Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 77 Homemade Oxygen Concentrator

After listening to the technician's words, Uncle Ding thought about it and thought that it was the same. Today's external environment is not the peaceful era before the disaster. If you hide in the mountains, you can hide for a month without a net-type investigation. The extreme cold and hypoxia are natural. Circumstances are enough to kill anyone.

This is like climbing Mount Everest or going to the North and South Poles before the disaster. Without adequate preparation, professional protective equipment and enough warm clothes, all that awaits you is cold and death.

However, when watching the technicians install these biological response facades, Uncle Ding suddenly thought of his daughter Ding Ning, Mo Qingyan and the others.

Although Uncle Ding, Ding Ning and Mo Qingyan, had never visited the shelter, Qin Lan knew about the shelter when he went there and reported to him when he came back. There is no oxygen generator.

Out of concern for his daughter, Uncle Ding asked the technician, "Isn't it troublesome to make a device like this? If a private shelter wants to build a similar device, can it be done?"

The technician glanced at Uncle Ding with some surprise, and seemed to think that the focus of the special police captain was a little strange, but he still explained: "It would not be troublesome if we just made a similar simple device, it's just the oxygen production efficiency of the equipment. And maintenance and cleaning will be very troublesome.

For a private shelter, if you want to generate oxygen, it is recommended to build a greenhouse. With electricity and water, the greenhouse can provide both food and oxygen, which is much simpler than getting a set of such oxygen-generating equipment. "

The technician's words made Uncle Ding's heart sink, and he was immediately worried about Ding Ning and the others.

He deliberately asked the technician if there was any extra equipment, but when the words came to his mouth, Uncle Ding swallowed them back.

The equipment in front of him is for the survival of more than 20,000 people in the entire shelter. Uncle Ding can't use it for his own sake, even if he only needs a small part.

And instead of getting a set of equipment for Ding Ning and Mo Qingyan, the easier way is to have them move to the shelter.

This will not only solve their survival problems, but also provide guarantees for their safety.

After all, no matter what, in the shelter of the police station, Uncle Ding, as the captain of the SWAT team, is still in charge of talking, so Ding Ning's safety is still guaranteed.

Having figured out this truth, Uncle Ding didn't ask any more questions from the technicians, and made up his mind that no matter what Ding Ning's mood was this time, he would send someone to take her over.

The big deal, I bowed my head and confessed to her.

Bow your head to apologize to your daughter, it's not ashamed.


The official shelter has all the oxygen-generating equipment produced, but Chen Xin can only do it himself.

However, Chen Xin did not build another workbench, but borrowed the workbench attached to the weapon cabinet.

Although this is a workbench for making and maintaining weapons, it has all the necessary tools and related auxiliary materials such as tape and glue. , it is not particularly difficult to get a simple oxygen generator out.

Make a hole on the side of the plastic box, connect the pipeline and the micro vacuum pump, and then connect a vertical pipe, which is placed on the screen window placed in the plastic box to ensure that the water flowing out of the pipe can flow to the screen window. , and then install a fill light in front of the screen window, this simple algae oxygen generator is completed.

Although this thing is terrible and rough, the pipes are all sealed with adhesive tape, and the pipes and screen windows lack support, and it looks crumbling, but in the judgment of the system, it is still a complete survival equipment.

"Humble Algae Bio-Oxygen Box"

"Upgrade plan 1: Increase algae attachment surface, improve algae reproduction efficiency, oxygen production +10%, biomass production +5%, and 100 survival points required for upgrade"

"Upgrade plan 2: Change the structure of the water tank, improve the efficiency of algae photosynthesis, increase the oxygen production by 15%, and upgrade the required survival points by 80"

Seeing that the system provided an upgrade plan, Chen Xin felt relieved. Since this simple thing can be recognized by the system as an algae biological oxygen generator, the next thing he has to do is to collect materials or directly use survival points to continue to upgrade it. Oxygen box.

From the two upgrade methods provided by the system, Chen Xin also judged that the two upgrade routes of this algae oxygen generator should be finally upgraded: one is to take the fuel cell route to become a bio-generator, and the other is to become a pure manufacturing system. Oxygen machine.

And the algae corresponding to the two also seem to be different. The first type of multicellular algae, which is obviously more suitable for attached growth, can recover a large amount of biomass for fuel cells to convert electricity.

The second type of planktonic algae is significantly more suitable for planktonic life, the purpose is only to obtain more oxygen, not to recycle biomass.

For the two upgrade options, although both can be chosen, Chen Xin obviously prefers the first option, because he needs to obtain biomass fuel cells to provide electricity for the shelter.

After all, he still has a planting greenhouse to provide oxygen, and does not need to rely on an oxygen generator to produce a large amount of oxygen, which is only an auxiliary equipment in his plan.

It's just that the upgrade of this oxygen generator can't be carried out for a while. On the one hand, Chen novice does not have enough materials, and on the other hand, because the previous upgrade of the weapon cabinet and protective clothing has already used up his survival points.

Considering that the current oxygen content in the atmosphere is not at a level that makes people unable to breathe, he also has a planting greenhouse to provide oxygen, and Chen Xin is not very urgent to upgrade the oxygen generator.

And Chen Xin, who re-checked the data at this time, also reacted. Even if the surface and marine ecology collapsed, and there was no sunlight for photosynthesis, the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere would be enough for humans to breathe for a long time.

Although the previous global fires and meteorite impacts have consumed a large amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, the remaining oxygen is still enough for humans to use for a long time, and even enough to support the dust in the sky to disperse and the earth's ecology to rebuild.

And according to Chen Xin's speculation and the data he found in the data on the computer, the situation in front of him in complete darkness will last for at most a year and it will improve.

Although the dust in the sky still blocks most of the sunlight, the earth's surface may change from no light to a low-light environment within one to three years. Photosynthesis can already be carried out to produce oxygen.

In other words, humans may face the problem of hypoxia caused by insufficient oxygen, but it will not be unable to survive because of lack of oxygen.

The existence of the oxygen generator is only to improve the living environment of human beings in the shelter and make human beings live better.

Algae oxygen generation and power generation, this is also done in China, and it is not as complicated as I thought. The protagonist is a temporary upgrade. It is actually not that simple.

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