Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 95 Aquaponics

Obviously, Li Wensheng originally planned to use wind turbines for power supply, so that his shelter could have sufficient power to use, but obviously the harsh environment greatly shortened the service life of the three wind turbines.

It cannot be said that it is completely damaged now, but the paralyzed wind turbine obviously cannot be repaired by Li Wensheng alone.

So he can only rely on the generator that was originally used as a backup power source to power his shelter and keep his aquaponics system running.

And this has obviously exceeded the upper limit of consumption that Li Wensheng can maintain, making him fall into the dilemma of energy shortage.

"Then you won't be able to last long?" Chen Xin couldn't help but worry about Li Wensheng's current situation, especially since he just got the oxygen generator from Chen Xin. Although this thing does not consume so much power, it needs to be turned on all the time. of.

"Who said it wasn't? I've used up more than half of the diesel in my store. If I don't replenish it, I won't be able to last for three months at most." Li Wensheng shook his head involuntarily, his face full of sadness and helplessness: " I have now shut down half of the aquaponics system, and the vegetables and fish I have harvested have been temporarily processed and stored to reduce consumption. I hope it can last for a few more months, or the wind turbine can be repaired.

If I really can't stand it, I can only take my wife and children to the official shelter, and I can't watch them starve to death! "

When Chen Xin heard Li Wensheng say this, he felt a little uncomfortable. He almost said that he could help Li Wensheng repair the wind turbine, but he still held back.

Some things can help, some things are better not to be so overzealous.

After holding back his help, Chen Xin thought for a while, but he still couldn't bear to die, so he said to Li Wensheng: "Old farmer, if you have surplus output, try exchanging supplies with the official shelter, I'm just using planting now. Greenhouse vegetables and official shelters in exchange for supplies are barely keeping up.”

Hearing Chen Xin say this, Li Wensheng's face suddenly showed hope, and he hurriedly asked Chen Xin: "How did you change the writer? Can you help me change some resources? I don't need anything else, just have diesel! "

However, before Li Wensheng's words were finished, he knew that he had said the wrong thing when he saw Chen Xin staring at him.

Chen Xin didn't say much to Li Wensheng, but just reminded him: "The official shelter should be short of vegetables and fresh meat, although they raise mice and grow mushrooms, the city government also has an underground planting area on the side of the power plant. But fresh vegetables and meat are still relatively scarce, and you should be able to get the gasoline you need for old farmers."

"Okay, thank you, writer! I'll go back first!" Li Wensheng was somewhat embarrassed by what he said just now, so he left Chen Xin's shelter with the oxygen generator Chen Xin gave him.

And Chen Xin also closed the door of the sanctuary and walked inside the sanctuary with a box of fresh fish.

In fact, it's not impossible for Chen Xin to help Li Wensheng change diesel, but his relationship with Li Wensheng is not as close as Mo Qingyan, Ding Ning, and Qin Lan. It is no problem to give him directions, but let Chen Xin come forward to help him change. Gasoline, Chen Xin felt that one should not be too enthusiastic.

Stories like Shengmien fighting Miqiu have happened too many times in history. Although Chen Xin will not be stingy in helping others, it does not mean that he will help others selflessly.

After all, Chen Xin and the SWAT team exchanged supplies, although the fresh vegetables in his hands are what the SWAT team needs, but the main reason for reaching an equal deal is the relationship between him, Ding Ning and Qin Lan, let Uncle Ding see Such a relatively generous exchange was given in the face of Ding Ning and Qin Lan.

If Li Wensheng really can't survive, Chen Xin might be fine to help him change diesel once or twice in case of emergency, but it is impossible for Chen Xin to change diesel for him to keep his shelter running for a long time.

This kind of thing can't be repeated again and again. After all, Chen Xin has no reason to waste his favor to help others.

However, the aquaponics system mentioned by Li Wensheng gave Chen Xin a lot of inspiration and temptation. He may also be able to develop a similar three-dimensional agricultural system.

Give it a try next time you upgrade your shelter?

Chen Xin passed this idea in his mind and couldn't help but start to think about it seriously.

While putting the exchanged fresh fish in the freezer, Chen Xin thought about the feasibility of this idea.

Aquaponics system is a cyclic compound farming system that combines two technologies of fish farming and hydroponic farming. Nitrate can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants as nutrients.

The water absorbed by plants is relatively clean and can be reused and provided to fish, so that fish can be raised without changing water and vegetables without fertilization.

In this way, fish, vegetables, and bacteria can form a complete cycle. Before the disaster of sunlight, the whole system can even realize a closed-circuit cycle by feeding fish with unfinished vegetables. It only takes 2- A 3-cubic water body with a vegetable cultivation area of ​​20-30 square meters can basically meet the consumption needs of vegetables and fish for a family of 3-5 people.

In the current apocalyptic environment, to maintain the operation of such a system, supplementary lights are needed to replace sunlight, and the planting area must be expanded to provide staple food output.

Chen Xin's current planting greenhouse does not have the conditions to do this. Although he also considered aquaponics when he built the shelter, the energy consumption of this equipment is far more than that of soil cultivation, considering the energy consumption problem. , Chen Xin gave up this idea and only got an ordinary planting greenhouse.

But now that the system exists, Chen Xin feels that he can still consider upgrading his greenhouse to an aquaponics system.

However, the issue of energy consumption is indeed a problem that must be considered. After all, Chen Xin can only barely maintain the operation of the shelter. The electricity supply depends on him changing gasoline from the SWAT team every month to maintain the operation of the generator.

He didn't plan to upgrade the power load of the shelter until he upgraded the power system.

Therefore, in addition to building the medical room in the next step, Chen Xin's primary upgrade target is the power system.

Although it was determined from the beginning that the power system was the top priority for the upgrade, step by step, everything else was upgraded, but the power system remained unchanged.

Although the current power system is still enough, Chen Xin decided that it would be better to upgrade it, at least to build a biogas fuel cell to reduce the load on the generator.

Of course, these things can't be rushed, right now...

Chen Xin looked at the fresh fish that had been put in the freezer and couldn't help swallowing. He hadn't eaten fish for a long time.

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