Doom Lord

Chapter 58

"Being flanked by front and back!" Cheng Yang said inwardly, why did he forget to see if there was a group of monsters at the other end of the alley?

These guys definitely ran over after hearing the commotion here, but since they were looking for a laneway with only two exits at the front and back, now that they were blocked like this, they became a shackle.

You have to choose a direction to rush out. If you are surrounded in the middle, you will definitely die, and even the bones will not be left in the end.

The black water crocodile is obviously not a wise choice. There are thousands of black water crocodiles waiting outside, and the two big guys in the late stage of the first order have not yet shown up. Can't stand the other party biting.

The only way left is the exit at the back, I hope the number of green monkeys will not be too many.

At this time, Cheng Yang wasn't particularly afraid. After all, he still had a dozen bottles of red medicine in his backpack. Even if he carried it hard, he could kill two to three hundred first-level demonized beasts. But the key problem is that it is too far away from the garrison. Without the potion, it will be troublesome in case of danger.

After Cheng Yang made his decision, he immediately turned around and ran towards the rear passage. After a few breaths, he encountered the group of green-skinned monkeys.

Cheng Yang didn't want to face the opponent right now, so he jumped up to a height of three meters, and then fell straight forward with this inertia. The distance of seven or eight meters was instantly left behind.

The dozen or so green-skinned monkeys who rushed in were dumbfounded. Seeing that the target they were about to hit disappeared in an instant, this was too unacceptable for them.

Soon, Cheng Yang was exhausted and fell towards the group of green monkeys. The moment Cheng Yang landed, seven or eight dung forks stabbed at Cheng Yang, as if stringing Cheng Yang into candied haws.

But Cheng Yang also knew that no matter how powerful these dung forks were, as long as they didn't have the special effect of piercing, they wouldn't be able to pierce his body. The moment his feet landed on the ground, the ice spike skill was instantly used.

More than a dozen green-skinned monkeys were bathed under the icicles, and their blood volume was instantly reduced by more than half.

At the same time, the green-skinned monkey's attack finally landed on Cheng Yang. After this round, it only took away two blood points of Cheng Yang, which was no different from tickling.

However, Cheng Yang attached great importance to the attacks of these green-skinned monkeys, and kept making subtle adjustments to his body, trying to avoid being hit by these guys at vital parts. This is not to say that Cheng Yang is worried that these guys will have higher damage after hitting the vital point, but to prepare for future battles.

With the improvement of the strength of demonized beasts, some demonized beasts' attacks will have special effects, such as cutting, piercing, etc. The broken attribute played a role again, and then a tragedy occurred. In this case, no matter how weak the attack power of the demonized beast is, the warrior whose neck has been cut off will be drained of blood in an instant.

This is true for demonized beasts, and it is also true for warriors. A skill or equipment with special attributes, once it bursts out in a battle, can instantly kill the opponent. At that time, combat experience and skill will be very important. Unlike now, as long as it hits the opponent, the blood volume will be reduced so much that people don't even have the desire to dodge.

It is precisely because of this inadvertent induction that people will not be able to adapt to that kind of battle for a while in the future, so that a large number of fighters have become another batch of funeral objects, which makes others wake up. It turns out that the battle is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

In his last life, Cheng Yang has gradually adapted to the fighting mode that requires moving and dodging.

But it's just adaptation, not familiarity, so he needs to take advantage of the special effects of the attacks of these demonized beasts in the early stage, and first train his fighting skills to prepare for the future.

Back to the topic, after Cheng Yang attacked again with ice spikes, all the green monkeys around him fell to the ground, turning into more than a dozen corpses.

Cheng Yang didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately rushed forward a few steps, then jumped up again, and fell forward. Immediately afterwards, another ice spike hit out.

Two consecutive attacks cleared an open space again, and Cheng Yang took another two steps to run forward.

At this time, Cheng Yang was still nearly 20 meters away from the exit, while the black water crocodile behind him was only more than 40 meters away. Fortunately, there are dozens of green-skinned monkeys between him and the black water crocodile. Otherwise, when Cheng Yang faces the huge black water crocodile, I am afraid that this tactic will not work, because when he falls, he can't even get a foothold. No place can be found.

After three more rounds like this, Cheng Yang had already suffered seven or eight attacks. Although the damage to his health was not much, it still made him very depressed. For a magician, being surrounded by monsters is indeed a tragic thing.

At this time, Cheng Yang finally discovered a very good phenomenon for him, because he saw that there were no large groups of monsters outside the exit. Gao Ren the bird flew away.

With excitement, Cheng Yang jumped up and down again...

"Damn!" Cheng Yang couldn't help cursing angrily, because this drop instantly reduced his health by 7 points.

There was actually a green-skinned monkey in the middle of the first order, Cheng Yang secretly scolded himself for being confused, how could such a large group of monsters not exist in the middle of the first order? At that moment, Cheng Yang looked around, and found this green-skinned monkey on his left side.

At this time, why is Cheng Yang being polite? Serve directly with magic missiles. After all, this guy had already endured a round of ice spike attacks just now, and now after being hit by another ice puck, his blood volume was immediately emptied.

At this time, the black water crocodile finally encountered the green-skinned monkey. It was obvious that the green-skinned monkey was besieging and killing Cheng Yang, and they didn't pay attention to the black water crocodile that was chasing after them. But the black water crocodile didn't feel soft because the other party was also a demonized beast, and directly opened its bloody mouth, biting towards the thin green-skinned monkey.

The melee between the two groups of monsters broke out in an instant...

Cheng Yang didn't expect that the two groups of monsters would actually fight, which rarely happened before. Most of the time, monsters of different races will not interfere with each other. Even if they see each other, they will deliberately avoid it. But now, the black water crocodile and the green-skinned monkey obviously had no inevitable possibility, and the two sides collided directly.

For this result, Cheng Yang naturally wished for it. Immediately kill the group of green-skinned monkeys in front of him, and continue to leap backward.

In less than half a minute, Cheng Yang successfully rushed out of this alleyway and entered another piece of ruins. At this time, Cheng Yang suddenly discovered that on both sides of the ruins, a large group of black water crocodiles were rushing towards this side.

Depend on! Who says demonized beasts aren't smart? Cheng Yang's impulse to scold his mother became more and more obvious. He found that he had spent a year in the doomsday in his last life, but he didn't have a deep understanding of the doomsday at all. For example, these guys in front of them are only first-order demonized beasts, and they already know how to outflank and attack.

For this, Cheng Yang could only explain it as the special favor of the gods for these guys. Who made them guard something extraordinary?

Cheng Yang felt very fortunate in his heart. If these green-skinned monkeys hadn't rushed in first, he might have faced the back and forth attacks of thousands of black water crocodiles. To get out of the predicament, it is definitely much more difficult than facing the green monkey.

At that moment, Cheng Yang didn't hesitate, and immediately ran away. At this time, there was no direction to choose. Those black water crocodiles were about to encircle him, leaving him no more opportunities to choose.

While running, Cheng Yang quickly took out a bottle of life potion from his bosom, poured it into his mouth, and instantly filled up the life value that had been reduced to less than one-third. This also made him feel a little more at ease.

If it was placed before the doomsday, with Cheng Yang's current speed, those so-called sprint world champions would only be left behind by Cheng Yang. But now Cheng Yang still felt that his speed was too slow, as long as he was still surrounded by the blackwater crocodile, Cheng Yang would not feel safe.

"Whoosh..." There are still seven or eight meters left, and Cheng Yang will be able to rush out smoothly.

But at this moment, two extraordinarily huge blackwater crocodiles rushed out of the group quickly and stopped Cheng Yang in the direction where he was running. That four to five meter long body is full of deterrence, even if it is just lying on the ground, its height is more than 1 meter.

Cheng Yang's face changed slightly. Even if he thought with his toes, he knew that these two big guys must be the two late-stage first-order existences in the blackwater crocodile group. As for the black water crocodile in the middle stage of the first order, he also killed it just now, but the head is completely incomparable with the two guys in front of him.

Facing two monsters at the end of the first order at the same time? Cheng Yang was still a little uncertain. If kite tactics are used, he is more confident. But now he is still surrounded by black water crocodiles.

Fight! Let's go out first.

Without stopping at all, Cheng Yang rushed straight to where the leaders of the two blackwater crocodiles were. At the same time, he moved the staff slightly in his hand, and a faint blue light overflowed from the staff, heading directly towards the head of one of the black water crocodiles as a hood.

The body of the black water crocodile, which was still swaying, seemed to be frozen instantly, and fell into a state of stiffness, unable to even move its eyes.

"It's about this time!" Cheng Yang calculated the time, stepped on the back of the black water crocodile's head that Cheng Yang had frozen, and then leaped and fell far away.

The other black water crocodile was not idle either. Although it didn't understand why its companion suddenly stopped moving, it had a very persistent idea of ​​stopping Cheng Yang. At that moment, the huge tail flicked violently, and swept towards Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang was in the air and had nowhere to rely on. But his rich combat experience played a role, an ice ball quickly formed at the end of the bone spirit staff, and then directly hit the giant tail that swept over.

"Boom..." The two collided instantly, and the huge impact caused the giant tail of the leader of the blackwater crocodile to stagnate for a short time.

PS: It seems that the rhythm of two more chapters will be added today. But Sleepy has a request, because once Sleepy adds these two chapters, it means that she will leave the new book list the day after tomorrow. The performance of this book is not very good. If it leaves the new book list, it means that the exposure rate of Sleepy’s new book will be further reduced. For this reason, Sleepy plans to postpone the two chapters of the added update to five days later, including the average increase in the next two days. will do so. Sleepy will never break his promise, please be considerate brothers...

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