Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 416: Outsmart the Viscount Castle (2 in 1)

Time turned to the next morning, and Narant went directly to the Viscounty Will with his subordinates.

The Viscount family is worthy of being a Viscount. There are a total of two small towns with a scale of tens of thousands of people in the territory.

Among them, the town where the castle is located is gradually developing towards the scale of a small city. In addition to the lack of a city wall, the population has exceeded 30,000.

Arriving outside the town, Narant made it like yesterday, hiding the captives and barbarians in the woods outside the town, while he entered the town with a high-profile guard and a motorcade.

He had originally expected that this viscount would fall into his hands as easily as yesterday.

Unfortunately, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

I don't know if it's because the Viscount family's method of educating their children is different, or because the family's great business does not depend on the reception of caravans as a pillar industry.

When Narant took the team around the town for a long time, and spent a lot of money to buy a lot of food and wine, he didn't see anyone sent by the castle to say hello.

Instead, he ran into a small group of patrolling guards swaying around the town and approached them, wanting something to gain.

Seeing this, Narant was speechless. If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to use force to storm the castle.

Attacking the castle is too laborious, how can it be easy to attack Huanglong.

After thinking for a moment, Narant was still a little unwilling, and gave an order to Quick, and called the small team of patrolling guards who were wandering nearby.

"My lord, what can I do for you?"

This guard is a bit shabby, except for the captain wearing a worn leather armor, the other guards are all sackcloth and linen, and are only equipped with a few old long swords.

Hearing Quick's greeting, he immediately came to Narant, nodded and bowed.

"Well, you are the Viscount of Will, right? Did your viscount go to the autumn expedition?"

"Thank you for the reward, sir!" The captain of the guard took the large plate of roast meat, and immediately laughed from ear to ear, "If you go back to the nobleman, our viscount had set off with the team a month ago!"

"That's a pity! My father and Viscount Will used to know each other well. This time I took the caravan to the desert, and he asked me to greet Viscount Will when I came back?"

"By the way, who is in the castle now?" Narant asked in a different tone.

"Go back to the nobleman, now the castle is under the control of Young Master Ryan, but ... Lord Wick explained it before departure, and now Baron Perry is the master of the castle!"

"Huh?" Narant looked puzzled.

"Master noble, Baron Perry is a vassal of Lord Will. Your Excellency is worried about the safety of the castle during the autumn expedition, so he handed over the duty of the castle to Baron Perry!"

"Really?" Narant nodded.

In my heart, the situation is more difficult than before. As long as a baron does not inherit his father's business, his strength is definitely not low!

Narant changed his mind and immediately came up with a plan, "Then, please help me to inform Lord Leib, since your Lord Will is not here, I will not go to the castle, you ask Lord Ryan to come to the town , I will hand over the gift my father gave Viscount Will to him!!"

"By the way, my name is Harry Potter, from the Potter family!"

Saying that, a silver coin appeared in Narant's hand, and then bounced to the captain of the guard with a ding.

The captain of the guard was quick-witted, and he steadily picked up the silver coins.

"Okay noble master, wait a moment, I will report to Young Master Ryan!"

After speaking, the captain of the guard quickly walked towards the castle.

It didn't take long for the young master Ryan to come, also a young man in his early twenties, with five guards behind him.

However, to Narant's disappointment, that Baron Perry did not appear.

"Lord Harry?"

"Yes, are you Master Ryan?" Narant came forward to greet him warmly.

"Yes, Your Excellency Harry, I heard that your father and my father are familiar, but I don't seem to have heard..." This Ryan said suspiciously, with a little bit of alertness in his eyes.

"Haha, I'm not too sure about this. My father said that he knew Viscount Will during the battle. Viscount Will also rescued him once. This time, he specially asked me to bring a gift to greet him!"

With that, Narant waved his hand behind him, and Quick immediately pulled a carriage forward. The carriage was loaded with a lot of goods, including barrels full of beer, some fine silk fabrics, and a few Set of leather armored swords.

"So that's the case, then your father is too polite, Your Excellency Harry, this is not the place to talk, why don't you go to my Viscount Castle to sit and chat!"

Facing the gift of this cart, especially the new sets of leather armor and long swords, Ryan immediately put down his defenses and warmly invited Narant to the castle.

"Okay!" Narant was happy and gave an order to Quick and others, and then only brought a few lucky girls and a carriage to follow Ryan towards the castle.

It has to be said that the Viscount is the Viscount. Although the castle is far less majestic than the Earl's Castle, it is still twice as large as the Baron's Castle.

Moreover, this Viscount Castle of Wick is rarely built on a hill, so it is really easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Uncle Perry, this is the son of my father's friend, His Excellency Harry of the Potter family, open the door and let us in."

When he came under the castle, Ryan immediately shouted towards the city wall.

Immediately, Narant saw a middle-aged man with primary silver strength appear above the castle.

"Master Ryan, Lord Will explained before departure that for the safety of the castle, no guests can be entertained in the castle during this time!"

Contrary to Narant's expectations, he originally thought that he could successfully enter the castle by cheating Ryan, but he still encountered setbacks.

"Lord Lane, since Uncle Will has explained it, if it doesn't matter, I'll rest in the town later, and I'll set off in the afternoon!" Narant's eyes moved, and he immediately spoke to Lane.

"How can this work!" Ryan is indeed very noble and young!

What do young nobles care about most?

That's the face!

The more Narant is like this, the less likely he is to give up.

"Uncle Perry, Your Excellency Harry is a friend of my father. I came to visit this time. If he is turned away, will anyone dare to come to our Will family after the news spreads?" Ryan's tone changed. Gotta get tough.

Perry, who was above, immediately showed embarrassment. After hesitating for a moment, seeing that there were only four or five people in Narant, and except for the driver, everyone else was a woman. After all, he said, "Master Perry, wait a moment, I'll open the door!"

Soon, the castle gate slowly opened, and the drawbridge in front was also lowered.

"Lord Harry, please!" Seeing this, Ryan's originally sullen face finally recovered, and he asked Narant to go to the castle.

"Okay!" Narant nodded with a smile.

Walk across the drawbridge and pass through the castle gate. Inside is a vestibule three or four times wider than the Fortress of Fortune.

Narant looked around for a few times. There were more than 30 guards in this castle, and it really deserved to be the Viscount Castle.

"Master Ryan!" At this time, Baron Perry walked over to greet Ryan, but at the same time his eyes were always looking at Narant, and the alertness in his eyes was very obvious.

"Uncle Perry, this is Harry Potter!" Ryan solemnly introduced again upon seeing this.

Narant also focused on this Perry at the moment. From the perspective of breath, this Perry is much stronger than him. After all, he is a new silver knight.

"Nice to meet you, Your Excellency Baron Perry!" Narant greeted first.

"Hello, Lord Harry, I don't know where the Potter family is located. I don't seem to have heard Lord Will mention it before?"

Is this problem again?

Narant was speechless. He wanted to slow down again, but it seemed that he was about to start again.

"Baron Perry, our Potter family is also a vassal of the Marquis of Leeson!"

"Also a vassal of Marquis Lisson?" Perry was taken aback.


But when Perry was stunned, Narant pulled out the long sword directly.

"You..." Pei Li's color changed greatly, and he hurriedly took two steps behind and drew his long sword at the same time!


Narrant is intertwined with this Perry's longsword.

"Enemy attack! Shoot arrows! Enemy attack!"

Dangerously blocked Narant's blow, and Perrie was even more horrified, because although Narant's power was not too strong, the speed was too fast.

At the moment, Perry stepped back and shouted at the surrounding guards.


However, just as his voice fell, the arrows that had been shining with red light suddenly whistled.


Unprepared, Perry was shot directly in the shoulder and staggered.

How could Narant let such an excellent opportunity pass, the next instant the long sword stabbed straight, and quickly approached Perry's neck.

"Everyone, don't move!" After controlling Perry, Narant shouted coldly towards the surroundings.

It was only at this time that the people around them reflected, and their faces became pale.

Because in addition to Perry being controlled by Narant, even the stunned Ryan was caught on the neck by Catherine with a thin stabbing sword.

"This... what's going on? Your Excellency Harry?" It happened so suddenly that Ryan didn't react for a while.

The honored guest who was still giving a big gift to the door before, why did he start violently the next moment.

And those seemingly weak girls are even more terrifyingly strong.

For example, with the thin thorn sword on his neck, he didn't even have a chance to reflect. He only felt a flower in front of him, and there was a cold feeling on his neck.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Ryan, you have been captured! We are from the Onyx Principality!" Narant cast an apologetic look at Ryan.

"Agate Principality..." Ryan froze, showing a hellish expression!

"Yes, Your Excellency Ryan, if you want to survive, let your guards lay down their weapons, and don't do fearless resistance! I promise not to hurt you, and to give your nobles the dignity they deserve!"

"Put down your weapons!" Ryan naturally didn't want to die, and he gave orders to the guards on the city wall with a pale face.

In fact, even resistance is useless, even Perry has been captured, these more than 30 guards cannot be opponents at all.

And as the guards put down their weapons, the Viscount Castle fell into the hands of Narant completely.

When the situation stabilized, Narant immediately asked the coachman to bring Quick and others over.

Along with Quick came the shabby squad of guards from earlier.

At this moment, the ten guards were full of tears and had been tied into a long string by ropes.

When Quick and the others arrived, Narant let them occupy the castle walls first.

However, shortly after Quick and the others climbed the city wall, Quick returned in a hurry, "Sir, it's not good, the villain just saw someone running away from the back of the castle!"

"what happened?"

"Sir, there is a hanger at the back of the castle. Two guards used the hanger to escape just now. When we found out, they had already escaped on the horses standing in the pasture outside the castle!" Quick replied with guilt. "Sir, do you need a little one to chase now?"

"Forget it! Let's start searching for loot first!"

This Viscount Castle is more than twice the size of the Baron Castle, and the hangers are arranged in advance, so people can't blame Quick and others if they run away.

If you go after it now, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up.

It's just a pity that he won't be able to steal towers like this anymore. He originally wanted to steal a few more towers, and then he will deliberately spread it.

"Yes, my lord!" Quick heard the words, and immediately took the guards to start scraping.

I have to say that in addition to the large scale of the castle, the castle has a lot of wealth.

Soon the gold and silver jewelry, ornaments, jewelry, silk and other valuable items in the castle were moved to the vestibule box by box.

Even the golden gold coins had more than 700 pieces, and there were also seven or eight small treasure chests of silver and copper coins.

The spoils of this Viscount Castle exceeded the value of 1,500 gold coins.

"Sir, we found two strange big dogs in the back garden of the castle. Captain Quick asked the little one to ask if you need to check it out!" At this moment, a guard hurried to report.

"Huh? What's so strange about dogs?" Narant was puzzled, and then looked at Ryan, who was bound.

Ryan's complexion became even paler after hearing the big dog, but he immediately lowered his head when he saw Narant's gaze.

"Interesting, then go and see!"

Narant did not interrogate immediately upon seeing this, and immediately stood up and walked towards the back garden.

At the same time also brought Shirley and Vinnie.

It's essential for Shirley to communicate with the beast.

hoo hoo hoo!

Only when he came to the back garden, he heard the beast roaring in front of him.

"Is this a dog barking?"

After hearing the roar, Narant understood why Quick had asked someone to call him.

Because this is obviously like a beast's roar, he has never heard such a dog bark in his life.

"grown ups!"

Soon, Narant came to the location of Quick and others.

Narant nodded to several people, and then looked forward.

"Is this still a dog?"

It's just that Narant was taken aback when he saw the scene in front of him.

Under a big tree ahead, two greyhounds were barking at them.

However, this greyhound was a bit terrifyingly large, at least the size of a calf.

If it weren't for the obvious difference between the appearance and the wolf, Narant would definitely regard them as big wolves. .

Or if they can be bigger, it is estimated that they are not necessarily considered magical beasts.

"Could it be a hybrid? I've never heard that a dog can be interbred with a demon beast before!" Narant was a little puzzled.

"Quick, you go to other places to continue your search!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Since there are doubts, it is natural to let Shirley's little loli come on stage first, set up a group of guards, and Narant instructed Shirley, "Sherry, ask them what is going on?"


Shirley's little loli was not afraid of the two grinning big dogs, she walked directly to the front, and then began to try to communicate with the two big dogs.

Little Loli really deserves to be the lucky girl with talent for beast-taming. Under that super affinity, the two big dogs stopped barking immediately.

"Sir, they said that they seem to have eaten some fruit to become so big!" After a while, Shirley had the answer.

"Fruit? What kind of fruit can make a dog so big?" Narant's eyes widened.

He knew that the blood and blood fruit could make ordinary people break through the title of knight, but he had never heard of it.

"Sir, they don't know either, they just say that the fruit smells good!" Shirley shook her head.

"My lord, I really want to know!" At this moment, Vinnie suddenly spoke.

At this moment, Vinnie did not know when she actually walked to a big tree and looked up at the tree with her head held high.

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