Early the next morning, Chen Xin got up from the bed as the alarm clock on his mobile phone rang.

Brushing his teeth, washing his face, and using a razor to shave after a long time, looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Xin touched his freshly shaved chin, and the expression on his face was somewhat inexplicable.

He didn't know why he had to clean himself up like this. It stands to reason that it was the end of the world, and Chen Xin, who didn't need to go out to meet people, was nothing if he didn't shave.

But he still set his alarm clock half an hour earlier last night to get himself up early and clean himself up, just like when he was going on a date with Qin Lan before.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin couldn't help but reach out and hold his face.

This has become a natural habit. Every time he meets Qin Lan, Chen Xin will clean up himself a little bit more neatly.

After all, Qin Lan is a beautiful woman, if Chen Xin went to see her in a sloppy manner, he would feel inappropriate to some extent.

Thinking of these previous things in his mind, after Chen Xin packed up, he finished his breakfast as usual.

After confirming through the radio that Mo Qingyan and the others had set off, Chen Xin walked towards the greenhouse, wanting to collect the vegetables from the field before they came.

The crops in the greenhouse are all mature. Under Chen Xin's meticulous care, both cabbage and lettuce are growing very well.

In fact, even the carrots that have been planted for two months can actually be harvested, but the ones that are harvested are only thumb-sized things. Although they can be eaten, they will lose a lot in terms of production, so Chen Xin Decided to wait until next month to harvest.

Harvesting cabbage and lettuce does not require pulling the whole vegetable out of the ground, which is easy to damage the crop, ineffective, and can easily make a mess of the otherwise tidy field.

The correct way of harvesting should be to cut off the roots of cabbage and lettuce with a sickle, so that the mature crops can be harvested to the maximum extent, and it can also save time and effort, and can be harvested quickly.

However, the novice Chen didn't have a sickle. He took a long dagger from the weapon cabinet. This was a multi-purpose dagger he used to use when he was surviving in the wild. Although it wasn't particularly suitable, it was a lack of tools. In the case, it can also be used.

Fortunately, he had already collected vegetables once last month, and Chen Xin had accumulated some experience. In addition, the field was not large, so he quickly cut down all the cabbage.

Just as Chen Xin was piling these cabbage together for packing later, he heard the radio in the living room ringing.

Because he was afraid that he would not be able to hear Mo Qingyan's calls in the greenhouse, Chen Xin deliberately turned the radio's sound to the maximum today to ensure that he could hear the radio even in the greenhouse.

After simply wiping his hands, Chen Xin returned to the living room and sat in front of the radio.

"Ingredients! This is Long Niang, please answer if you hear it! Please answer if you hear it!" Mo Qingyan was calling on the radio. She was already shouting loudly, but Chen Xin deliberately turned up the volume, which made Mo Qingyan 's voice is particularly ear-piercing.

Chen Xin hurriedly turned down the radio's voice, then rubbed his ears and replied, "I heard, why are you yelling so loudly!"

"I'm at your door, quickly open the door for me!" Mo Qingyan heard Chen Xin's reply, although she lowered the volume, she was still urging Chen Xin.

"I know, I'm opening it." After that, Chen Xin walked towards the gate of the refuge and opened the two gates of his own refuge.

Outside the gate, a truck was parked at the gate. The truck was full of supplies that Chen Xin wanted. When Mo Qingyan saw Chen Xin come out, she had lowered the window and was greeting him.

Chen Xin also smiled at Mo Qingyan, but his eyes still unconsciously turned to the figure in charge of driving. This was the first time he met Qin Lan after breaking up.

But neither Chen Xin nor Qin Lan in the car said anything more.

"Ingredients, can you drive the car in?" Mo Qingyan opened the car door, and after jumping out of the car, she asked Chen Xin while looking at the shelter door behind him.

Chen Xin looked back at his door, then looked at the car that Mo Qingyan and the others drove, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to drive in. The last time you drove a pickup truck, it's good to say that the car is relatively small. The front of the truck is too high, and I'm afraid it will get stuck when I get in."

"Okay, fortunately, I expected this before I came." Mo Qingyan didn't seem surprised, she nodded and walked towards the rear of the car: "Come and help unload the car!"

Chen Xin walked over, while Mo Qingyan climbed directly into the carriage, pulled out a small cart from the carriage, and said to Chen Xin proudly, "Fortunately I brought this, otherwise it would be really hard to move things. ."

Seeing Mo Qingyan taking out the trolley, Chen Xin realized that he had bought too many supplies, and the trolley couldn't drive into his shelter. Afraid not to move a day.

"Long Niang is as thoughtful as you think." Chen Xin praised Mo Qingyan, took the things she brought down from the car, and put them on the trolley.

At this time, Qin Lan, who had listened to the car, also came over and wanted to help and move things together.

When he saw Chen Xin, Qin Lan didn't forget to say hello to him: "Long time no see, Ah Xin."

"A Lan..." Seeing Qin Lan, Chen Xin also raised his head and wanted to say hello to her, but he didn't pay attention. He almost didn't catch the cement bag that Mo Qingyan handed him from the car, and Qin Lan, who was on the side, reached out to help him. After a moment, he didn't let the package of cement hit Chen Yu's feet directly.

"You still lack exercise as before." While talking about Chen Xin, Qin Lan easily put the bag of cement that Chen Xin almost didn't hold onto the cart.

Seeing Qin Lan's relaxed appearance, Chen Xin awkwardly stepped aside and said to her, "It's just that I'm not sure, and I rely on my brain to eat, how can I compare with you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xin realized that this sentence was exactly what he said when they quarreled before they broke up.

"Axin, your character has not changed! It's still the same as before." Qin Lan smiled at Chen Xin, reached out and took a bag of cement from Mo Qingyan's hand and put it on the trolley. Said: "It didn't matter before, but in this environment, it's better for you to exercise your body, even if it's not for..."

When it came to this, Qin Lan couldn't help but pause for a while. She still likes to persuade Chen Xin to change some bad habits as before, but now the two are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. .

Chen Xin didn't feel anything at this time, he just nodded to Qin Lan and agreed: "It's really time to exercise, otherwise you can exhaust yourself to death just by farming."

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