Doomsday Fortress

Chapter 450: coming

They couldn't shrink back from this battle, because behind them were 100,000 unarmed survivors, or to protect the people, that was their mission.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, everything is ready, everyone is waiting, soldiers, survivors, no one wants to evacuate this Weishan Island, not because they are not afraid of these zombies, but because, except Weishan Island, they don’t Know where to go...

Here is their only hope for survival.


The weather is getting colder and coldest. Today is the coldest day since the beginning of winter. The cold wind blew across the lake, with cold humidity, blowing across the faces of soldiers on the city wall.


Under the city wall, in the command room, Li Weiping, whose eyes were tightly closed, shook suddenly, then opened his eyes, and there was a chill in his eyes.

"Ten kilometers, only ten kilometers."

Everyone in the command room couldn't help taking a deep breath after hearing the words, and waiting for an afternoon, the zombies finally came!

"Go ahead, all soldiers are loaded with bullets, ready to fight."

Cai Mingguo gave the old section a gloomy expression.


The old man has no fear. For him, the soldier exists for this moment.

With an order from Cai Mingguo, more than two thousand soldiers who had not climbed the wall quickly ran to the two sides of the island. All of them were first-level evolutionaries brought back by Tang Guoyong. According to the plan, they would be scattered on the wall. At both ends, go hand-to-hand with the zombies.

"Xiao Wang, Cai Yao will leave it to you. If we really can't stop the corpse group, please take her with you."

Cai Mingguo suddenly turned around and said solemnly to Wang Yi.

He is the chief officer of this army. Even if he dies, he will die on this seemingly sturdy wall. But Wang Yi is different. At least, Wang Yi’s burden is not that heavy. No one is in danger.

"Dad, I, I won't leave, I want to stay with you." Cai Yao said tears in her eyes.

"Observe, if the zombie really breaks through here, you will follow Wang Yi, and your dad will be a daughter like you."

Tang Guoyong also walked up at some point and persuaded Cai Yao that he was also ready to coexist and die with Weishan Island.


Cai Yao whimpered a few times, but didn't know what to say.


Suddenly, a roar clearly reached Wang Yi's ears!

"They are here."

A glint flashed in Wang Yi's eyes, and he rushed out of the command room first.

The days of early winter were very short. Even though it was only four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was a little gloomy. Several people quickly climbed up the wall and looked towards the west bank.



With a roar from far to near, a moment later, on the west coast of the island less than two kilometers from the edge of the island, an infinite group of corpses almost surrounded the west of the island, and the eyes were all gray and white!

The speed of the zombies group was not fast, as if they had known that they would not run away, they slowly approached Weishan Island.


Suddenly, a familiar roar came into Wang Yi's ears.

"Zombie King!"

Wang Yi condensed his eyes and quickly searched among the corpses with his extraordinary vision.

If you don't want Weishan Island to have too many casualties, that zombie king is the key!

A group of corpses of this size can only be said to be elementary. Wang Yi had dealt with them more than once in the previous life. How to deal with them, Wang Yi had planned early.

As the zombie king's roar fell, a few giant zombies suddenly rushed out of the endless group of corpses, nearly four ordinary zombies in height, so conspicuous in the group of corpses.

"They want..."

A flash of puzzlement flashed in Tang Guoyong's eyes. For some reason, these zombies in front of him gave Tang Guoyong a completely different feeling from the zombies in Pei County before.

They seemed to have a plan, but they lined up outside the island!

"It's the Zombie King, the Zombie King is ordering them."

Wang Yi shot Tang Guoyong who was puzzled and said quietly.

"Zombie King."

Tang Guoyong repeated it solemnly. Although he didn't know what Wang Yi was referring to, just hearing the name was enough to make him pay attention.

A few minutes later, hundreds of thousands of zombies finally lined up, and almost all the giant zombies walked to the front of the group under the order of the Zombie King.


The voice of the zombie king sounded again, but this time, Wang Yi heard a different meaning from it.

Killing, bloody, brutal.

This roar seemed to come from hell, not only Wang Yi, but also the soldiers on the wall could clearly hear it.



As the zombie king’s roar fell, the hundreds of giant corpses on the opposite side suddenly acted, ignoring the off-island base blocking the front, just under a collision, the wall that took more than a month to build in the gathering place, Rashed to the ground by a strong giant corpse!


As the wall collapsed, the atmosphere on the city wall instantly dropped to the extreme. Everyone knows what the next target of the corpse group will be once the base off the island is broken!

"Li Weiping, go back and tell Yang Bing to keep the primary school."

Wang Yi suddenly turned around and ordered Li Weiping under the city wall.

"Wait, bring Cai Yao with you."

Just when Li Weiping turned to return to elementary school, Cai Mingguo suddenly spoke.

"No, I won't go."

Cai Yao stubbornly shook her head.

"If the corpse group does come in, it will be the same everywhere."

"If you don't want your father to be sad, follow Li Weiping back to elementary school. I guarantee your father will survive."

Wang Yi suddenly said solemnly.

"You, you promise?" Cai Yao hesitated. She had seen Wang Yi's ability, but with so many zombies on the opposite side, even he wouldn't dare to retreat.

"I promise."

Wang Yi nodded seriously.

"Okay." Cai Yao glanced at Cai Mingguo reluctantly, then turned around and left.

Her stay here will only make Cai Mingguo unwilling to fight.

As the two left, Wang Yi, Cai Mingguo and others suddenly fell silent, watching the corpses trampling on the base off the island, and even their breathing gradually calmed down.

Since it is unavoidable, the other things are of no use after thinking about it, only fighting to death.


An amazing scene appeared. After seeing the giant corpses destroying the base outside the island, they did not immediately step into the Weishan Lake, but picked up the ruined walls and threw them towards the Weishan Lake!


A huge concrete stone was thrown into the lake by the giant corpse, like a small bomb, shaking the calm lake with huge waves!

"They want to fill the lake!"

Cai Mingguo screamed, his face full of worry.

This group of zombies is completely different from ordinary zombies. They may still have no wisdom, but they know to obey orders.

"Brigadier Cai, can our tank reach the opposite side?"

Wang Yi frowned and turned to ask Cai Mingguo.

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