Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 372 Difficulties

Now that the location for drilling the well has been selected, Cao Daren's drilling rig will naturally come in handy again.

He took the workers assigned by Chen Xin to the No. 7 Middle School in Linshi to prepare for drilling the backwater well, while Chen Xin continued to complete the installation and commissioning of the heating hub with the remaining workers.

Because the two groups of people had to work separately, Cao Daren's group needed to re-establish a base at No. 7 Middle School to house their tents.

This also makes the first thing they do after going to No. 7 Middle School is to dig a hole in the snow.

In the snow cave on the original railway station side, the space left by Cao Daren and his group of workers was not wasted. Professor Zhang brought the members of the geological exploration team to live in, and also helped to carry out some work on the snow cave. Improvements to make it more comfortable to live in.

For these people who have been engaged in geological exploration in the wild all the year round, the time spent in tents is much longer than the time they live in houses.

Years of trekking in mountains and rivers has long made these geology scholars lose their bookishness. On the contrary, they have accumulated a lot of wild survival experience, and everyone can be called a wild survival master.

From Professor Zhang and the others' point of view, the living conditions in the snow cave tents are not much worse than when they were in the wild, and in many respects they are even better.

"This is much better than when I first started working! At that time, I was only in my twenties. The young boy who had just graduated from school went to Wulingyuan to do surveying and mapping with the members of the geological team. At that time, there was no tent. We just built a shack out of branches and leaves, and spent a whole month sleeping in the open air!" During lunch, Professor Zhang held an aluminum lunch box that looked very old, and talked to Chen Xin while eating lunch. Reflecting on his experience when he was young: "It's not like now, tents, sleeping bags, ponchos, the equipment is so complete! It was amazing that we had a rubber raincoat at that time."

Listening to Professor Zhang's story, Chen Xin was quite touched.

At the age of Professor Zhang, when he was a young man in his twenties, it was the most turbulent era of the Yan Kingdom. In that era, he was still able to endure the harsh conditions to engage in geological research instead of engaging in sports. It is very rare.

"Then why do you keep using this old lunch box, Professor? Now the weather is so bad, this old-fashioned metal lunch box will soon become cold, and it is very inconvenient to use. I'd better get you a new lunch box, Professor!" Chen Xin noticed the lunch box in Professor Zhang's hand. Although he didn't know why he used such an old lunch box, Chen Xin still wanted to get him a lunch box that could at least keep warm.

However, Professor Zhang shook his head and rejected Chen Xin's kindness with a smile: "No, this lunch box has been with me all my life, there is no need to replace this old man when I get old, and this lunch box is very useful to me. Significance."

Professor Zhang's words made Chen Xin raise his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything more about it.

"Professor, what is the distribution of hot dry rock resources here in Linshi?" Chen Xin turned the topic to his work and asked another question he was most concerned about at this time.

Compared with a heating hub that utilizes hydrothermal resources, of course what Chen Xin really wants is an energy tower that can exploit deep geothermal resources. After all, an energy tower is stronger than a heating hub in terms of power and efficiency.

But what the energy tower needs is to drill into the deep formations thousands of meters underground, not just a few hundred meters deep.

The two are completely different in terms of the total amount of construction and technical difficulty.

"The terrain of Linshi area is a typical two mountains and a ditch. The terrain is high in the south and low in the north. Although the whole city is east-west, from the overall topography, it is still a north-south geological fault. All geothermal resources are distributed on this fault zone." While eating, Professor Zhang explained to Chen Xin the topography and geothermal resources distribution of Linshi: "On this fault zone, Hunan Province is distributed. The main reserves of hot dry rock resources.

Due to the formation of geological faults, it is relatively easy to mine the shallow and middle layers of geothermal energy in this area, and many even formed hot springs and spewed out of the surface. If you want to exploit deep geothermal resources, drilling will be a huge challenge. "

Hearing what Professor Zhang said, Chen Xin's heart sank a little.

Professor Zhang's implication is very simple, let Chen Xinxian concentrate on the development of shallow and middle geothermal resources, while deep underground resources should think twice.

Chen Xin naturally listened to Professor Zhang's suggestion, but he did not give up his own ideas for the development of deep geothermal resources, but considered it more carefully.

"Even if it is a challenge, now we have to face it." Chen Xin's tone was a little heavy, but he was also very firm, he asked Professor Zhang: "Professor, if you want to mine deep geothermal energy in Linshi resources, what problems do we need to face?”

"That's too much. First of all, you have to solve the problem of the drilling rig." Professor Zhang put down the rice spoon in his hand and pointed out the biggest difficulty at the moment: "If you want to exploit deep geothermal resources, you must Only a professional drilling rig can do it. Your friend's drilling rig not only has insufficient drilling depth, but also has a limited diameter of the borehole. It is still possible to develop shallow and middle geothermal resources like now, but if you want to continue to dig deeper, But it's not that simple.

The geological structure of Hunan Province is very complex. You can hit anything when you hit the drill bit. The rock formation is easy to say, you can drill slowly, but if you hit other geological formations, it is very troublesome. If you are not experienced enough, you are afraid. It is difficult to deal with various problems that arise during the drilling process. "

"You don't have to worry about the drilling rig, I will solve it." Among the problems pointed out by Professor Zhang, the one that Chen Xin was least worried about was the drilling rig problem, which could be solved with just one upgrade.

However, the complex geological problems mentioned by Professor Zhang are not something that Chen Xin can solve.

Unless Chen Xin can come up with a giant laser drilling rig or a planetary miner to directly cut through the stratum for mining, the drilling rig will have to face the contest between the drill bit and different strata.

As for laser drilling rigs and planetary miners, this is obviously not something Chen Xin should consider now. He might as well build a world engine and directly transform the earth's environment if he has the spare time.

The planetary miner refers to cutting the crust of the earth, and then using gravity to pull the mantle magma into space, allowing it to cool naturally to form ore before crushing and mining.

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