Doom Lord

Chapter 73 - Narrow Victory

Cheng Yang immediately looked at the ground, and found that a little farther away, the light blue spirit stone had indeed appeared.

A feeling of surprise rose from Cheng Yang's heart. The level 1 spirit stones just now allowed him to gain more than a thousand points of power points. If these are higher level spirit stones now, how much power can he get? Energy value?

Cheng Yang hadn't had time to rush over to pick up those spirit stones when suddenly there was a hissing sound from the depths of the cave. That voice was exactly the same as the giant rats he killed just now.

"Damn! Could there be giant rats in here?" Cheng Yang looked at the winding stone cave in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, before he could make any further moves, a crash came from the depths of the cave. Cheng Yang immediately lifted his spirits, he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

After a few breaths, two shining bright spots floated over from the cave, and after they got closer, Cheng Yang realized that it was a giant rat that was even bigger than those rats just now.

If the mouse before was as big as a leopard, then the mouse that rushed over was at least as big as a black bear. When it ran, even the ground trembled slightly.

When Cheng Yang saw this scene, he immediately knew that something was wrong. With a thought, he immediately released a freezing technique on the giant rat. In the second that Cheng Yang cast the spell, he ran more than 20 meters away, and he was only more than ten meters away from Cheng Yang.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as the probability of success of the freezing technique, so the giant rat was instantly frozen in place.

Cheng Yang didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and immediately turned around and ran outside. At the same time, an ice puck was thrown backwards, directly hitting the giant rat's forehead.

However, when Cheng Yang ran about ten meters and released the ice puck, the ice on the guy's body melted instantly, and he started to chase Cheng Yang again.

That is to say, the effect of the freezing technique released by him only lasted for a second, which was cut in half. Cheng Yang estimated that it was likely that the giant rat at the peak of this level had some kind of special skill or talent, which weakened his control skills.

Cheng Yang had never killed a first-order peak demonized beast before, but that was in the copy of the Scarlet Church, and he stayed on the top of the tree, so he didn't have to worry about being attacked by the opponent. But now he is in a narrow cave, not only does he not have an advantage in terms of geographical advantage, but he is also at a disadvantage.

In the blink of an eye, the puck hit the giant rat, but the huge impact force did not affect the giant rat at all. After the ice puck shattered, a large amount of ice debris scattered all over the place, and the deceleration effect failed to play out.

At this moment, the giant rat was only about 20 meters away from Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang shot another ice puck while running.

Cheng Yang calculated in his heart that the magic defense of this giant rat should be around 8 points, that is to say, each attack he made could only cause more than 30 points of damage. With his strength at the peak of Tier 1, his blood volume should be around 240 points. If he wants to kill the opponent, he must hit at least seven times.

Now that I have only carried out two rounds of attacks, the opponent has already approached a distance of more than ten meters. Before the opponent catches up with me, I still have one chance to attack.

What about the remaining rounds of attacks? With the attack power of the opponent's first-order peak, it only takes three times to kill him. As long as he takes a bottle of life potion, he has every chance to kill the opponent first.

It doesn't seem too difficult to kill a giant rat at the peak of the first rank, but you have to know that this is only one, who knows how many giant rats at the peak of the first rank are in this cave?

If you can't get a certain number of power stones,

This action can be regarded as a loss. What's the benefit of killing a giant rat at the peak of the first order? Isn't it just 8 more power points?

Now Cheng Yang couldn't think of any other way, so he could only take one step at a time.

At that moment, another ice puck was shot out, hitting the giant rat in the chest, causing it to hiss again.

Cheng Yang's good days were coming to an end, and the giant rat directly patted Cheng Yang's head with its paw. Cheng Yang tilted his body, and the huge paw slapped on his shoulder, immediately throwing him flying.

"It's so strong!" Cheng Yang was annoyed in his heart, and after his feet landed, he shot an ice puck instantly.

The giant rat had just retracted its claws, and was about to rush up to attack again, but was hit squarely by the ice puck. Anger burst from its chest in an instant, and after a roar, it rushed straight at Cheng Yang.

When Cheng Yang saw this posture, he probably came directly to his forehead, right? Although Cheng Yang also knew that with the current strength of the demonized beast, its attacks would basically not have special effects, but this time he didn't dare to take the risk. Relying on his more than a year of combat experience, he dexterously avoided the fatal point, but the right half of his body was still hit by the head of the giant rat.

The trapeze was staged again, Cheng Yang was thrown seven or eight meters away, and hit the stone wall with a bang, a heart-piercing pain permeated the whole body, it seems that the guy at the peak of this level is really not easy to mess with.

A mouthful of blood was spat out from Cheng Yang's mouth. This scene looked very miserable, but in fact Cheng Yang suffered only more than 30 points of damage.

At this time, Cheng Yang's life strength was only about 20 points left. If he was attacked once, he might have to go to see Lord Hades. As for whether he could have another chance to be reborn, Cheng ** never thought about it.

"Damn! Come again..." Before Cheng Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, the giant rat rushed over again. Cheng Yang knew that there was no point in dodging, so he immediately shot an ice puck.

At the same time, Cheng Yang held a bottle of life potion in his other hand and quickly put it into his mouth.

The speed of the giant rat was very fast, and as soon as an afterimage flashed by, it had already rushed to Cheng Yang, and at this time, the potion in Cheng Yang's mouth had not had time to enter his belly...

Cheng Yang was secretly anxious, the ice puck hit the giant rat in the forehead. At that moment, the ice ball shattered into debris and covered the giant rat's body surface, and its speed instantly slowed down.

When Cheng Yang saw the situation, he didn't understand that the deceleration effect of the ice hockey played a role. Overjoyed, he moved quickly and was out of the giant rat's attack range in an instant. Moments later, the life potion took effect, and Cheng Yang's health was fully restored.

A ray of smile returned to Cheng Yang's face, when even an ice puck was shot, the giant rat that had not recovered from the deceleration state did not even have a chance to dodge, and hit it directly.

"Squeak..." The ear-piercing scream expressed the current anger and anxiety of the giant rat.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Cheng Yang is not a merciful person, and he doesn’t need to be merciful to these demonized beasts. Cheng Yang shot out another magic missile, and the giant rat at the peak of the first level was knocked to the ground immediately, eyes wide open. Unwilling to close it.

A feeling of being reborn after a catastrophe emerged from Cheng Yang's heart. If the deceleration effect of the ice puck hadn't been exerted at the last moment, I'm afraid he would have died before he could succeed.

Since his rebirth, Cheng Yang has always had a sense of superiority. He feels that he is the person who knows the rules best in the world, and at the same time knows all the big and small things that happened in the last year.

But the experience just now undoubtedly gave him a blow to the head. News and information are indeed very important, but if his life is gone, these things will no longer have any value. And the most likely ones who can end their lives are these demonized beasts.

There were tens of thousands of demonized beasts that I killed alone in my last life, but the strongest of those demonized beasts was only the existence of the first-order late stage, which was completely incomparable with this guy in front of me. Due to lack of experience, he didn't fully grasp the fighting habits of this first-order peak giant rat, and also miscalculated the sudden explosive power of the giant rat, which caused the crisis at that time.

It seems that we must pay enough attention to these demonized beasts in the future, otherwise they may capsize in the gutter one day.

After Cheng Yang calmed down, he opened the giant rat's body.

Looking at the big guy in front of him, Cheng Yang couldn't help feeling a little depressed. If he knew the skinning skills, wouldn't this giant rat provide him with a good mouse skin? The skin of a first-order peak demonized beast should be able to make equipment that can reach the black iron level.

Cheng Yang took one last look at the giant rat's body, then turned and walked deep into the cave.

Cheng Yang had to be more cautious this time. If he hadn't been a little excited when he suddenly discovered those blue ores just now, he probably wouldn't have been discovered by this first-order peak demonized beast so early.

Cheng Yang groped forward slowly, and soon returned to the position where he had encountered this first-order peak giant rat. Looking at the light blue ore in front of him, Cheng Yang felt that he must find a way to get one.

Wait until you figure out what it is before deciding whether to take the risk.

Cheng Yang tied up his clothes, and then moved forward lightly. It took a full minute for him to advance less than 20 meters.

In fact, Cheng Yang also knew that it was very risky for him to do this. Even though he killed the giant rat just now, if two of them appeared suddenly, he might be in a tragedy.

Finally, Cheng Yang held his breath and came to a piece of light blue ore, and slowly bent down to pick it up.

Cheng Yang doesn't know if there is anything in this world that needs to be identified. Anyway, in his previous life experience, he didn't find any items that needed to be identified. Of course, to a certain extent, his experience in the previous life was equivalent to being in the novice area, and his understanding of the whole world was still at the superficial level.

Now, the ore in Cheng Yang's hands also does not need to be identified, he knew its properties immediately.

Spirit Stone (Level 2): ​​Contains 1000 points of Spirit Stone, which can be absorbed by warriors or sacrificed to the territory to increase the corresponding amount of Spirit Energy. Mining conditions: 1 mining skill level 7.

As expected, it was a higher-level spirit stone, and the surprise in Cheng Yang's heart could not be expressed in words. Moreover, the energy contained in this level 2 spirit stone is a hundred times that of level 1. Cheng Yang felt very excited just thinking about it.

This is still the case for level 2 spirit stones, so what about level 3 ones? Does it have 100,000 psionic points?

If he was hesitant to continue exploring before, then at this moment he has no hesitation. As far as he could see, there were more than 3 level 2 spirit stones.

As long as you get these three spiritual energy stones, you can completely upgrade the territory one day in advance.

What's more, within this range, there are quite a few Level 1 Spirit Stones. As for the level 2 spirit stone, Cheng Yang planned to get it back and sacrifice it to the territory, but the level 1 spirit stone could be absorbed by himself.

PS: Please recommend, please collect...

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