"Babble, ——!!!


In the scorching summer, even though it is close to dusk, the dense trees still hear irritating cicadas from time to time.

In the past, the community had already begun to become noisy at this time, because after work time, those who came back from grocery shopping, picked up their children, and walked their dogs, all kinds of sounds can be described as a decibel index explosion.

But today, the community is exceptionally quiet, so quiet that there are only some inexplicable inhuman howls left.


"Oh woo..."

A series of humanoid zombies, twisted or mutilated, were now wandering in the shade of trees and buildings, and occasionally a few were still lying on their stomachs in the sun.

It's not that they don't want to hide in the shade, it's just that they don't have that condition—their bodies are completely distorted, and nothing is normal.

Obviously, this is an absolutely crippled zombie that has fallen from a great height, but has not completely lost its function.


"What the hell is this. . . It's hard to top!" The young man leaned against the wall, his eyes squinting towards the gap in the curtain, but the more he observed, the more gloomy his face became, and his words were more worried.

"Brother Qing, haven't the zombies outside left yet?" Xiao Huang Mao licked his somewhat dry lips, he suppressed his voice, and asked in a very soft voice.

"it!" the inch-headed young man retorted angrily, but his voice was very small, and he added: "Those zombies outside have been wandering downstairs, and it is estimated that there are quite a few near the corridor, which is simply going to kill people!".

They are tenants of 202, 2nd Floor, Block B1, Lido Community, originally they were a family of five, of course, they shared a house. But the worst thing is that because of the shared house, their usual meals are basically solved outside, after all, the family is full of men, who would be able to fiddle with the work of the cooking stove.

As a result, they didn't have much food left in their house at all, at most a few electric kettles, some leftovers from yesterday's rancid appetizers, and half a dozen beers.

Otherwise, why do you think they have been planning to go out to find supplies, just to take advantage of the fact that they are in good shape and the sky is still bright, so that they can find a suitable time to go out to collect food and water - the electricity is off, there is no gas tank at home, and the water from the faucet cannot be directly drunk for the time being.

As for why there are only two people left ..... now

The reason for this has to start with half an hour

Half an hour ago, the world was peaceful... Well, it's true that the parts are more chaotic, but in general, the earth is still relatively stable.

However, after an inexplicable cosmic storm hit the earth, the world was in chaos!

First of all, all electronic equipment is completely destroyed, and of course, after the electronic equipment loses all function, cars, ships, trains, and other vehicles containing a large number of electronic equipment accessories immediately lose control, stop and stop, strike, car accident, anyway, the number of dead and injured in those few minutes alone is almost more than the sum of several years!

Immediately after, it was the deadliest zombie frenzy!

The source of these zombies is not dead humans, let alone appearing out of thin air, they are suddenly pathogenic among the living!

Some of their predecessors were ordinary workers, some were students, some were young adults, some were elderly... Linlin, almost all over the world!

It's pretty scary.

Even if one in a thousand people suddenly has a sudden illness, before understanding the situation, who would know that the saliva of a rabies patient with a very serious illness will carry a highly contagious zombie virus!

No, the first batch of people who were bitten and scratched were at least millions larger in the world, and then this group of zombie disease 'lurkers' would probably be able to occupy the hospital before they were detected.

Take the Lido community as an example, at present, the proportion of zombies has exceeded 50%! If these zombies don't know how to climb the stairs, I'm afraid this proportion can surge by another 20%!

The only good news is that the surviving humans on Earth have all been qualified to survive in this 'accident' - the natal talent and the corresponding talent ability!

——Back to reality——




A children's toy, a fist-sized bouncing ball, flew out of the balcony of room 202 on the second floor, and it was thrown hard against the wall of the complex, and it was visible that it also had several cans of Kiyoshima beer pierced with nails.

At this moment, it was like water entering a pan of oil, and in an instant, all the zombies in the vicinity were attracted to it!

And the 'culprits' who caused all this, they were quietly nesting behind Gate 202 at this time, one of them pressing the gradually opening door with extreme care, and his eyes were still staring at the slowly growing slit.

The other's ears were noticeably larger, and they twitched a few times from time to time.

By the time they actually went out, more than a minute had passed.

To be reasonable, if it weren't for the fear that the zombies who left would run back because of the noise here, they could have been slower.

After all, there is only one life, and no matter how stable it is, it is not too prudent.

However, what they didn't know was that while they were tiptoeing towards the higher floors, the occupants next door to them were practicing with the zombies they had lured out.



A zombie gets a headshot. But to the naked eye, it was seen that it had many penetrating wounds on its body, the most deadly of which was the door of the brain, which had a small hole the size of a fingernail.

It is worth mentioning that behind it is mostly a tiger's mouth or an adult's fist-sized 'flower piercing'.

Obviously, these penetrating damages have reached the level of a sniper rifle.

But what is surprising is that there are no gunshots in this vicinity, and there are no traces of bullet craters even near the zombies that were shot in the head.

However, there are many zombies in the vicinity that have several iron nails of different shapes 'hanging' on their bodies, they seem to have been baptized by high temperatures, and the shape of the iron nails is slightly out of shape, and some are even missing half of them. However, this does not affect the walking of the zombies, at most, under the light of the sun, the smell of the internal organs hanging on these iron nails is relatively large.

But there is no doubt that Chen An's accuracy is getting more and more powerful.

"One. "

"Two. "

"Three. "


Practice makes perfect, a word that can handle almost every skill - three minutes later, before the zombies were completely dispersed, Chen An managed to increase the kill count to 10.

Dissipating the faint arc in his hand, Chen An shook his right wrist, which was a little numb and sore, a little tiredly, and whispered to himself: "Whew~ I finally improved the accuracy of moving the target, and if I hone it for a while..."

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