Doom Lord

Chapter 20 Rescue

The moment everyone rushed into Luofeng Village, they all breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they were very fortunate to leave some people in the village when they left. Otherwise, if there are two or three demonized beasts blocking the door now, there may be casualties.

The gate of the fence was closed in an instant, and the bristly boars rushing forward had no time to stop, and slammed into the gate one by one. Its huge impact immediately made the entire wall tremble, and there were bursts of rattling sounds, which made Liu Hao and others very worried. I'm afraid that the wall will collapse under the impact of these giant wild boars.

But Cheng Yang knew that no matter how many steel-haired wild boars there were, it was impossible for them to break down the wall. After all, its five points of defense are there, and the steel-haired wild boar with the initial strength of the first level does not have such ability.

There will be no suspense in the next battle. Cheng Yang attacked while explaining: "This kind of steel-haired wild boar is a difficult one among the monsters at the beginning of the first level, especially in the wild. If you can't get close to it Killing it before was definitely a huge disaster. It is impossible for the warrior's standing shield to block the charge of the steel-haired wild boar. That's why I told you to run away immediately. In that case, no matter how many warriors we have In the end, it is inevitable that there will be casualties. In the future, if you encounter groups of steel-haired wild boars in the wild, the first thing you do is to escape."

Everyone wrote down what Cheng Yang said one by one, these were life-saving knowledge for them.

After all the steel-haired wild boars were killed, Cheng Yang and the others embarked on the journey to Huimin Town again. When he left, Cheng Yang looked at his mana value, and it turned out that it had reached nearly 600 points. Among them, more than one hundred points were obtained in the copy of the Scarlet Church.

He is now very much looking forward to his psionic energy value breaking through a thousand, so that he can have four times the speed of cultivation. Of course, correspondingly, the psionic energy consumed per hour will also be twice as much as before.

The itinerary this time was relatively smooth. Although we encountered some demonized creatures along the way, and even encountered a group of green monkeys with a number of 11 when we approached Huimin Town, but with the tacit cooperation of Cheng Yang and others , these demonized beasts did not cause them much trouble.

The moment Liu Hao and others stepped into Huimin Town, their faces turned a little pale. Although they all had guesses about the doomsday scene, Cheng Yang had also told them about the cruelty of the doomsday. But all of that can be conceived in their minds, and now when they are really on the scene, they find how empty and pale their previous thoughts are.

The entire Huimin Town covers an area of ​​two to three square kilometers, but now there is not a single standing house in sight. In the entire ruins, apart from some demonized beasts wandering around, there was not even a single figure to be seen.

Perhaps it cannot be said that people cannot be seen, but living people cannot be seen. Under their feet, there suddenly lay a few blood-colored skeletons, all the flesh on their bodies had been gnawed away, and even the bones could no longer be pieced together.

Everyone who was used to living in the peaceful years had experienced this kind of scene, and they felt their stomachs churning, and they all bent over and vomited. What was even more unbearable was Pang Shan, a girl who saw this scene in front of her, was instantly frightened and stupid, and when she came to her senses, she opened her mouth wide and was about to scream.

If Cheng Yang hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and rushed forward to cover her mouth, they might have faced the siege of demonized beasts.

"If you don't want to die, don't scream." Cheng Yang said calmly, and then let go of Pang Shan.

Pang Shan also understood the situation of people like herself. Although her eyes were full of fear, she didn't scream out. However, she couldn't help the rolling in her belly, and she followed Niu Bing and others to the ground and vomited endlessly.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yang didn't laugh at their fragile thoughts at all. In his last life, he also saw such scenes in Xiangcheng City, and his performance was not much better than them at that time.

Maybe they will have nightmares in the next few nights, Cheng Yang sighed in his heart.

After a while, Li Wanshan was the first to recover. Although his face was still pale, his eyes became firmer. He looked at Cheng Yang and said, "Little brother, do you think all towns and cities in the world are like this?"

Cheng Yang nodded, and said: "That's true. But the number of deaths is not very large, it only accounts for one-fifth of the total population. As long as you are lucky, you can escape this initial disaster. But Whether you can survive in the future depends on your ability."

Li Wanshan looked at the desolate scene around him and said, "I understand that in order to survive and save my family as soon as possible, I will adapt to this world as soon as possible."

At this time, the rest of the people are gradually getting used to it, and the only one who has not slowed down is Pang Shan. At this moment, she is still a little sloppy.

Cheng Yang went on to say: "The main reason we came here this time is not to kill the demonized creatures here, but to save people. So for a while, we will try our best to go to the place where there are few demonized beasts, and everyone should try not to make any noise. Wait until we are rescued." When there are twenty people, return immediately, otherwise you won’t be able to take care of them on the way back.”

The rest of the people immediately nodded yes, and then they slowly explored into the ruins.

During the march, in order to avoid being discovered by those wandering demonized beasts, all the people squatted down and slowly moved forward among the ruins. Several fighters were scattered around, all focused on observing the movement in the distance. At the same time, they also utter a low voice, and if anyone hears it, they will naturally respond.

Of course, if they encounter an unavoidable demonized beast on the way, they will not be relentless, let one person go out alone to attract the other party, and then attack them in groups, and there is no pressure to kill them. Even if two of them are sometimes attracted, they can kill them smoothly.

This is also due to the fact that the scattered demonized beasts are not very dense, and many demonized beasts have gathered together at this moment. For such a group, Cheng Yang and others can hide as far away as possible.

A few minutes later, Liu Hao suddenly stopped, and said to Cheng Yang a little excitedly: "Yangzi, look over there."

As he said that, Liu Hao pointed to a place more than 30 meters away on the left, where there was a ruins after a high-rise building collapsed. There are many caves between the walls, and at this moment a head popped out of one of the caves, looking at Cheng Yang and his group with glowing eyes.

Liu Hao is sure that it is definitely a person, not a monster. So far, they have not seen a "monster" that looks exactly like a human.

At that moment, Cheng Yang made a gesture to the other side, telling the other party to calm down first. The man hidden in the cave nodded excitedly, he was afraid that Cheng Yang and others would ignore him now.

Cheng Yang looked around and found a little lemur wandering about twenty meters behind the man's hiding place. If that person came out of the cave, it would definitely attract the attention of this little ghoul, so if you wanted to save someone, you had to kill that little ghoul first.

At that moment, everyone slowly groped forward for more than ten meters, and the little lemur entered their attack range. Cheng Yang didn't hesitate, and when he stood up, a magic missile shot out, killing 10 of the lemurs immediately. some life.

The remaining six long-range attack professions were not slow at all, they got up and shot almost at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the little ghoul fell to the ground and never got up again.

"Come out!" Cheng Yang said quickly to the hiding person.

At this time, the man hesitated, he was frightened by the attack method of Cheng Yang and others just now, especially those magicians, is it the ability of human beings? He whispered, "You...are you human?"

Liu Hao immediately became unhappy, and said with a dark face: "You are not human! Your whole family is not human."

Not only was the man not angry, but he was extremely excited. He immediately crawled out of the cave, stumbled and ran to Cheng Yang and the others, and said excitedly, "Thank you, thank you!"

Cheng Yang said: "Don't speak loudly, or you will attract a large number of monsters, and we will all be finished."

The man's face changed drastically, and only then did he realize that he was not completely out of danger, and then asked in a low voice: "You...what's the matter with your bows and arrows and that kind of light bullet?"

Cheng Yang didn't want to explain too much, and said, "You can understand that as a kind of ability produced by human evolution. Well, let's not talk about it, you will understand later. Do you know where there are people hiding nearby?"

The man immediately said: "I know...I know, there are many people hiding around here, but they don't dare to show their heads. I'll go find them."

After the man finished speaking, he turned his head and walked a few steps, and suddenly turned to Cheng Yang and said, "Brother, can you go with me? There are monsters everywhere..."

Cheng Yang did not refuse, and immediately led Liu Hao and others to explore. During this process, Cheng Yang also learned the name of this person, Zhao Chuan, who was a teacher at a middle school in Huimin Town before Doomsday.

Under the leadership of Zhao Chuan, a dozen people were called out from the surrounding caves soon. In fact, many of them heard Cheng Yang's shout just now, but they couldn't believe that someone was coming to save them, so they didn't dare to come out. Now that Zhao Chuan came to the door one by one, they couldn't hide anymore.

But after they saw the ability of Cheng Yang and others to kill monsters, how could they have the slightest reluctance? They all thanked Dade for following behind Cheng Yang and the others.

With the addition of these people, the speed of the team slowed down a lot, and they acted more cautiously. Fortunately, apart from the piles of monsters in Huimin Town, there were not many left. Occasionally, they would meet one or two people who couldn't bear the hunger and came out to look for food, and these people all joined Cheng Yang's team without exception.

In fact, there were some people who didn't want to go with Cheng Yang and others at first, perhaps because they felt that too many people would be more dangerous. But after Zhao Chuan and the others explained the strength of Cheng Yang and the others, they didn't have any opinions.

PS: Brothers were very good yesterday, and the collection has successfully increased by 100. According to the agreement, Sleepy will add a new chapter today. Everyone, can you continue to work hard? Tomorrow, the number of favorites will increase to 150, and two more chapters will be added for sleepiness... Hehe.

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