Do Not Seek Fairy Fate

Chapter 508 Green Bag Pharmacy

Chapter 508 Green Bag Pharmacy

As the only daughter of the island owner and his wife, Ji Bingyan was pampered since she was a child, but her temperament is not arrogant.

On the contrary, he has a heroic spirit.

After hearing what happened to Cai Yixian, she took the initiative to help him conquer the property with the prestige of the island owner's daughter.

On the restaurant.

Everyone pushed cups and changed cups.

Cai Yixian's face was flushed with joy.

This time, he took over his own business so smoothly, the actual number was unexpected, and even the few noble people he met.

Especially Ji Bingyan.

It will be much more convenient to be able to make friends with the island owner's daughter, and to act in Tengxian Island in the future.

With an industry and a relationship, as long as his cultivation is successful, he believes that the future can be expected.

Good days are just around the corner, so I am happy.

"Fellow Daoist Mo is proficient in alchemy. With this level of ability, you can go anywhere in the world." During the conversation, Ji Bingyan put down the wine cup in her hand, and said:

"It just so happens that there is a shortage of an alchemist on the island. I don't know if you are interested. My father will never be stingy with the reward."

A alchemist.

Rather, he is still an alchemist in the realm of Taoism, no matter which force he is in, he will welcome it.

"This..." Mo Qiu thought for a while, then declined politely:

"Thank you, Daoist, for your kindness, but Mo is used to being casual, and I'm afraid he is not suitable for another position."

"This way..." Ji Bingyan looked regretful:

"what a pity!"

"Senior Mo." Cai Yixian said on the opposite side:

"What are your plans for the future?"

"Hmm..." Mo Qiu pondered:

"On the way here, I saw a shop on the street that sells it, and I plan to take it over and open a Dan shop."


Several people's eyes lit up.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Cai Yixian waved his hands proudly:

"My house is on the main street, and there are two sets of facades connected together. The management has not been good these years, so it is better to pass it on to the seniors."

"The price is easy to say!"

"That's it, thank you very much." Mo Qiu didn't refuse, and raised the wine cup:

"I toast my friend."

"Don't dare, don't dare, senior has broken me." Cai Yixian hurriedly got up, picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp:

"With the talents of seniors, even without the help of juniors, it is easy to gain a foothold here."

"Danpu is easy to talk about." Ji Bingyan's beautiful eyes flickered, and said:

"However, the turbid air in the commercial street is mixed, which is not conducive to cultivation. Fellow Daoist Mo may need to find a cave on the island."

"Oh!" Mo Qiu cupped his hands:

"Just about to ask for advice."

"You're welcome." Ji Bingyan nodded and said:

"The reason why Tengxian Island can become a pure land on the border of the chaotic domain is because the location of this place connects the north and the south, the waterway is unobstructed, and it is also suitable for living."

"Secondly, there is a spiritual vein on the island, which is full of spiritual energy, which is of great benefit to practitioners."


She paused slightly, pointing to the distant mountains:

"Since thousands of years ago, the spiritual veins have been bound by formations, and most of the spiritual energy is bound on the mountain."

"Island owners of past dynasties have dug many caves on the mountain. Those who practice can rent or buy spirit stones."

"Depending on the concentration of spiritual energy, the price is also different. Most of them are ten middle-grade spiritual stones per year."

"There is another advantage of renting a cave, that is, the island will be responsible for the safety of the monks."

Ten middle-grade spirit stones!

Mo Qiu secretly smacked his tongue, the prices here are really astonishing, and this is just a rental.

If you buy it, I'm afraid it will be a sky-high price!

"Friend Mo." Ji Bingyan smiled and handed over a token:

"Holding this card to choose a cave, there will be a discount, even if it is Bingyan's little favor."

"Thank you!" Mo Qiu nodded seriously.

"You're welcome." Ji Bingyan waved her hand:

"It is also a great blessing for Tengxiandao to have one more alchemy master on the island."

"Oh!" Mo Qiu looked puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Mo doesn't know something." Master Yun Xian said from the side:

"There are many dangers in the chaotic realm, not to mention Qi refining and Dao foundation, even a master of Jindan may not be safe."

"Going inside, life-saving elixir is essential. If you get injured inside, you will be much safer when you think there is an alchemist here."

"Besides, although the Chaos Domain is dangerous, it also has many spirits. Fellow Daoists may not have to worry about medicinal materials in the future."

"Yun first congratulates Fellow Daoist Danpu in advance for a prosperous business and a lot of money!"

"Thank you, I borrowed the good words from fellow Taoist." Mo Qiu cupped his hands, and said again:

"I heard that there are a lot of monks on the island. Could it be that they all rely on the chaotic domain?"

"That's not the case." Ji Bingyan shook her head:

"Those who dare to go deep into the chaotic domain are still a minority after all, but there are enough people around to make a living."

"Collecting spiritual corals, catching aquatic products, or hanging out on an errand on the island, patrolling the surroundings, monitoring abnormalities, and even serving as escorts for businessmen in the past can earn spirit stones."

"If you're lucky, it's not uncommon for you to find one or two rare spiritual objects and turn yourself over in one fell swoop."

"Tengxian Island can attract many casual cultivators here, and there is a reason for it."

"So that's how it is." Mo asked for clarity:

"I'm ignorant and ignorant, so I don't know if the island is safe if encountering a beast tide."

Near the chaotic domain, the biggest disaster is the beast tide that comes every few decades.

At this time, the past merchants will suffer heavy losses.

"It's impossible to say it's absolutely safe." Ji Bingyan said with a smile:

"However, there are formations and patrol guards on the island, which is relatively safer."

"For thousands of years, only a few times have fallen, or there are other reasons."

"Senior Mo filtered it." Situ Xu also said crisply:

"Ji Bofu is a student of Bodhi Zen Master of the Jiujiang League. The island owner and his wife are both monks with perfect Dao foundation, and they are also proficient in the method of joining hands. They also hold important treasures. Their strength is no less than that of the Jindan Grandmaster."

"On this Tengxian Island, with the help of formations, even the golden core demon can be easily killed."

"Safe, no problem!"

As for the Nascent Soul Demon, once such an existence is attacked, there may not be many safe places in the entire Yunmengchuan.

Mo Qiu nodded slowly, and had a little understanding of the situation on Tengxian Island.

At the moment, everyone talked about other things.


Don't ask about the situation of Zhenxiandao.

As far as he is concerned, if he can get in touch with the True Immortal Dao, he can directly get in touch with Taiyi Sect.


The famous True Immortal Dao in the outside world is not well-known in Yunmengchuan.

Only Ji Bingyan heard her father mention it several times.

In her mind, True Immortal Dao is probably just a small sect similar to Yanyue Sect.

Where exactly, is even more unknown.

For a while, there was no way to think about it, so I had to take one step at a time and try to increase my cultivation first.


After a few days.

On the most prosperous main street of Tengxian Island, a shop called Qingnang Pharmacy hung a plaque.

Temporarily hired craftsmen are busy.


Footsteps sounded, and an old man dressed as a rich man appeared in the shop, looking back and forth.

"This...guest officer." Hearing the sound, one person looked back, seeing that he couldn't see his cultivation level, he said cautiously:

"The pharmacy hasn't opened yet, what are you doing?"

"Yeah." The visitor nodded:

"Where is the owner here?"

"Senior Mo went to Lingshan in the island, and said he was choosing a cave. I don't know when I will be back." The craftsman said:

"Guest officer, if you have something to do, you can leave a message. When the senior comes back, the villain will relay it."

"Forget it then." The visitor shook his head, turned around, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows:


But I saw a person outside the door, coming by himself, it happened to be Mo Qiu who had just returned from the selected cave.

"Shopkeeper Mo!" The visitor cupped his hands:

"Han Ye in Xia Nai Ji Hui Thatched Cottage met fellow Taoists."

"Ji Hui Thatched Cottage." Mo Qiu moved his eyes slightly, remembering the shop not far away, and nodded:

"Brother Han?"

"Indeed." Han Ye nodded:

"Is it inconvenient for the shopkeeper Mo?"


Mo Qiu thought for a while, stretched out his hand and pointed backward:

"Brother Han, please enter the back hall."

Quiet room.

The fragrance of tea permeates the air.

The two sat facing each other.

Han Ye raised his glass and sipped lightly. He didn't rush to talk about business. He savored the tea carefully, nodded and said:

"Good tea, it seems to be Qingliangmi from Yanyue Sect."

"Brother Han is very knowledgeable." Mo Qiu moved his eyes slightly, and said:

"I don't know that you are here, so why?"

"Hehe..." Han Ye tapped on the table:

"Does Shopkeeper Mo know how many drugstores are there on the island?"

"I don't know."

Mo Qiu shook his head, he didn't have a moment to spare during this time, and he didn't have time to pay attention to these things.

"Three families!" Han Ye raised three fingers:

"There are only three pharmacies in the vast vine fairy island."

Mo Qiu narrowed his eyes and his face sank.

"It seems that shopkeeper Mo guessed it." Han Ye nodded:

"These three shops have their own backgrounds."

"One is backed by the Yunshui sect, one is the Huang family around the city, and the other has the background of the Luanhai branch of the Jiujiang League."

"I heard that shopkeeper Mo knows Miss Ji, but she probably doesn't know the situation on the island."

Do not squint:

"So, Brother Han is here to persuade Mo to close his business, or choose a place to seek refuge?"

"Don't dare." Han Ye waved his hands again and again:

"I'm just a herbal medicine dealer. I heard that there is a new medicine shop opening here. Come and have a look. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

"Of course, if shopkeeper Mo is willing to find a backer, that's the best."

"After all, the few people who came to Tengxian Island to open a medicine shop before did not end well."

Although he didn't say it directly, the meaning in his words was obvious.

The pharmacy business on the island has been completed by the three companies. If other people want to intervene, it will definitely lead to suppression.


It's some shady means!

"Da da..." Mo Qiu tapped on the table, his face pensive.

He wasn't afraid of those three pharmacies, but he had no intention of fighting with others.

Han Ye's coming here is probably also invited by others, to come to find out, or to threaten.


After a moment of contemplation, Mo Qiu spoke slowly:

"I have no intention of being an enemy of others, and Mo Mou's green bag pharmacy will not steal other people's business."

Han Ye chuckled, his expression unchanged, obviously not convinced.

It doesn't count whether you want to grab business or not.

"I don't sell common pills here." Mo Qiu continued:

"Only sell seven kinds of elixir that can help Daoist monks cultivate, and also refine elixir for others."

"The number of pills sold daily is also limited."

"Oh!" Han Ye slowly sat up straight with a dignified expression:

"Fellow Daoists don't sell healing medicine?"

"Not for sale."

"Don't sell the medicines needed by Qi Refining monks?"

"Not for sale."

"And don't you sell all kinds of spiritual plants and medicines?"

"Not for sale either."

"This way..." Han Ye's eyes flickered, he paused, and Fang said:

"I don't know what elixir you sell. If you ask fellow daoists to refine it for you, how will you be paid?"

"The seven kinds of elixir are on the wall of the shop." Mo Qiu said:

"As for the reward for refining, if the alchemy is successful, I will take 30% as capital, and if the alchemy is invalid, I will be rewarded with three middle-grade spirit stones."

"Thirty percent?" Han Ye's mouth twitched slightly:

"Fellow Daoist's commission seems to be too much, and Pill Waste even needs Lingshi."


Dan waste, no need to pay.

If it is high-grade and agile, the medicinal materials are rare, and even the alchemist needs to give the other party a certain amount of compensation.

Mo Qiu's voice was calm: "This is Mo's rule."

"Hmm..." Han Ye pondered for a long time, then suddenly said:

"Han happens to have a pill that needs to be refined. I wonder if you are interested in taking it?"

"Oh!" Mo Qiu raised his eyebrows:

"What pill?"

"Qingling Pill!"



Secret room.

Don't sit cross-legged.

The trifles of the outside world are completely forgotten by him, his mind is clear, and he silently practiced Xuangong.

some moment.

The pass that has been accumulated for more than a hundred years is quietly loosened.

Everything was so smooth, as if he had reached a realm, he broke through naturally, and the magic power surging in his body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The magic power circulates in the body, rushing like a wave.

At this moment, the spirit and spirit soared rapidly, like a fountain, surging upward without end.

Daoji late stage!

The vast mana made the magic weapon contained in the dantian tremble spontaneously and make a clanking sound.


Cultivation and mana are the foundation of everything.

Once advanced, the body and soul will be nourished and strengthened.

on the contrary.

The effect will be much worse.

Open your eyes, don't ask for a flash of light in your eyes, and sigh leisurely:

"It's been more than two hundred years, and it's finally here."

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