sanjiu understood: When faced with such complex and large numbers of difficulties, the solution to the problem will ultimately fall on people; but people happen to be very unpredictable and very unpredictable. Unreliable. With a copy of Ah Quan, you don’t have to worry about someone hoarding goods or raising prices, or someone being unwilling to cooperate or even stabbing you in the back... At a critical moment, a few key people may even save the entire plan.

"I also admit that compared with solving the problem of teleportation, these are small evils." Lin Sanjiu whispered, "But these small things also fall on one person. Ah Quan is also a person, and the eight heads you are going to attack next Virtue is also a person, I can't look at them..."

Lou Qin suddenly smiled. There was no hint of ridicule or helplessness. She seemed to be truly happy to hear this sentence. She smiled and said, "It seems that you are doing well after all these years."

"Ah?" Lin Sanjiu was startled.

"Although you have regrets and pain, there are no scars on your body, no irreversible damage, and no piece of flesh has been shaved off... so you can become more compassionate and conscientious as time goes by. After all, kindness and compassion are A luxury product, not to mention that most people can’t afford it, some people even don’t have the ability to understand why they are a luxury product.”

Lou Qin breathed a sigh of relief and pointed at herself just like she did when she was a teenager. Even her tone had a hint of the past: "Look at me, I don't have it. In order to do the most important and correct thing , I don’t hesitate to do some bad things in the process. Besides, for the copy of Ah Quan and that... Eight What? Oh, Badou De. For them, everything is temporary, they just need to wait, There will always be time to recover.”

Lin Sanjiu opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say. After a long while, she stuttered and said, "That's true...but I, I still need to think about it."

At the very least, she hoped to have a chance to ask them in person.

"Okay," Lou Qin said without surprise, "At the same time, I might as well take you to see this part of the factory again. You don't know, just find one that can be folded and taken away, in a certain space It took me so much effort to open the 'container'..."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel a little funny when he thought of how she used to look when she asked for credit. Even after experiencing drastic changes, certain characteristics of a person's essence always seem to be revealed.

Perhaps Lou Qin hoped that she would be more sympathetic to his plan and the actions of the Shark Department, so the tour was very detailed. However, according to her, even though she is the master of the shark system and she proposed the plan, just like the CEO of any large company cannot manage everything, she must also leave many things to others. Therefore, it was inevitable that she would not be able to answer the question and had to let Lin Sanjiu find out about it in the factory.

"Do you know what a CEO of a big company is?" Lin Sanjiu looked at this post-apocalyptic person - oh, we can't call her a little girl now.

"Can't I study yet?" Lou Qin said with a smile, "I have also been to the world six months before the end."

When the two of them walked together in the city road, it was like walking together in the apocalyptic world before. It seemed that many years of time and life had faded away between them. Except that Lou Qin had grown up, nothing had changed. The two of them walked to an unknown city road when someone suddenly called Lou Qin away - it sounded like an emergency had arisen and someone needed to make a decision.

"You go and do your thing," Lin Sanjiu said, "I'm not leaving. I just want to sit here for a while and rest my feet."

The emergency seemed to be quite serious, so Lou Qin didn't say much to her. He hurriedly gave her a few instructions and then rushed to the small disaster. Lin Sanjiu looked around and found that there was no place to sit. He felt that no matter where he sat, there was a possibility of breaking the machine, so he simply sat down on the ground.

A pair of feet wrapped in plastic boots walked up to her and stopped.

When Lin Sanjiu raised his head, he saw a man wearing a biochemical suit standing in front of him. He was reaching out to take off his hood. There was something wrong with this man's biochemical suit, and there were no gloves on the sleeves. Take a closer look. Instead, it looked like a biochemical suit put together with similar clothes; when he took off his hood, a piece of skin was exposed between the cuffs.

On that piece of skin, ink green and navy blue reflections were faintly flowing, as if the tattooed images, animals, ancient gods and demons were about to revive.

Lin Sanjiu almost screamed, but stopped herself in time. She stared at the half of her face exposed under the hood and asked with disbelief: "You...why are you here?"

Yu Yuan half-raised his hood, with no expression on his face. Hua Hua and Wild Wolf remained motionless, obviously not feeling how lovable she was now.

"Although I am a data body, after I leave the data flow library, every move I make requires energy, and this energy is used less and less, unlike you who can replenish it by eating." He said in a flat voice, "You Do you know how much energy I have wasted looking for you in less than a month since I entered this world?"

This chapter is typed in Hui Wen Chao style, which was the printing font used in the Republic of China, and was still used by the government in the 1950s and 1960s. Use it to write about the doomsday, and it feels like the doomsday traveled back in time to the Republic of China and was printed and published...

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