Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 736 Willing to be Slaughtered

Jing Tian and Aoshui's consciousness withdraw from Jing Yi's consciousness space, and Jing Tian prepares to bring Jing Yi back to the dimensional space.

He wants to ask Snow Flower for help.

Before entering the dimensional space, Jingtian did not forget Wu Yong from the outside world. After all, he had already accepted him, and Wu Yong was indeed loyal enough.

When Wu Yong cautiously entered the castle, the first time he saw Aoshui, he was so frightened that he almost knelt down.

"Don't be afraid, this is also one of my followers, you will come into frequent contact with him in the future, get used to it!" Sedum said to Wu Yong.

"Ah, good, good sir, the villain knows."

Wu Yong stammered and nodded, but seeing Aoshui's appearance and feeling Aoshui's breath, he really couldn't get used to it in a short time.

Knowing that he was a follower of Sedum, Aoshui also expressed a little kindness, nodding as a greeting.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet my other friends."

After Jingtian finished speaking, he didn't explain to Wu Yong, and took Wu Yong, Aoshui and Jing Yi back to the dimension space.

In the space, it is relatively quiet now.

Only Xie Siyu, Jiuxiao, and Su Ling who just came in were in the residential area. As for Su Wuxian, Lu Wei, and Yu Wenshang, they were all in the giant area.

Now Xie Siyu has decided to leave, but she has not explained it to Jiu Xiao. In the last period of time, she obviously wants to chat more with her good sister.

And Su Ling was quietly on the sidelines, trying to downplay her own existence. After all, she had just joined the team, and when she didn't understand the explanation, the best thing to do was to listen more and talk less.

"Sedum, who are these two people?"

Seeing Sedum bringing Wu Yong and a fainted old man over, they were all curious.

"This is Wu Yong, my new follower, a king-level zombie. This is... my grandfather, whose body is currently occupied by an evil spirit."

Jingtian introduced Jiuxiao and Xie Siyu.

And Wu Yong was dumbfounded as soon as he was brought in.

First of all, the environment here is full of lush green plants, which he has not seen for a long time.

Of course, as zombies, they don't like green plants very much. Just like Ah Xing before, they like the withered environment.

After that, it was Jiu Xiao and Xie Siyu who made Wu Yong a little uncomfortable.

Xie Siyu was graceful, luxurious and beautiful. He was sure that even when he was a human, he had never seen such a temperament.

Next is the Griffon, not to mention the powerful breath, or a mutant creature he has never seen before.

The only one who can make him feel confident is Su Ling, but although Wu Yong is confident, he doesn't dare to underestimate Su Ling.

What kind of existence is this Mr. himself, a royal zombie, can have such a magical space, and can have these powerful subordinates?

The most important point is that Xie Siyu and Su Ling are clearly normal humans, while his master is clearly a zombie...

Wu Yong couldn't hold too many thoughts in his head, so he just stood there in a daze for a while.

As for Wu Yong, both Jiu Xiao and Xie Siyu just nodded and lost interest.

Maybe they will become friends in the future, but they are not familiar with each other now, what makes them care about is Jing Yi.

After some understanding, both Xie Siyu and Jiuxiao felt a little helpless, they couldn't help the soul at all.

Sedum also knew this would be the case, so he contacted Xue Hua directly to see if she could come over.

As soon as Jingtian finished contacting, Xuehua appeared in the residential area with two little girls.

This once again frightened Wu Yong, who was about to slow down the god just now.

"What do you want me to do? Don't you know that I am helping your disciples and maids improve their realm?"

As soon as Xuehua appeared, she immediately questioned Sedum dissatisfied.

"Since you can come here, it means there is no influence. I am begging you to help." Sedum did not tact this time, and directly asked Xue Hua for help.

As soon as Xue Hua heard this, her big eyes lit up immediately, she glanced at Jing Yi, and then she looked at Jing Tian and said, "Is there something else you want to ask me? You should know that asking the princess like this is definitely not a small price! "

"I'm serious, as long as you help, two hundred catties of ten thousand-year stone milk."

Jing Tian gave the reward directly, lest the girl would really open her mouth when she asked for it.

Sedum thought well, but still underestimated Xuehua's ruthlessness.

"Only two hundred catties? At first I asked for two hundred catties, and you gave me twenty catties. Now I don't want to give two hundred catties. The princess is not willing to do it. Five hundred catties is the bottom line... and I need to add a jar of monkey spirit wine." !” Snow Flower said with her hands behind her back.

Sedum's expression twitched for a while, this girl is really not ordinary black, but soon Sedum nodded.

"As long as you can do what I ask, I will give it to you." Sedum said.

"Oh? It's rare to be so happy. Then tell me what's the matter. Since you asked me, you must think that only I can do it, otherwise the big guy will handle it." Xuehua narrowed her eyes.

Aoshui smiled slightly at the side, and got used to Xuehua calling him.

"This is my grandfather. Nearly half of its soul has been fused by an evil soul. See if you can separate it and get that evil soul out."

Jing Tian didn't talk nonsense, and pointed at Jing Yi who was in a coma.

"No wonder the big guys can't handle it. No one can do this kind of thing except this princess. I'll check it first."

Snow Flower was not surprised by this situation at all.

Obviously, she had guessed something before, and some words and actions were simply pretended on purpose.

As Xue Hua spoke, she came to Jing Yi's side in a grandiose manner.

Snow Flower's movements were very simple, standing next to Jing Yi, narrowing her beautiful big eyes slightly to stare at Jing Yi.

In about four or five seconds, Snow Flower opened her eyes.

"Give me the reward, it will be done in half an hour!" Xue Hua stretched out her hand directly to Sedum.

"Very good!"

Sedum was overjoyed immediately, and directly waved five hundred-jin jars of Wannian stone milk, and a jar of monkey spirit wine flew over.

This time, there were only 47 jars of Sedum's monkey spirit wine left.

As for the ten-thousand-year stone milk, it is more than sixty tons, and it is not too painful to lose a few hundred catties.

Wu Yong, who was on the side, opened his mouth, thinking what kind of fairy method is this sir?

Change out of thin air?

In the next second, Snow Flower's actions startled him again. With Princess Snow Flower waving her hand, the six jars disappeared again!

"I forgot, you still have an earth element spirit stone!"

Snow Flower took away the stone milk and monkey spirit wine, and narrowed her big eyes again.

Sedum's expression suddenly changed; "You won't go too far, will you?"

"Well, it looks like you scared me, my princess has already prepared the Five Elements Spirit Stones, so I won't miss yours anymore."

Seeing Sedum's appearance, Xue Hua immediately curled her mouth in disdain.

"That's good!" Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

"I need absolute silence, so I will take the person away first, and I will send it back to you in half an hour. You take the two little guys first."

Xue Hua waved to Jing Tian and the others, and left with the unconscious Jing Yi.

"Now sir, you can rest assured. Princess Snow Flower said so, she must be sure." Ao Shui said to Sedum with a smile.

"Well, although this girl is usually very annoying, but what she promised is more reliable." Jing Tian smiled slightly.

"Master, we are going to grab food for Dajin and Xiaojin." At this time, the little girl Zixin hugged Sedum's thigh and said.

"Big gold and small gold? Is that the name of the two little golden eagles?" Jing Tian was taken aback and guessed immediately.

"That's right, Huo Lian and I are responsible for feeding them every day, and they are growing fast!" Zi Xin said innocently.

Sedum blinked, how big can it grow in just a few days?

Letting go of his thoughts, Jing Tian checked the location of the two little golden eagles.

It was not hidden by Snowflake, but placed high in the sky with the group of griffins.

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