Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand six hundred and thirty-six 1 side

How smart are you? How about a thorough plan? You think you are defending your homeland and fulfilling justice, so what?

...In front of bullets, you are nothing.

Xie Feng was floating in the water, coughing and choking, and even seemed to be unconscious for a moment. When she thought she was going to explain today, she finally struggled and swam to a scaffolding outside the warehouse.

The dark rainstorm began to fall again.

All the strength in the body was gone, and it seemed that all the strength was washed away by the dirty yellow water along with the tears. She finally climbed up to a high place and got out of the water. When she was blown by the sea breeze and hit by the cold rain, her body wrapped in wet cloth shivered, and her teeth seemed to be knocked off.

what time is it now? Qiu Changtian should have gone back, right?

They drove the yacht out of this flooded harbor, which was naturally much smoother than hers.

When the security guards came around the back of the boat, Xie Feng had already squeezed out from the rear railing of the boat, holding on to the engine, and slowly sank into the dirty water.

She originally thought very naively, thinking that she might be able to hide under the boat and grab her somewhere. When they started the yacht and headed out, they could take her out with them and avoid their gazes searching the water - Just like the little fish catching the big fish on TV.

As soon as she got into the water, she knew that this was impossible.

In order not to be discovered, Xie Feng could only barely open her eyes in the turbid water full of impurities and dive deep into the water. There were some iron shelves on the ground not far from the warehouse. She swam behind the iron shelves and used its cover. , dared to quietly come up for air.

On the yacht at that time, Qiu Changtian was losing his temper.

He has experienced a lot today, especially the violent fluctuations in emotions: After being suddenly kidnapped, he could not not panic, but he barely managed to calm down and stabilize his position; when he thought that the kidnappers were trying to interrogate his companions, When he was falling, he probably thought he had a grasp of the situation. Just when he was relieved, he was hit by Xie Feng, and he was surprised and exposed.

After that, things took a turn for the worse. He felt that his official career was about to end, and he felt that his life was about to be lost. He would scold, beg, promise, and threaten. It was not a good look at all. After being rescued by his subordinates, all of Qiu Changtian's emotions seemed to be gone. Found an outlet.

"A few brats! They can knock you two down! Where is this safety awareness? Isn't it ridiculous to call yourself a security soldier? Have you followed all the rules and regulations? Is this how you do your job?"

His curses echoed loudly under the ceiling of the warehouse. Xie Feng felt his ear drums buzzing when he listened to them from afar. "It's good now. We missed one of the thieves. This place is full of water. Where can that woman go? She must have jumped into the water. Why don't we go down and look for her!"

Xie Feng didn't know whether it was because he was cold or because he was afraid. He gritted his teeth hard to prevent himself from making a sound.

On the yacht, the security guard whispered something. Both of them were standing on the deck at this time, and the driver was half lying on the side, half sitting on the side. Under the anger of the long autumn day, he lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

"Go if you are told to go. If your injury worsens and you are hospitalized, you will be reimbursed!"

"I didn't hear the sound of diving. Maybe she left just now..." The security guard's voice was a little louder.

Qiu Changtian fell silent and looked at him.

"...I'm giving you a chance to make up for your mistakes. You should think about it."

The security guard didn't dare to speak anymore. He held on to the railing and took off heavy objects such as boots and coats; the sound of his "plop" jumping into the water was heard by Xie Feng, who hid under the water first, and his heart tightened with shock.

It was too conspicuous to go to the warehouse entrance at this time. She really had no other choice but to lie down under the water and hold her breath, secretly praying that she would not be found.

However, this was just a false alarm.

In such a vast warehouse, even if it is not soaked in water, it would take a person a long time to walk around it. The security guard was injured and had to swim and dive to search every corner. In fact, if anyone thinks about it rationally, He knew that if he didn't rely on luck, it was unlikely that he would find Xie Feng.

Once, Xie Feng even watched him swim under the water not far away. It was more like going through the motions than looking for someone.

After the security guards boarded the ship two or three times and were kicked off the ship two or three times, Qiu Changtian seemed to realize that this method was not realistic. Naturally, he would not admit that he was just venting his anger. After giving the security soldier a beating, he slapped him, rubbed him, gave him some good words, and made some promises.

From their few words, Xie Feng understood how the security guard escaped: on the way here, she had already thought that the security guard actually went to the garage to drive, but she did not think of searching for his car keys - —The situation was urgent and there was no time to search him carefully; and no one expected that a multifunctional saber happened to be hanging on his car key, so he slowly sharpened the rope with a thin blade.

"As for those nonsense about the end of the world, you don't have to take it to heart." Qiu Changtian said to his two subordinates as if to comfort him: "They didn't let me explain, so they confirmed the matter first. The video was indeed cut off. There is a small part, but that part has nothing to do with our planet and does not affect the overall situation. You all know this confidentiality and sensitivity..."

Xie Feng's ears were raised high, and he did not dare to miss any of the next words.

not related?

Morning Star and Noon Star are two human planets with very similar situations. Why are they so confident that some of the factors involved in Morning Star’s doom must have nothing to do with Noon Star?

However, being able to explain these two sentences was enough condescension for Qiu Changtian. Naturally, the two of them did not dare to ask more questions. They nodded in agreement, and the topic was over.

...When they finally started the yacht and left with a roar, Xie Feng was so cold that his head was dizzy and he could no longer hold on to the iron frame.

She didn't know how she struggled to get out.

She was not familiar with the port at all, and had no idea where the exit was. She finally found a scaffolding where she could rest, and after looking around in the heavy rain, she saw the flood control belt in the distance.

Although it was difficult, she could always get out of here. What really worries her is the schoolbag she put on the yacht - and the mobile phone inside.

Xie Feng knew how to take precautions and never saved his or his friends' private information on his phone; but if he followed the chat group and followed the clues...

She had to return to the city to find a way to issue a warning, but the entire security department might have been mobilized now and was looking for her all over the city.

Will you surrender yourself to a trap if you go back? What if you don’t go back? Why did she end up in this situation? Is it all her fault?

In the turmoil of thoughts that hit her mind, she had only one little consolation: Qiu Changtian's official career is now intact, and Dong Luorong will not be affected.

After Xie Feng climbed out of the flood control belt, she dragged her body step by step on the road under the cold and heavy rain. Every step felt like the last step she could take in this life. She had never been so tired, discouraged and scared, as if the whole world was ready to collapse and bury her.

Occasionally, a car would fly past her on the road, causing high splashes of water. Every time she saw a car, Xie Feng waved vigorously, hoping that the other car would stop and take her with her; however, no car would stop - thinking about it, it seemed natural.

There was a car that slowed down. Xie Feng looked at the male driver, but he didn't dare to get in the car. The other person asked several times in a row, "Are you coming up?", but she just shook her head and refused; the man kept a low speed and walked beside her for several minutes, constantly glancing outside to look at her. He didn't drive until another car came from behind. gone.

Xie Feng's whole body was shaking, and he almost wanted to faint, but he didn't dare to.

When she finally saw the hotel where Dong Luorong was staying from a distance after trudging in the heavy rain for an unknown amount of time, Xie Feng suddenly shed tears at that moment.

She really wanted to go back to the room Dong Luorong opened for her, wrap her up in a thick bath towel like last time, cry and confess to her in a low voice; ask her if she had done something wrong, and ask her what she should do next. . If you feel tired from crying in her cool breath, which is like wine but not wine, just fall asleep slowly with peace of mind.

For more than two years, Xie Feng realized for the first time that he was underage, maybe still a child.

At this time, the heavy rain continued, turning the sky and the earth into a dull and hopeless darkness, and almost no one could be seen on the road. She sat alone in the rain and cried, with no one to care about her, and she had nowhere to go. She cried alone for a while, until her head was dizzy from crying, and she felt that it was really shameful, so she got up again.

Although he didn't know what to do next, Xie Feng seemed to have an idea at his feet, slowly approaching the hotel. When she reacted, she couldn't help but be shocked and stopped—why did she dare to go there? Qiu Changtian's subordinates might have sealed the hotel for inspection.

She stood on the street opposite the hotel, taking shelter from the rain under the roof of a convenience store. She pretended to look at the posters on the window and glanced at the hotel behind her from time to time. She longed for it, but didn't dare to approach it. She knew she should leave, but couldn't make up her mind to leave.

The entrance to the underground parking lot was sealed with yellow tape, but the side door of the hotel seemed to be accessible. There were several cars parked on the road nearby, and Xie Feng couldn't tell whether they were plainclothes people monitoring them.

...It's too dangerous, so let's go. Besides, going to see Dong Luorong now might only drag her down.

Xie Feng sighed inwardly, swallowed his dry and thirsty throat, looked away from the bakery shelves in the store, and turned around to leave.

"Why do you look so embarrassed every time I see you?"

When this voice sounded from behind, Xie Feng almost suspected that he was hallucinating.

How is that possible? When did she come out? When you pretend to look at a promotional poster?

But when she slowly turned around, the person standing under the rain holding an umbrella was indeed Dong Luorong.

The rain fell at her feet, stirring up white smoke-like mist that floated into the dark space between heaven and earth. In the rain, the red umbrella half-hides her face, and only her extremely pale skin can be seen; her lips, like the umbrella, are dark red like dried blood.

Why is it that every time I see you, it’s when I need help the most?

Xie Feng tried several times before he reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth, but he didn't know if what he forced out was a smile.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, "I'm leaving right now...don't be seen talking to me."

Dong Luorong stood quietly under the rain, making no sound for a while.

Xie Feng bit his lip, not daring to linger any longer, and turned around to leave. This feeling was so weird, like someone stepping on a skirt corner from behind when she was wearing a long skirt. She felt that her whole heart and soul seemed to be stepped on by the dongluorong behind her. It was so difficult to turn around and walk away.

"Come into the store and say," Dong Luorong's voice gently caught up with her and enveloped her ears.

...Is that good?

Xie Feng still felt uneasy, but his body had already walked into the store obediently. Before entering, Dong Luorong smiled slightly under the red umbrella, as if praising her for being obedient.

Walking into the bright store from the dark rain curtain, it feels very surreal. Especially Dong Luorong, when she put away her umbrella and walked into the store, she felt a little out of tune with the real world full of fireworks - Xie Feng kept a few steps away from her, and when she saw that the clerk behind the cashier did not pay attention to them, Then he said in a very low voice: " you know everything?"

"For a while, they were not 100% sure whether he left on his own or was kidnapped." Dong Luorong looked at the refrigerator in front of him, as if he was just deciding which ice cream to eat. "The driver he arranged for me was quite alert and quietly went to your room to take a look."

Xie Feng was shocked.

"After discovering that you were missing, he asked me if you had anything to do with this matter." Dong Luorong opened the refrigerator door and stood in the air-conditioning. Without looking at Xie Feng, he continued: "I said, How do I know if you have anything to do with this matter? You might have just gone out to do some errands. Can I assume that you are involved with this matter just because you haven't been here all morning?"

Xie Feng clutched the corner of his clothes tightly and could not utter a sound.

"...I just heard that he went back again, to the office of the Ministry of Security." Dong Luorong still looked very cold, closed the door with a bang, and UU Reading took nothing. "I haven't heard any further news about what happened to him. But one thing is, if you don't go back to the hotel, the driver will have to tell me first. Help me get rid of the driver, and then you Wherever you go is up to you."

Xie Feng wanted to cry and laugh again.

How could she always find a reason? It was as if Xie Feng was doing her a favor when he returned.

"The parking lot camera...may have recorded my face." Xie Feng whispered, "There are cameras everywhere in the lobby and in the elevator. I can't let anyone see you appearing with me. You...just leave. , it’s okay for me to be alone.”

Dong Luorong finally looked at her. Her schoolbag was gone, she was soaked all over, and her hair stuck to her face. To say she was embarrassed was an understatement.

After a few seconds, Dong Luorong placed a small coin purse in his hand on the shelf, looked at it and sighed.

"I wish you good luck," she whispered as she walked past Xie Feng. "When you know what the Evolver is, remember to tell me."

...When Xie Feng slowly turned around, she had disappeared into the heavy rain outside the door.

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