Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 548: Experimental Plan

Although the Lucians looked for various reasons, they failed to persuade Chen Xin in the end. Instead, they agreed to his revised plan under the threat of Chen Xin not providing technical support.

Lucia's new shelter will use Chen Xin's revised design, adding an additional planting greenhouse maintained by a ground source heat pump, and canceling each household's individual kitchen, instead changing it to a collective canteen design.

In addition, in the construction of the shelter, the construction technology provided by the Yan Kingdom will be used to optimize the building structure, and the original independent basement buildings and the original oligarchic shelter in the core area, which were only connected in series, will be transformed into household-style rooms. Living space, in the form of a central functional area.

This naturally increased the cost and investment of the entire reconstruction plan, and also went against the original plan of Lucia's official plan.

However, with the construction technology support provided by Yan Guo, the construction cost itself did not increase much. On the whole, it only increased the investment by about 15% compared with the original reconstruction plan of the Lucians.

In exchange for this 15% increase in cost, the number of people in the shelter has increased by 20%, from the original 5,000 people designed by the Lucian people to 6,000 people, and the living and living conditions have been greatly improved. improve.

In the face of such a situation, even if the person in charge of Lucia was reluctant, he could only choose Chen Xin's plan.

After all, if they used their original plan, both the construction investment and the construction man-hours would be far greater than the current plan, but the results were not as good as Chen Xin's plan.

With the current design of Chen Xin, they can completely fit the population that originally needed five shelters to accommodate four shelters, which can save the construction cost of one shelter.

Between the four shelters with a 15% increase in construction cost and the five shelters with the original construction cost, which one is more invested in, the Lucian people still have a clear calculation.

It is for this reason that Lucia officials will agree to Chen Xin's design plan.

As for the Yan Kingdom, after Chen Xin passed the result back to China, the country was also very satisfied with the result.

After all, although Yan Guo provided Lucia with technical assistance, these things were not free.

While some of it was given to Lucia in the name of donations, it is well known that free is the most expensive.

The things that Yan Guo provided were all paid for by Lucia now or in the future.

As for what to repay, the Lucia side who needs to repay now can use the technology or physical objects of the Suvian period to repay the debt, and what needs to be repaid in the future is likely to be minerals and other things.

In the current situation, the land doesn't really mean much. Otherwise, Chen Xin wants Lucia to return the 1.5 million square kilometers of land occupied by the Tsarist Russia, and let Uliasutai return. The Yan Kingdom, especially the Tangnu Wulianghai area, was the territory of the Yan Kingdom that was directly seized by Suvia!

In fact, it’s not that the top executives of the Yan Kingdom did not have such an idea. It’s just that these areas are basically devoid of people, and they have become no-man’s land, and the living environment is quite bad. If you want to recover these areas, you need a lot of infrastructure investment. Not to mention It also requires a large number of personnel to be stationed for a long time, and it is difficult to provide any production itself.

Apart from the nominal gain of regaining lost land, these regions offer little practical benefit to the country, but consume a lot of resources.

It is precisely for this reason that although the senior executives of the Yan Kingdom felt that it was a pity, they chose something more practical after careful consideration.

Chen Xin did not express any opinion on this, but just did his job well.

Although for Chen Xin, if the country is willing to recover these areas, then he has a way to turn these areas into productive and beneficial places for the country, but in general this still requires a lot of investment.

Taking the current situation of the Yan Kingdom, even if Chen Xin could use the system upgrade to make the situation the most favorable situation, the Yan Kingdom, which had just experienced the Southwest Earthquake, really couldn't make such a huge investment to regain the lost ground. .

However, Chen Xin still wrote a feasible plan and handed it in as a reference for the senior management.

What this plan needs to use is the mobile base made by Chen Xin, relying on the self-sustaining ability of the mobile base, stationed in these areas, and then build a semi-permanent modular base, and build and develop on this basis.

In these areas, although other production may not be available, there are still some various mineral resources, which can provide a lot of industrial raw materials for domestic construction.

It's just that this plan still requires a lot of investment, and Chen Xin is not sure whether the high-level executives will do this, so after submitting the plan, he did not continue to ask.

His main job now is still on that weather controller.

After two upgrades, the weather controller has been repaired and can be used.

Chen Xin is also planning when to start the machine and conduct an experiment.

It's just that this is not so easy to accomplish. After all, in the original Suvian design, this machine is to be used with special chemicals.

Now Chen Xin just replaced its parts and optimized the structure, but has not optimized and upgraded its work efficiency and operating principle, so if Chen Xin wants to start this machine for testing, in theory, he wants to see The effect still requires the application of chemical agents.

Of course, if you just start the machine to see if it can be used, or what effect it can have after the machine is turned on, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, you just need to turn it on.

During this period of time, the isotope generators shipped from China have been assembled and connected to the circuit of the base to start generating electricity. The power problem required for the operation of the weather controller has been solved. Now the start-up test conditions of the weather controller have been completed. In fact, it's basically there.

So Chen Xin is now planning a start-up test of the weather controller.

Although the experimental results themselves are likely to have no effect, after all, according to the design of the Suvians, special chemical agents are required to have an effect, but Chen Xin still decided to start the machine to see.

After all, only when the machine is started can relevant experimental data be collected to understand what the machine can do.

After collecting this data, Chen Xin wanted to continue upgrading the machine and knew where to start.

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