Jenkins, standing in the field under the night sky, strangled his throat with a painful expression, feeling that his entire lungs were burning.

   He vowed that if there is no need, he will never use such power again. He himself is a man, a spirit, not a dragon, and he shouldn't do this at all. He does not have the organ for "dragon roar". Even if he is given spiritual power by the silver dragon, he just imitates the dragon roar, so he does not gain the ability of "dragon roar", unless his "malicious transformation" can really turn him into a dragon .

   If it weren't for the strong restoring power, I'm afraid it would have directly destroyed his lung breathing ability just now.

   But it’s okay if it doesn’t become capable, otherwise Jenkins really doesn’t know where to find blank bubbles to contain [Uncrowned King].

   called the unicorn and the cat, and flew into the air again with the sword. The red flame throbbed happily in his chest, and a steady stream of vitality was conveyed to Jenkins' body. The awakening ceremony is not over yet, and if all the wandering souls are not resolved, the Dragon Soul cannot be considered as a complete awakening.

   But now with the power given by the silver dragon, the suppression of the dragon hunter ghosts has disappeared, and the ghosts who died under the power of the dragon have not been resurrected.

The meaning of the Dragon Soul was originally a racial myth forged by ancient humans who were envious of the power of the dragon's body. The red flame could not make Jenkins a dragon, but it strengthened his body in all directions, making him almost every moment. Can't feel tired.

   The white light flashed, and the swirling sword dance swept around. The grinning black demon flew high into the sky, after which Jenkins, who was lying on the back of the unicorn, also called out those greedy vines.

   The emerald green brilliance is attached to the sword, intertwined with the gray decayed death aura, and together they give the enemy a heavy blow. Jenkins was suddenly inspired. Although he had just made up his mind not to use the new ability, driven by curiosity, he still activated [Life Origin] while imagining the feeling of vomiting.

   As the roar resounded across the night sky again, the dwarf giant rushing towards Jenkins was directly submerged by the green beam of light. When the beam of light disappeared, the dwarf giant, along with the armor and mammoth skeletons on his body, were all evaporated into dust. The addition of the spirit of life and the dragon roar, the closest to the essence of the world tree, caused the most powerful individual in the wandering soul to disappear directly.

   Jenkins had already coughed violently again, clutching his throat again, and he once again determined that this shouldn't be a human gifter's ability to use. Seeing that as the strongest individual in the wandering soul disappeared, the red slender flame on his chest became stronger. He took this opportunity to raise his sword and cane to the sky again.

   In the white light that almost illuminates the entire eastern suburbs of Nolan, the armored ghosts turn into dust and disappear into the sky one by one.

   When the church rushed to the center of the burst of light, only the huge dragon phantom under the night sky shrank a little and sank into the chest of the man on the back of the unicorn. When he opened his eyes, the demigods of the church subconsciously flinched. It was an inexplicable pressure.

   is not God's suppression of people, but the suppression of ordinary humans by selected human leaders.

   "What was that just now, believers of lies, have you solved those wandering spirits, haven't you?"

   Someone asked loudly, and the voice seemed to be the old grave guard of the Church of the Dead.

   "The wandering soul has been resolved."

   He felt the spirit returned from the world, but he did not permanently eliminate those wandering souls, so he did not gain much spirit.

   "As for what happened just now, have you heard the legend of the Four Kings Soul?"

   The red dragon hovered higher in the sky, trying to pretend that he didn't know anything.

   "Four Kings Soul?"

   The lady of Destiny Church asked loudly:

   "You got [Dragon Soul]?"

"Since you are keeping the epic of the years, you should know what it means for the Four Souls that appeared in this era. It seems that this destiny has chosen us again. I look forward to seeing you next time. I wish you the opening of the meeting tomorrow. smoothly."

   said, he clutched his chest and rode a unicorn to the distance.

   The church people did not stop, Miss Bevanna looked at Miss Audrey with a dignified expression. When Jenkins was in Bel Dylan, he heard about the king's soul from the thrift shop owner and reported it to the church. Miss Bevanna thought that this event would happen around Jenkins, but she didn't expect to be a step ahead by the believer of lies.

  Ms. Audrey, who knew most of the things, just showed regretful eyes and did not intend to share her understanding of Jenkins.

  Miss Bevanna has already made her own decision.

   On the other side, when Jenkins returned home, it was not surprising that Hathaway was home long ago. When he entered, the red-haired girl was sitting on the sofa and Julia was learning to knit a sweater. The musician's hands are very good at playing the piano, but not good at manipulating those long needles.

   "What's the smell on you?"

   As soon as he walked into the living room, he heard Britney ask when he came out of the kitchen with a teacup.

   Of course, it was the smell of dragon blood. Although Jenkins washed away the blood in a small area of ​​rain ahead of time, he did not expect the smell of dragon blood to be so strong. Even the chocolate didn't want to stay by Jenkins's side, and when the unicorn landed, he rushed towards the house alone. It seemed that he had made up his mind. Jenkins wouldn't depend on it if he didn't remove the taste.

   Jenkins smiled awkwardly, without saying that it was the smell of blood. He sniffed his clothes slightly caring, and then also showed a disgusted expression:

   "Then I'm going to take a shower."

   "The hot water is ready."

   Julia put the wool needle in her hand back into the basket, got up and went to the second floor to prepare a change of clothes for Jenkins. Jenkins nodded to her, touched his chest, feeling the continuous vitality injected into the body. After hesitating a bit, he asked in a low blushing voice:

   "Does anyone want to take a bath together?"

   So he was hit by a book and a ball of yarn. The cat squatting on the third step leading to the second floor laughed at Jenkins in his heart, knowing that normal people don't like bathing.

   Then came the next day, Saturday, and the long-prepared joint meeting of the Twelve Churches was finally about to begin.

   Early in the morning, Jenkins stood in front of the mirror and sorted his clothes. When the sleepy cat was awake, Jenkins had even washed himself and went downstairs.

   Chocolate Meow that woke up~ I stood up from the pillow in a daze, and saw that there was no man on the pillow, he immediately stood up straight and turned his head 180 degrees from left to right and looked around. After confirming that Jenkins was not in the bedroom, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly rushed to the corridor, very dissatisfied that Jenkins actually got up earlier than him.

Chapter 1843 Chapter 1814: Jenkins and the Coachman

   Although the Three Kings talks are still going on, after the air governance bill has made great progress, today’s topic is to help Chesland "recover" the topic. However, the citizens of Nolan paid more attention to the opening ceremony of the Joint Conference of the Twelve Churches held at the astrological tower outside the city.

   At least this generation of people alive has never heard that the Twelve Orthodox Churches will meet together. Even if they don’t care about the political meaning of this, they can still attract the attention of citizens.

   Jenkins got up early in the morning, also to get out of the city as soon as possible. According to the arrangement of the meeting, he was the third to speak during the opening speech, so he must not be late.

  Because it is an occasion with a strong religious atmosphere, Dolores, as the heir to the kingdom, must not be able to appear. Hathaway and Britney also received notes from the Marquis of Michal and Earl of Hesha, asking them not to accompany Jenkins to participate. After all, Jenkins has not yet ascended the throne, so it is best not to show up in sensitive occasions with the whole family.

   Therefore, in the end, it was only Alexia who accompanied Jenkins to the Astrologer Tower in the outskirts, which is the church of the believers of the righteous **** [Vientiane Starry Sky].

   Maybe most people spent the night in the church last night, because when Jenkins found out that he arrived, most of them were already there. As the Archbishop of the Church of the Sages in the Diocese of Nolan, Bishop Parrod is naturally also a representative.

   The old man nervously greeted the nuns of the church to help Jenkins sort out the wrinkles of clothes caused by riding in the carriage, and then asked him many times if he had memorized the speech. It seemed that he was more nervous than Jenkins who was going to speak in public.

   When the opening ceremony of the meeting officially began at 8:30, Jenkins, who was actually a little nervous, suddenly relaxed. Standing at the end of the auditorium, he naturally drooped his hands and looked at some in front of him, knowing that this is the hope of this era.

   The peace of mind made him better deliver his speech, perhaps because he "rehearsed" his speech about cooperation and future imagination in front of the musicians yesterday, so he spoke more handily today.

   He did not shout slogans such as unity, but combined with the history of the world he knew, and sincerely explained that this era needs the temporary cooperation of pagans. Although the speech was short, less than twenty minutes, it still won applause from the audience.

   Waiting for Jenkins to return to his seat, Alexia intimately offered him the kettle, and smiled and said that Jenkins was not good at doing such things as he described himself.

   "It took me nearly a week to prepare this speech."

   Jenkins sighed, and then whispered what happened last night, especially the four souls that need to be awakened. Alexia has recently been fascinated by the difference machine and summarizing the feelings of Jenkins' possessed saints. He has no research on the Four Kings Soul, so he just listened to his description and did not give an opinion.

   But the shorter lady knows why Hathaway arrives at the opera house faster than Jenkins:

   "Last week, Hathaway asked me if there is a way to move quickly in the city. I gave her a somewhat dangerous method. I didn't expect her to use it here."

   "Dangerous method?"

   "Yes, use a trick."

   Seeing that Jenkins’s eyes became dangerous, she explained:

"Don't worry, it's a trick you know, A-11-2-3301 [Malicious Coachman], the one who sent me to Ruen City. I know you will be unhappy, but Hathaway insists I know, so I gave her a guilty coin [Silver coin], she will not be charged any other price. I knew you would be unhappy, so I told you that. If you want to punish me... ..."

She leaned into Jenkins’ ear and said in a low voice. Jenkins’ pupils dilated and his face was squashed to prevent others from knowing his expression, but the cat who had just got into the formal suit could feel the young writer’s heart beating faster. .

   "Don't touch the crooked things, those things are not safe."

   Jenkins is still a little unhappy, he said slightly sad:

   "You'd better not come into contact with crooks for the rest of your life. Even if you have sin coins, those things that are infested by sin are extremely dangerous."

   "I see, no matter what she says next time, I won't agree. This time, I'm wrong. I promise you that I won't take the initiative to come into contact with crooks again. Yes, I promise."

   She tilted her head and said some private words softly in Jenkins' ear. Chocolate was standing on Jenkins's shoulders, a little despised Jenkins, because Jenkins blushed.

   "Actually I want to know how you summon the coachman."

   Jenkins suddenly had an idea, maybe Mr. Pisco, really expected everything.

"When I was sent to Luen by the coachman last winter, I paid some extra money and asked for a way to summon it. No, unlike the evil way the cultists summon him, I know that there was a nobleman who used a living sacrifice. , The boy who broke the Nine Precepts of the Traveler was sacrificed and summoned the coachman.

   Although my method is more expensive, it does not require sacrifices and sacrifices. Are you looking for a coachman too? But your unicorn seems to be more convenient, right? "

   "But unicorns cannot enter the ground, nor can they pass through soil and rock formations."

   Jenkins said seriously.

   "Do you want the coachman to take you to find the differential machine? But the coachman can only take the passengers to the places where the passengers have been. I have traveled briefly in Ruen before, so I can be taken by the coachman."

   "No, I am not looking for a differential machine, and now I may not be able to fight it. I am looking for another machine."

  He paused, his eyes turned to the front, and he looked at the old bishop who was praising the grand meeting aloud:

   "Look for another machine to learn about the difference engine."

   Just like most conferences in this world, there are always various long and tedious speeches before the discussion of the content that is actually valuable. Even church meetings are like this, and because the twelve parties are participating in the meeting, each church will send a representative to speak, which immediately wastes the entire morning.

   The afternoon is the official meeting time. The first day of the meeting was held in the astrologer’s church. Astrologers especially opened the large auditorium inside the church and a small number of internal meeting rooms as meeting occasions.

   Jenkins also participated in the first closed-door meeting in the afternoon, about the 12 churches exchanging the lists of demigods and sons of their respective churches in order to achieve a unified deployment.

   This topic was selected as the opening topic because the matter has actually been negotiated in private, and now it is only the details and the signing process. It is easy to reach a consensus and achieve a result of significant progress on the first day of the meeting.

   As for which party takes the lead in the alliance of the twelve churches, or the specific strategy for negotiating with the lie believers, these will have to be discussed later.

   The difference from the Three Kings talks is that the joint meetings of the church do not allow anyone irrelevant to participate, let alone invite reporters to report. Even if the good news agency sent someone to wait at the door of the Star Church Church early, the guards at the door promised that they would never let in even a mouse.

   Negotiations here will be more difficult than the cooperation of the three countries. After all, the hatred and the conflict between the countries are really hard to say. But most of the people involved in the negotiation are ordinary people in the church, and the precious gifter power will not be wasted on the negotiation table.

   Therefore, Jenkins only participated in the opening ceremony in the morning and the first meeting in the afternoon just because of his status as a holy son, and then left with Alexia.

   The original plan was to directly summon the coachman to try his guess, but before he left the Starry Sky Church, he was stopped by the secret guard Smith waiting at the door.

   He took the two to the Evergreen Forest, and under the giant tree, he met Miss Bevanna and another familiar gentleman. Jenkins thought for a while before realizing that it was Mr. Donald Yasen, the Holy See of Beldiran, who has the title of "The Left Hand of the Temple". But if Jenkins remembers correctly, this gentleman's main duty is to protect the Holy See. He is the demigod who has stationed Beldiran all year round. Even if Nolan wants Beldiran to send more reinforcements, there is no reason to let him come.

   "St. William, Good day, the Holy See asked me to deliver some news."

   He looked at the secret guard and Miss Bevanna, who nodded and turned to leave. Alexia glanced at Jenkins and left temporarily with Miss Bevana. Until it was confirmed that there were only two people in the clearing under the giant tree, Mr. Yassen said in a language with some Berdylan accent:

"Last night in Nolan, the believer of the lie appeared again, and there is already sufficient evidence to prove that he acquired the Dragon Soul. The legend of the Four Kings Soul is what you learned from Carmel when you were in Beldiram. , So you should understand what this means."

   "The qualifications of a savior?"

   Jenkins said calmly, not to see Mr. Yasen, but to observe the hanging shadow under the tree.

"Yes, we don’t know whether the believers of lies last night are the ones we know well, or the ones we don’t know. But witnesses tend to be Mr. Candle, after all, the white cat is too eye-catching. Up."

   The chocolate on the shoulders meowed, and he swept Jenkins's neck with the tip of his tail.

"You probably also know that many of the believers of lies have the qualifications of saviors, so we are not surprised by their actions. But last night only the signs of the dragon soul were shown, which means that the lies The believers were only on the way and had not reached the end yet. Therefore, Bevana urgently contacted Berdylan."

   "Then the Holy See means to arrest Mr. Candle and ask him for his secret?"

   "Of course not, they are now partners, why do you think so?"

   Mr. Yasen asked in surprise.

  PS: I should be able to guess, what did Jenkins do to find the coachman?

Chapter 1844 Chapter 1815 The Disaster of the World

   Mr. Yasen was surprised, but quickly nodded in understanding:

"I know that you are a Noran, and I have always hated those mysterious people who come and go in this city. But believers of lies are different. Please don't hold such hostility... At least for now, the church Hope to treat them more friendly. The church thought that since the Dragon Soul appeared, then the other three King Souls must have appeared too, or at least they were already in Nolan. The common destiny of the Four King Soul owners.

  The church should not give up this opportunity. Even if we do not get this qualification, we must not allow the believers of lies to increase their bargaining chips again. When I was talking with you, other churches definitely started to act. Dragon, ice, tree, and darkness got one and got the bargaining chip in the final negotiation.

   Although this bargaining chip is far less than you, the church does not want to give up. "

   "So, the Holy See specially sent you to come over overnight to find me for..."

"On the one hand, if someone in the Church of the Sages can have the King Soul, the Holy See believes that only you are qualified. After all, not everyone can be the savior. But we don’t know whether the same person can have multiple qualifications. This remains to be seen. Explore, but your connection with Wang Soul is certain.

   On the other hand, the church would like you to test whether any of the Middleton heirs of all the people presently behave strangely. The church believes that the soul of the tree should be in the blood of Middleton. "

   The church's reasoning is quite in place, which is consistent with Jenkins's original idea. But Jenkins moved faster and had already got the Soul of the Tree.

   He blinked his eyes and beckoned to Mr. Yasen to get him closer. Then he said softly:

   "I have got the soul of the tree."

   said, pressing his chest, Mr. Yasen looked at him suspiciously, and it took a few seconds before he realized:

   "But you initially said that the tree is not there..."

   "Yes, it wasn't with me originally. But I found it, on a friend. For privacy, I can't name her, but the soul of the tree is indeed on me now."

   He patted his chest again to show where the Soul of the Tree was.

   "This... is so good, so good, very good."

   Mr. Yasen showed a smile on his face, and the middle-aged man behaved like a child with a new toy:

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