At this point, only thirty minutes have passed!

Chen Nan's submission obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

On the stage, Shen Yuyuan stared at Chen Nan's papers, and suddenly felt a shudder in his heart, this guy... wouldn't it be for the extra points project?

This bastard boy!

Thinking of this, Shen Yuyuan's expression changed. He was afraid that Chen Nan would choose such a method because of this bonus item.

Indeed, this rule itself is incomplete, and there may even be some bugs that are exploited. If you encounter those difficult questions, the cost of spending a lot of test papers to overcome is not as good as the extra points!


Students can think of this rule, can he not think of Shen Yuyuan?

He is the one who has the final interpretation right, and he has naturally considered the formulation of the rules.

Originally, he also hoped that Chen Nan could seize this opportunity, make good use of his own advantages, and successfully get some time bonus, but... he saw Chen Nan submit the test paper in 30 minutes, and his instinct was a little more annoyed.

The same is true for Li Shuo and others. You must know that during this meeting, Shen Yuyuan specially explained this to them in order to prevent the appearance of bugs.

Li Shuo is very clear that although it seems that there are many problems, this test is different from the teaching test, even if you don't know it, you have to take it.

As Shen Yuyuan said, if you encounter some critically ill patients, and there is no possibility of transfer or transfer, as a doctor, you must have the ability to calmly handle and analyze the patient's condition, which is also a point of assessment.

Everyone in the audience stared at Chen Nan, including Gulin. The same was true. Although he was dissatisfied with the speed of the questions, he had just completed the multiple-choice questions at this time.

There are ten questions in the next big question, all of which are medical record analysis questions, and the difficulty is not low!

How could he possibly finish it so quickly?

Thinking of this, Gulin was a little worried whether Chen Nan chose to hand in the papers so quickly because of the rules and choices?

You know, don't look at Shen Yuyuan, the old man Shen looks so kind, but in fact... it's an old silver coin!

Even those who are engaged in administration can't play the old man, Chen Nanniu, don't destroy your future!

To be honest, for this assessment, Gulin himself felt a little "distressed" for Chen Nan. After all, he had too many extra points. Chen Nan was only 25 years old, and he was born in the mother hospital of Yuancheng People's Hospital. Are these "Pride of Heaven" from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou better than scientific research?

Isn't this a mess!

However, although he enjoys the dividends of this policy, he still hates the faces of those people.

Getting along these days, it is obvious that Gulin has regarded Chen Nan as a friend.

Not only Gulin, but many people in the audience looked at Chen Nan with a little more playfulness, even gloating.

Although they said that they knew the importance of time, but... they knew very well that Shen Yuyuan and the masters of Chinese medicine in this judging team were not fools!

as predicted!

At this moment, Shen Yuyuan on the stage stood up and looked righteously at everyone, including Chen Nan who was walking towards him.

He said solemnly:

"Here, I'm adding something."

"Please remember your identities, you are doctors!"

"Every question on your test paper is a patient, and in the clinical setting, it is a living life. Your duty as a doctor is to save the dying, not to gamble!"

"I don't want this bonus item to become a stumbling block for your professional attitude and conduct when dealing with patients."

"Just like, I don't want to see in the clinic, you are blinded by money, fame and fortune, and choose hasty or other clumsy methods that have a serious impact on your professional attitude!"

"So, let me add this!"

"Please respect your test papers, please respect your patients, and please respect your profession!"

"If I find that any person, any topic, has the sloppyness I mentioned above, not only will I not get additional points, but I will get relatively low points!"

"Finally, please don't take our team as a fool!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

All eyes were on Chen Nan at this time.

Because at this time, he was the only one who stood up with the test paper in his hand.

Everyone is even a little fortunate that they did not choose this method of stealing chickens to speed up.

At this time, Shen Yuyuan stared at Chen Nan and asked seriously, "Are you sure, are you still going to hand in the papers now?"

With the sound of this question, everyone in the audience looked at Chen Nan with a little more contempt and ridicule.

The same is true for He Ye. He feels that Chen Nan is in a dilemma at this time!

It would be absolutely embarrassing to come back and redo it.

But if he submits the papers, can he still be eligible to compete at this time?

He Ye couldn't help sneering, lowered his head, and ignored Chen Nan. After all... in his eyes, Chen Nan had actually lost the qualification to compete with him.

After all, he has too many advantages in the additional sub-project, and he is not inferior to those big bosses in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


Just when everyone gathered on Chen Nan, he made an unexpected decision!

"Hello, Elder Shen, I'll hand in the papers!"

While speaking, Chen Nan had already put the test paper on the table.

Shen Yuyuan's face remained the same, but there was a bit more anger in his eyes.

No matter how he admired Chen Nan, he would feel disgusted by the other party's sloppy attitude towards life and disease.

This is the professional ethics and persistence of the older generation of doctors!

Respect patients and respect life.

This is the bottom line of professional conduct and ethics for doctors.

Shen Yuyuan didn't even bother to pick his eyelids, he just said indifferently, "Let's go!"

Chen Nan didn't explain too much, got up and walked outside.

It's just... He didn't know, the moment he left the classroom without looking back, Shen Yuyuan sighed deeply.

Some helpless, some disappointed, and some lost!

He didn't understand why Chen Nan made such a choice!

He also didn't understand that Chen Nan had already locked his first position, because of the additional points, Chen Nan was at the top of the list!

He suddenly felt a little sad in his heart.

Because Shen Yuyuan's appreciation for Chen Nan is indescribable, since this kid came to the training, he will bring him all kinds of surprises from time to time, from clinical to scientific research, from emergency rescue to surgical improvement, from The experience of Chinese medicine diagnosis, to the limelight on the operating table.

There is no doubt that Chen Nan's excellence has made him feel that there are successors in Chinese medicine!


Shen Yuyuan did not speak.

The exam continued, and everyone in the audience no longer had the mood to pursue the ultimate speed just now, and they all began to answer seriously.

And many of them even couldn't help laughing, because they suddenly understood Chen Nan's operation.

Broken jars? !

In their hearts, Chen Nan obviously complained a little more because of the extra points, and then irrationally chose to give up in the field of written examinations that he was best at.

All this seems to make sense.

However, there was only one person at the scene who didn't raise his head from start to finish. No matter how powerful Chen Nan was or Shen Yuyuan's remarks, he didn't raise his head to speak, but kept doing the test paper, and his mood didn't even fluctuate.

That is Sun Mu!

Because Sun Mu knew very well that Chen Nan had encountered a similar thing when he was assessed in the province last time.

According to his understanding of Chen Nan.

He is definitely not an opportunist.

This person hates evil and has big ambitions in his heart. How could he do such a thing?

He believed that after the assessment was over, Chen Nan would definitely overwhelm the crowd and make everyone stunned!

Time passed by minute by minute.

The news of Chen Nan's departure spread like wildfire and reached Lu Xianping, who suddenly burst into laughter.

However, in the classroom at this time, the assessment continued.

On everyone's heads, beads of sweat had begun to seep out at this time.

The difficulty of the topic was beyond their imagination.

This time, no one thought that Chen Nan was the one who successfully completed the test paper.

Because this is simply impossible!

Including Shen Yuyuan, thinks the same.

He sat on the podium, didn't say a word for a long time, but sat there quietly, observing the following.

However, after a long time, Shen Yuyuan was also a little bored.

He looked at the test paper that Chen Nan had deducted on the table, and suddenly thought about it and decided to take a look.

After all... According to the traces behind the paper, Chen Nan is indeed finished.

However, Shen Yuyuan was also in trouble at this time, as if stubbornly taking a breath.

There were two voices in his mind at this time:

A curious little red man: "Look, take a look!"

An arrogant little white man: "What are you looking at, this kid is a bastard, absolutely don't look at it!"

For a long time... The little white man finally lost to curiosity.

Shen Yuyuan directly opened Chen Nan's test paper, and saw that the multiple-choice questions in this test paper were random, and the major questions were all written by masters of Chinese medicine, and many of them were selected from personal experience and his own medical records.

No matter the difficulty, or the thinking angle and way, they are all unique and valuable for research.

Therefore, Shen Yuyuan felt that Chen Nan had shit in his head, so he made such a plan.

However, when he opened the test paper and slowly started to read the multiple-choice questions, he was stunned!

Because, after reading more than 20 multiple-choice questions, Chen Nan's answer turned out to be very accurate, exactly the same as the standard answer.


This... how is this possible? !

Thinking of this, Shen Yuyuan felt a little unbelievable.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind: "Could it be... Could it be... Isn't this kid just kidding?"

"Is he really done?"

This thought shocked Shen Yuyuan himself and made him not come back to his senses for a long time.

However, this also fully aroused Shen Yuyuan's curiosity, and he began to collect the mood just now and carefully review it.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The more Shen Yuyuan looked, the more solemn his heart became, and even his thinking became a little confused.

Shortness of breath!

Look a little dazed!

this kid!

It's actually... It's really all answered? !

Oh my God……

Shen Yuyuan couldn't bear his thoughts anymore, he felt that Chen Nan's abilities had exceeded his expectations.

These questions may be difficult for the students below, but for Chen Nan, there is obviously no pressure!

He underestimated Chen Nan!

Chen Nan can no longer be described as excellent, perhaps... his strength has become out of touch, and he has opened an exaggerated distance from the people below!

It can even be said that there are two horizontal lines, the existence of two dimensions.

Even Gulin's generation can't compare with Chen Nan!


Really a monster!

Shen Yuyuan had no other thoughts at this time.

I can only think of this word to describe him.

This morning, he naturally knew the contract between Song Aiguo and Chen Nan. Originally, in his opinion, this contract has even exceeded the current level of Chen Nan. The reason why he agreed is entirely because of Chen Nan's future expect.

But now it seems... this contract is really worth it!

It could even be said to be cheap.

The training period can be shortened. As long as Chen Nan arrives, this will become an instant combat power.

Put it into use immediately and help the development of Dongzhimen Hospital to a higher level!

No loss!

It's really not bad!

Of course, not all of Chen Nan's answers are perfect, there are flaws and mistakes, but they are not intentionally wrong.

However... Shen Yuyuan suddenly thought of something, he noticed that Chen Nan did not submit the draft paper.

He quickly asked Li Shuo to bring up the scratch paper beside Chen Nan.

However, when Li Shuo brought it up, Shen Yuyuan was stunned again.

Because on this piece of scratch paper, there is no trace of a drawing at all.

Shen Yuyuan was stunned for a moment.

No scratch paper?

Could it be that his answer is false?

This sucks.

If the person who asked the question saw the answer and did not analyze it, would this become a criticism?

Because when you hand in the test paper, you have to submit a draft paper.

Use the scratch paper to judge whether you have carefully analyzed the topic.

Chen Nan's scratch paper was too clean to see traces of him.

For a time, Shen Yuyuan frowned.

Could it be that... Chen Nan didn't use the Five Luck and Six Qi?


He knew Chen Nan's level of five luck and six qi. He had seen it in Lu Pingren's ward at the time, and during this time, it is said that Chen Nan had been studying with Lu Lao, and his level was not enough to observe the solar terms and conditions of the patient's illness. time?

That's it, that's it!

Shen Yuyuan guessed that Chen Nan may have neglected the calculation of time and solar terms in the question because he pursued time too much.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuyuan didn't care. For such an answer, except for this question, 90 points is not a big problem, extra points...

This kid submits the paper in 30 minutes, and the extra points are 70 points!

The total score... 160!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Shen Yuyuan's mouth.

160 written test + 100 practical operation + 120 additional points.

Chen Nan's total score has obviously reached a terrifying 380 points!

Who can have such a score?

For most people, 150 points is pretty good.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuyuan suddenly looked forward to what kind of sensation it would cause when Chen Nan's test papers were announced.

The exam continues.

When the exam took 75 minutes, Gulin handed in the paper.

At 85 minutes, Sun Meiyu handed in the papers, and then He Zhenghuan, Sun Mu... Lu started to hand in papers one after another.

At this time... the people below really started to get nervous.

Because the people who really compete for the top ten are in this ranks.

Everyone scrambled for fear of falling behind.

You must know that the level of everyone is not much different, and this extra point, even if it is a minute, is very important.

However, everyone is worried that the extra points will be lost because of their lack of seriousness, and then they have to take it seriously.

This test of the doctor's mentality also adds another level.

However, judging by the time of handing in the papers, it is obvious that Gulin's level is one level higher than the others behind him.

Because between 75 minutes and 85 minutes, no one submitted the papers, and after 85 minutes, the number of people who submitted papers gradually increased.

From 85 minutes to 99 minutes before the end of the exam, the number of people who handed in the papers one after another reached 33.

This ratio, except for some young people who have made rapid progress, is not much different from the ranking of the written test at that time!

Sun Mu is actually an exception.

Because Sun Mu is the youngest person next to Chen Nan in this group of people, he is one year younger than Gulin.

Such an age has brought Sun Mu a great advantage, that is, the improvement is very fast!

This is five days of training and learning. After the teaching of dozens of Chinese medicine masters, Sun Mu's level can be said to be improving with each passing day.

Before he came to participate in the assessment, he was still under the guidance of Chen Nan, and only then did he catch a little sign of the change. During this time, he has developed to a good point, although he is still a long way from the master. , but this progress has exceeded Sun Mu's expectations!

After leaving the classroom, Gulin was smoking outside, saw Sun Mu coming out, got up, smiled, and waved: "How is it?"

Sun Mu smiled slightly: "It's a bit difficult, but overall it's okay. I'm not very good at the first big question. I'm not very good at calculating the five luck and six qi, so I don't think the score will go up."

"Other topics are okay!"

He Zhenghuan heard the sound and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, five luck and six qi, don't think about it!"

"I'm not bragging. There are few people here who can understand better than me."

"You can't do it either, Gulin?"

Gulin rolled his eyes: "Hehe!"

He Zhenghuan is telling the truth. He Zhenghuan's grandfather is very good at the study of five luck and six qi, and it can even be said that he has gone the wrong way.

Chinese medicine, there must be research on the five luck and six qi, this is true, but don't pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon!

Because the five movements and six qi are only in the process of diagnosis, it is impossible to make a deep diagnosis, and there is an additional factor for judgment in the comprehensive situation such as pulse and syndrome mismatch.

If you place too much importance on the Five Lucks and Six Qi, there is a possibility that one will lose the other.

Therefore, this is also the main reason why Gulin did not spend a lot of energy on it.

Sun Meiyu smiled at this time: "Haha, okay, I guess no one can answer that question correctly."

"He Zhenghuan, you are lucky!"

Gulin and Sun Mu heard the sound and did not continue to answer.

Because they all knew that if Chen Nan did the problem seriously, he would definitely do it.

But Gulin saw Chen Nan's old man Yu Meiyu couldn't speak with his own eyes.

Is this something normal people can do?

However, after Chen Nan answered the test paper in 30 minutes, it still made him feel a little far-fetched.

Not long after, everyone in the classroom came out one after another, and everyone was discussing the test questions this time.

"so hard!"

"Yeah, who said no!"

"Hey... I'm probably hanging this time!"

"At least you have a lot of extra points, I am miserable."

"Okay, you don't have Chen Nan, do you? He's probably going to be self-defeating this time."

"Hey, Chen Nan is a pity."

"Unfortunately? Haha, in this society, the competition is based on comprehensive strength. Don't be so naive, okay?"

"Besides, if the training wasn't over this time, I'd definitely have to rectify the squad leader with him."

"Let's talk about it next time, talk about it next time, there's still a chance anyway!"

"Yeah, let's talk about it, Chen Nan didn't get anything at all as the monitor this time. He didn't even get in touch with a master of Chinese medicine. His monitor is a waste!"


Everyone began to have different opinions. They felt that Chen Nan's time as the monitor was really a waste.

If you give them the rights and job responsibilities of the monitor, you will definitely be able to build a good relationship with these masters of Chinese medicine, and if you can develop in the future, you will be able to help a little bit more.

It's a pity that Chen Nan is too young, only 25 years old, and he is too weak in the aspect of sophistication.

At this time, He Ye stood in the crowd and didn't speak much.

He finished it quickly, second only to Sun Mu, but listening to the words of the people around him, he was also overjoyed.

Because, in the big question, he has six questions, and there are answers.

Including the first five-luck and six-qi problem that trapped everyone, this made He Ye naturally excited.

He believed that his assessment score this time was definitely at the top of the list, because he heard that Gulin, who left the earliest, had not completed it.

As for Chen Nan?

He has ignored...

While speaking, everyone also dispersed.

The results will be announced tomorrow, so everyone has time to party tonight.

Chen Nan went back to the hotel to clean up at this time, and he was no exception. Tonight, there was a farewell ceremony organized by Corey, and Chen Nan did not want to live up to everyone's enthusiasm.



At this time, when the test papers and draft papers were submitted, they were sent directly to the big office.

Because today, the written test scores need to be counted.

Tomorrow is the announcement period!

After the publicity period has passed, and after confirmation, the apprenticeship ceremony will be prepared the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, the whole process, for the staff, is also very tense.

Inside the huge office.

A master of traditional Chinese medicine started the work of judging papers in full swing.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was serious, tense and serious, no one whispered, and no one spoke.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Judgment works.

until nine o'clock that night.

The results of the test papers were officially counted.

Li Shuo frowned when he took the statistics.

First place: "Gulin: 117 points."

Second place: "Sun Meiyu: 108 points."


Tenth place: "He Ye: 96 points."


Thirty-first: "Chen Nan: 89 points."

Chen Nan scored 89 points?

Ranked 31st!

Among them, there are many people who are tied, but... Chen Nan only has 89 points?

Aren't there 70 extra points?

Could it be that Chen Nan wrote it blindly?

Li Shuo looked at the result and quickly found Shen Yuyuan: "Old Shen, the result is out."

Shen Yuyuan heard the sound, nodded and looked at it.


He was not as he expected, Chen Nan ranked first, let alone 160 points!

When he continued to search for a long time, he was surprised to find that Chen Nan ranked 31st with only 89 points!

Suddenly, Shen Yuyuan frowned: "Why doesn't Chen Nan have extra points?"

"What's the matter, who gave the instructions?"

No additional points are required for reasons, but must be signed by a special judge.

Li Shuo said quickly, "I'll go check it out now!"

Shen Yuyuan nodded in a deep voice, but his eyebrows were tight and he didn't say anything.

Although Chen Nan is still the first place in all likelihood, but... this is not the result he wants!

Judgment must be fair.

The assessment must be fair.

He needs an explanation.

Soon, Li Shuo came back and said to Shen Yuyuan, "Old Shen, it is Mr. Shi Donghang."

Shen Yuyuan quickly dialed Shi Donghang's nod: "Professor Shi, it's me, Shen Yuyuan."

"Well, hello old Shen, what's the matter?"

Shen Yuyuan didn't have any questions, and said directly: "What's going on with Chen Nan? Why isn't there any additional points?"

Shi Donghang smiled; "This kid, in pursuit of speed, the first question was given by me, and he simply gave the answer blindly."

"Isn't this nonsense?"

"This is contrary to medical ethics and it goes against the professional ethics of doctors."

"I think it's right that I don't give extra points!"

"Also, his scratch paper is clean and nothing. How do you want me to judge?"

Shen Yuyuan's expression changed when he heard the sound.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Bad thing!

If Chen Nan found out, he would definitely make trouble.

Shen Yuyuan knows Chen Nan too well, this is definitely not a master who can suffer.

The Writers Association held a meeting, and I wanted to write more, but I was pulled out to drink.

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