Doomsday Wonderland

Hey, hey, hey, audience friends, I miss you so much.

Isn’t this New Year’s Eve tomorrow? Is such that! I suddenly received a mission! On New Year's Eve, I want to ride in a carriage pulled by reindeer, cross the night sky, and steal red envelopes from children, so I have a lot of preparations to do today and I have to take a day off. Oh, what a pity, really, rub your hands.

Speaking of red envelopes, I discovered an amazing phenomenon just two days ago - it turns out that in areas outside Guangdong, New Year red envelopes have risen to 18,000? ! I was so fucking shocked that I dropped the biscuits. This is unimaginable in Guangdong, right? Our family gave us one hundred per person last year... I didn’t feel there was anything wrong with the money we gave or received. Cantonese people are really very pragmatic. The number of red envelopes has never changed since I was a child... I feel like I have to deal with it quickly and start working early to make money.

So the task tomorrow night is difficult. We have to steal it from Fujian Province, go all the way north through Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, arrive in Beijing, search it, and then steal it back along the west road. People in Guangdong don’t steal anymore, it’s so pitiful. I’ve been counting on this day for a whole year!

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