Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 418: big grey

In this way, Viscount Will finally confirmed the effectiveness of the monster effect.

It's a pity that the recruitment is imminent, he can only tell Ryan to take good care of the remaining fruits and make other arrangements when he returns.

After all, Sir Will thinks about it, this magical beast fruit is in the back garden of his castle, and there is no chance that something could go wrong.

As a result, now a nobleman who does not talk about martial arts has come to Narant...

"Lord Ryan, don't be sad, I'm happy to get this magical beast fruit tree from your Viscount Will, so when your father redeems you in the future, I'll ask for less elves!"

Narant patted Ryan on the shoulder in comfort.

It is not easy for people to dig a tree all the way back from the Black Forest, a place inaccessible and inhabited by orcs.

Last time in the arena, the ten kobolds Batman fought against him were obtained from the dark forest.

"Exchange with an elf?" Ryan was taken aback.

"Yes, I heard that your Northern Principality doesn't have much gold coins, but there are a lot of green elves, so I plan to let your fathers use elves to exchange them, so that you won't be able to get so many gold coins in a while!"

"Okay, Your Excellency Ryan, now I'm ready to continue the journey, and I will keep your castle intact!"

After explaining to Ryan, Narant was ready to set off immediately and rush to the next noble territory.

Now that the news of his arrival has been leaked, the speed of travel must be fast.

Otherwise, I don't know if the Northern Duchy will send a large army to encircle him.

In addition, this Viscount Will Castle has been scraped by him, and all the craftsmen in the town not far away have been captured by him, and there is nothing else to do if they keep it.

"Sir, I want to take away Da Huihui, but I don't know if I can?" Just as Narant walked to the gate of the castle and was about to get on his horse, there was a weak voice from a little loli beside him.

"Da Hui Hui? What Da Hui Hui?" Narant didn't respond.

"Sir, it's them!" Shirley's short hand immediately pointed to the vestibule.

Looking at Shirley's point, I saw two bull-head-sized dog heads sticking out from the corner of the castle wall not far away, looking at Shirley with reluctance and pleading.

"Uh... Shirley, are you sure these two big dogs can obey?"

Previously, Narant had been thinking about having a meal of this otherworldly dog ​​meat hot pot.

But considering Shirley, he finally suppressed this cruel idea, and now he is ready to leave the two dogs in the castle.

I just didn't expect that Shirley was going to bring the two dogs with her.

Narant was a little worried that the two greyhounds would not be well-bred.

If one is not careful... with Xue Li's half-baked bronze primary strength, the danger is very great.

"Sir, the two heads are very obedient, I have already agreed with them!" Xue Li was very confident, "Come here, Da Huihui, and say hello to the adults!"

Immediately Shirley waved to the two greyhounds.

And when the two greyhounds heard the call, they immediately ran up and down, and the two big tongues swung and swung as they ran, looking naive and in sharp contrast to the huge size.


When the two greyhounds came to Narant, they immediately squatted on the ground honestly, and then closed their ears and kept whimpering at Narant, as if begging the nobleman to be pitiful.

In addition, the tail is also wagging like a propeller.

"Okay! Then accept it!" The only shortcoming of Narant is that he is kind-hearted, and what else can he say when he sees it.

Since this dog is so well-behaved, it is natural to stay.

"Thank you, sir, you are really a kind nobleman!" Shirley's little girl suddenly smiled, and then she sat directly on one of the greyhounds.

Apparently, the little loli who used to be a lizard rider is now a greyhound rider.

This scene made Narant envy for a while. The lucky girl is different. These days, because the big fireballs are hidden in the iron cage on the carriage, Shirley did not ride.

But now I immediately found two more mounts to replace.

Of course, with the size of the big gray, only the size of the little loli is suitable for riding.

"Set off!"

Immediately, Narant stopped delaying and set off with a big wave of his hand.

And Ryan over there recognized Duke and Karen immediately when he was put on the carriage.

The three looked at each other in dismay, and then Duke and Karen asked if they had invited Narant into the castle in person.

Faced with such a sharp question, Ryan suddenly wanted to hit him to death on the spot.

Fortunately, the eldest brother did not laugh at the second brother. After the relief of Karen and Duke, Ryan's mood stabilized.

Immediately, the three began to talk, pointing their finger at Narant, saying that they had never seen such a nobleman who did not talk about martial arts, saying that he was invincible...


The time turned to evening.

It has to be said that the plain terrain is really convenient for human reproduction.

Not only is there a lot of arable land, but also the transportation is convenient, with roads extending in all directions.

Narant and his party have arrived at another noble territory at this moment.

Of course, this was not the domain of that Baron Perry.

Originally, Narant wanted to go to Baron Perry's castle to shave it. After all, the lords are in his own hands, so it is not easy to open the castle.

After inquiring, I learned that Perry had only been a baron for two or three years, and there was no castle at all, and the foundation of the castle had just begun.

If you want to really build a prototype, it is estimated that it will take seven or eight years to be possible.

"Sir, the captive who led the way said that in front of you is Baron Carlo's town and castle, but the little one just seemed to see the civilians and serfs in that town fleeing frantically!"

Quick took the storm knight to explore the road back from the front.

"Well, it means that the people in Carlo Castle have received the news of our invasion!" Narant is not unexpected. Since the two escaped in the morning, the news must not be hidden.

"Let's go, leave those civilians alone, let's go straight to the castle!"

Fortunately, Narant's main target was not civilians, who fled when they escaped, he didn't care.

At the moment, the team swaggered through the chaotic town directly to the castle.

When Narant and the others came to the castle more than 200 meters away, the Caro family guards above the castle were already on guard.

This Baron Carlo Castle was built on flat ground with a moat of more than 20 meters around it, and there were 70 or 80 people stationed on the wall at the moment, it looked really tough.

Of course, among the seventy or eighty people, there were only more than twenty real guards, and the rest were all sturdy young men in slightly tattered clothes.

Obviously, these young people are all just recruited serfs. They have dung forks and hatchets in their hands. The only thing they can see is the hunting bows in the hands of a few hunters.

"You guys wait first, I'll go up and see for myself!" If the opponent could surrender without a fight, Narant would naturally be reluctant to use the sword, so he would see if he could go up and persuade him to surrender.

"Who can call the shots here?" Narant rode alone to a distance of more than 100 meters from the castle, and asked towards the city wall.

"I'm Keeling, the eldest son of Baron Carlo! Your Excellency, who are you, who dares to openly attack Viscount Will's castle?"

Although Keelin received a notification from the two fleeing guards that Narant had attacked Fort Viscount Will, the two guards did not know Narant's identity.

Therefore, now this Keelin does not know the origin of Narant.

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