Don’t Mess with the War Goddess

Chapter 1314: rare good times


After speaking harshly, Cathartes ordered the driver to drive immediately.

Damn eagle!

He even arranged for a sniper!

Remember what happened tonight!

Their vulture gang will definitely get their revenge back!

With the orders of Cathartes, the surviving Vulture gang subordinates no longer dared to fight and fled everywhere.

Ten minutes later, the community returned to calm, and the air was thick with gunpowder, drifting farther with the wind.

Ye Jian was on high alert, Xia Jinyuan picked up a **** mobile phone, it was Ai Tingze's mobile phone, his blood was on the mobile phone, and Mrs. Song's blood was also on it.

The Gaso City police were notified to come and clean up the scene, and a group of four took Mrs. Song away.

An Xia gave a soft "tsk", she really didn't have so much pity.

Mrs. Song Ai Qianhua was finally handed over to the National Police, and transnational cases were naturally handled by the National Police.

"Don't worry, we will investigate clearly, we won't let a bad person go, and we won't wrong a good person!" The National Police was the one they only met in the middle of the night. They had already arranged a flight at 5:30 in the morning for a non-stop reply.

There was no way for Mrs. Song to take it back completely. In the end, she packed it in a small box and flew back to China with Fei Weiye.

This is her final ending.

The morning sun had already risen, and An Xia watched the plane take off until it disappeared into the clouds. She pointed in the direction of the sea and said indifferently, "I'm washing in the sea, do you want to go?"

The airport in Gaso City is less than 20 kilometers away from the sea and can be reached by car in half an hour.

Finally, drive from Xia Jinyuan to the seaside.

On the way, the four people also bought a change of clothes. There was no other way. They were wearing black pieces and grey pieces.

I received a message from the ambassador halfway through that I had contacted An Qian and made an appointment to meet tomorrow morning.

That's more time to rest.

"Need a swimsuit?"

Ye Jian asked An Xia, "We can relax by the sea tonight."

An Xia has no interest in swimming, so it doesn't matter if she buys it. It's not bad to lie on a beach chair and rest while admiring her boyfriend's figure.

Originally intended to wash off the blood on his body, he ended up swimming at the beach.

Mu Chenyuan came out wearing boxer pants, and An Xia, who was waiting outside, let out a long whistle.

The eyes hidden under the sunglasses, looking straight at the boyfriend's figure, tsk tsk tsk, it is, it is the extreme!

Touch it now.

Thinking of touching, I reached out my hand.

Heart is worse than action!

The chest muscles are very good, lean, smooth and sexy, not the big muscles of the bodybuilder, the lean and lean kind, pressed down and tied, full of male strength.

Not to mention the psoas!

An Xia's hand slid down directly, and was then held by Mu Chenyuan.

But just touching his chest muscles, Mu Chenyuan's ears turned red.

"Xia Xia."

Holding her, her cold and handsome face became shy, and An Xia saw that her eyes were straighter!


her little heart!

It's going to explode!

"Mu Chenyuan, do you know that you are so delicious now!" Boldly and frankly, she said what she thought and her love, "It makes me even more fond of it."

Today's Anxia, ​​idioms are used more and more slippery.

No way, smart people are powerful in their ability to learn, and they can definitely apply what they have learned.

Mu Chenyuan choked on the saliva, clenched his fists against his lips and coughed, then quickly took his girlfriend's hand and walked to the beach.

He was also worried that after looking at it for a long time, he would lose control.

Because that swimsuit was very ordinary, it couldn't hold up An Xia's good figure.

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