Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 69: , Tomboy and True Prince

Chapter 69

From what the members of the drama club explained, I was totally planning to play the male lead.

Although the clothes I'm wearing are not a skirt, they are still women's butler clothes. The outline of my body looks like a girl's. This was confirmed today when I was in the video game club. Even so, these Did the members of the drama club simply ignore these elements?

“You guys, don’t you think I’m a girl?”

“Don’t worry about this, cross-dressing is very normal and frequent in dramas.”

  It’s not worth worrying about at all!

“What’s the matter? Do you still feel uncomfortable wearing men’s clothing and playing the role of a man?”

Hua Zhe smiled at me and said.

  Although I do behave like a man in my daily life, it does not mean that I enjoy this kind of thing, let alone playing male roles on stage.

 Speaking of which, Hua Zhe is not worried at all?

“I said, why are you still acting like a normal person? Didn’t you hear that they also planned to let you play the heroine?”

“Who said I don’t mind? Why do you think I keep rejecting them?”

 I thought it was because you didn’t want your time to be taken up.

In fact, I should have thought that Hua Zhe is a good old man. If the other party's request is not too excessive and there is a real need, Hua Zhe will not reject the other party so firmly. As far as I know, when he was in junior high school Because of this personality, he is often regarded as an errand boy by others, of course mainly among boys.

At that time, there was a battle recorded in school history between the girl faction who protected Hua Zhe and the boy faction who used Hua Zhe as an errand boy.

 Of course that is off topic.

“If you still want to object now, it’s still late, as long as you don’t agree to play the leading role.”

Hua Zhe put the responsibility directly on me in an understatement.

  Playing the male lead does make me a little uncomfortable, but even if I don’t see the drama club pleading with pitiful faces, I have other reasons for wanting to perform at the moment.

To be honest, I'm looking forward to the way Hua Zhe puts on women's clothes.

After all, I am a girl. Even if I have tempered my resistance after staying with Hua Zhe for so long, I still can’t completely eliminate my desire to take care of my eyes occasionally.

 “I agreed to star in this play.”

Hua Zhe’s trick was completely shattered, but both of us got some benefits, so we didn’t show any regrets.

I can use Hua Zhe’s appearance in cross-dressing to entertain my eyes, and Hua Zhe can play the male and female lead with me. Generally speaking, we can each get what we need.

We were taken to the school’s film and television hall by members of the drama club. The female member of the drama club handed over a princess costume to Hua Zhe with an expectant look on her face. It turned out that he looked very good after putting it on.

  A white dress, silk gloves, and a princess crown on his head, all put together on Hua Zhe. At this moment, he is still one of the most popular school boys in our school, and he is completely a princess.

I couldn’t help but drool while looking at Hua Zhe together with the other female members.

"This is not the way I want to charm you..." Hua Zhe said with a depressed expression.

"Why are you complaining? I'm following you."

“You’ve always been a counter-actor, do you still feel resistant to it now? If so, how about you start wearing women’s clothes from now on?”

This apology really makes me feel uncomfortable.

“I always feel like you are back to the time when you were called a flower girl, but now you will be playing a real **** stage.”

“You know I’m very concerned about this, but if you say that again, I’ll stop performing, right?”

Hearing what Hua Zhe said, the club members present nervously advised me to shut up. Of course, I didn’t want to rub salt into Hua Zhe’s wounds. After that, they brought me the prince outfit I wanted to wear.

Although my image is relatively androgynous, and it is not easy to reveal that I am a woman when wearing men's clothes, after all, my figure is still relatively short compared to boys, but Hua Zhe is a tall man with a 180cm figure, and he wears princess clothes. Standing next to me, the prince, I look like Snow White and the dwarfs.

 “How did you know that the project we were going to do was this?”

As he spoke, the members of the drama club enthusiastically held the script in front of me.

 Isn’t it? Are we really going to stage Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

It is true that the prince does not have a few lines in this script, and does not appear until the end of the performance, but there is still a major problem.

I quickly checked the script to confirm the scene I wanted to perform, and I hoped from the bottom of my heart that what I expected would not happen, but the script was against me.

This fairy tale for all ages does include a kissing scene.

“Are you planning to let Hua Zhe and I kiss in public?”

 “It’s just acting, what’s the problem?”

“Of course there is a big problem!” I filmed the script in front of them and said angrily, “If this scene is performed in public, I will be issued a fatwa by the girls in our school who are present!”

I am no longer very popular with the girls at school, but I can’t let them continue to hate me.

If we really kissed in public, I am confident that someone would be killed.

Hua Zhe said with a helpless expression: "That's not what's important, right? It's that the kiss itself is a bit excessive."

“Tch, it’s the 21st century, even girls won’t feel embarrassed about kissing in performances, okay? You look down on girls too much.”

“Okay, let’s give it a try and treat it as a rehearsal for the show.”

 “Who is afraid of whom…”

Before I finished speaking, Hua Zhe suddenly stretched his face in front of me. When I realized it, the distance between the two of them was already enough that I could feel each other's breath blowing on my face.

Why do I have to kiss him?

 Ah, yes, this is acting...but I still feel like my heart is about to pop out.

Even if he realizes that this is fake, Hua Zhe’s face is still too lethal. When such a handsome boy approaches, ordinary people like me can’t resist it.

 I felt my body stiffen instantly.

At this moment, a member of the drama club suddenly interrupted and said: "Actually, we can use dislocation to perform here, and there is no need for real kissing."

I immediately felt relieved when I heard this. At the same time, I regained my sanity because of his interruption, and quickly pushed Hua Zhe’s face aside.

 “Tch, you’re really nosy.”

“Surely you are planning to take advantage of the situation?”

"It's because you were so poor at taking precautions. In fact, I originally planned to stop it, but if it were Su Xi, I definitely wouldn't let it go. Do you plan to give in then?"

If it’s the Hua Zhe I used to know, I do believe that he is a gentleman who will not take advantage of others’ danger, but would the Hua Zhe just now really do this?

“Did you just cover your chest and promise that you would never really kiss her?”

“…Originally I did plan to stop there, but because you didn’t resist and you were too cute…”

"So you are basically planning to take advantage of the situation, right? At least you have made me realize how lethal your face is. Even I can't resist it. At this time, you should be a gentleman and not cross this line! You Remember, I haven’t agreed to officially start dating you yet.”

Hua Zhe sighed and said sadly: "I know, I didn't do anything to you in the end anyway, but it would be a good thing if you really realized that I am a man. It really made me know a lot." Important information."

 I suddenly felt as if my head was going to explode with shame.

 When did Hua Zhe become so aggressive towards me?

By the way, it started after he confessed to me.

To put it bluntly, the performance started not long after that. Although Hua Zhe’s acting skills were not very outstanding, he was very precise and at least not out of touch. Naturally, the reaction in the eyes of the audience was very enthusiastic.

Judging from the situation, many people recognized that the person who played the princess was Hua Zhe, because I saw many girls taking pictures of Hua Zhe, and some people must have heard some rumors. During the performance, New viewers are constantly entering the studio.

At this time, the person who should be the president of the drama club was already crying and kept repeating that it was indeed an important decision to let Hua Zhe play the role of the princess.

Yes, even I, who is used to watching Hua Zhe, can't resist the temptation of him wearing women's clothes. Those fans who are obsessed with him are even less able to resist. I guess there will be a big crowd in the auditorium after the show. saliva.

When I came on stage, the response was not that intense. Some people recognized me and made audible noises. It seemed that there were not that many nerds and rotten girls who would come to watch the play.

When the kiss scene was about to come, some members of the audience finally realized it. They shouted about a disaster, the end of the world, etc. Some people wanted to stop this scene from happening, but they were all stopped by people from the drama club and the school. Some security guards stopped him.

The kissing scene was finally staged, but because of my poor acting skills, many viewers saw that it was just a misplaced performance. Not only did they breathe a sigh of relief, but I was also glad that I escaped with my life.

It was really close to a catastrophe.

However, the aftermath of the incident still lingered after the performance.

 While sitting in the actors' rest area in the backstage, Hua Zhe and I both felt like we were about to collapse due to stress and exhaustion.

"I'm really exhausted," Hua Zhe didn't even have the strength to take off his princess uniform, so he just slumped down on the chair and talked to me, "You can tell me, there are only a few lines, but I have to perform a whole show."

"Who said I'm relaxed here? If I have to perform a kissing scene with you, my psychological pressure will be several times greater than yours, okay?"

After hearing this, Hua Zhe didn't know where he got the strength. He suddenly sat up and said to me: "Do you think it was easy for me to be on my side in that scene? I had to close my eyes and couldn't watch it. In my heart, I always wondered if you would really kiss me..."

"How could we really kiss him? Do you think I'm some kind of casual person?"

 I also sat up all of a sudden, planning to argue with Hua Zhe.

  But I had forgotten that the two of us were sitting relatively close to each other originally, and now the two of us sat up angrily in a posture that made the distance between our faces thinner than the thickness of a magazine.

This time no club members came to interrupt us. Those people were cleaning up the venue elsewhere because the performance was over.

I suddenly felt dizzy, and when I looked at Hua Zhe, my face was flushed.

 In this atmosphere, the distance between the two of us is still getting closer by microns.

 If this continues, I'm afraid something irreversible will happen.

I don’t know which unlucky member of the club actually turned off the lights to heighten the atmosphere.

 Wait a minute, it’s not natural to suddenly turn off the lights at this time, right?

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