Divine Civilization

Chapter 20 The Dark Witch

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After this kind of thing happened, he was not in the mood to have dinner together, so he casually dismissed a group of officials, got up and left the restaurant, and came to a door on the second floor.

The few rooms around this room were unoccupied, and the maids and male servants never approached. In the entire corridor, only candles were flickering slowly, reflecting the vicissitudes of the stone walls, and it was a bit eerie.

There was no immediate response from the door, and after a while, the door suddenly opened with a creak, and a dry and hoarse female voice came out of the room: "So it's the city lord, please come in. "

Hearing this voice, Viscount Connor couldn't help feeling chills in his soul. After gathering his composure, he opened the door and walked in.

Thick curtains were drawn in the room, and no light came in from the outside. Only a magic pattern lamp was hung on the wall, illuminating a small area against the wall.

There was a long stone table with a lot of translucent glass vessels and a crucible, which was cooking something on the alcohol lamp, and there was a strong smell in the air. Strange smell.

A woman in a dark purple hooded robe stood with her back facing Viscount Connor in front of the stone table, weighing something with a small scale. Even when Viscount Connor walked in, she didn't stop holding her hand, looking quite busy.

This woman was tall, but very thin, almost her whole body was wrapped in a hooded robe, the only exposed arm was skinny and pale, giving her a rather gloomy appearance.

"Miss Judy."

Viscount Connor stopped after taking two steps, and did not try to approach the woman, his expression and tone were quite polite. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a hint of vigilance in his gaze towards the woman, as if he is afraid of something.

At this time, the woman called "Miss Judy" finally finished her work, wiped her hands and turned around slowly.

The dark purple hood covered most of her face, only revealing a small section of dry and rough dark red hair and the lower half of her pale and thin face. On her side face and neck, there is a complex black pattern, one end goes down into the collar, and the other end disappears into the hood, just like a living thing, wriggling slightly, looking eerie and treacherous.

These black patterns are marking her identity.

She is a witch.

Moreover, she is the most mysterious and evil dark witch among witches.

"It's rare for Viscount Connor to come here to look for me, what's the matter?"

She popped a few sparks at random, lit the white candle on the iron candlestick on the wall, and then raised her hand, asking Viscount Connor to sit down in front of the fireplace.

With the flickering candlelight, the room suddenly became much brighter, and it didn't look as gloomy as before.

Viscount Connor sat down on the rattan chair, told the news he had just received, and then explained the purpose of his visit: "I suspect that among those remnants of light, there may be level 4 powerhouses, or some powerful weapons in their hands. I would like to ask Miss Judy help me get rid of those bright remnants."

The witch Judy nodded slightly, her voice was dry and hoarse: "My lord, the city lord, helped me find the potion of 'Li Zhuhua', and I owe you a favor. How about if I repay the favor this time?"

Viscount Connor nodded: "It's natural."

"Since that's the case, leave those evils of the light to me." The witch Judy raised the corners of her lips, with a sinister smile, "Don't worry, the city lord, unless those people have professionals above level 5, they will never escape from me." Palm."

"Then Miss Judy..."

"It will take some time to prepare. I want to prepare a potion of witchcraft." Miss Judy pulled out a piece of parchment from her cuff and handed it to Viscount Connor. "Here is the list. Help me buy the potion on this list." Qi. Within twenty days, those bright remnants will die."

After speaking, she stood up from the rattan chair, walked back to the stone table in the corner, and got busy.

When she stood up, a wisp of black air flew out from the bottom of her sleeve and wrapped around the candlestick on the wall. In an instant, the white candle on the wall went out silently, and the room fell into darkness again.

Viscount Connor understood that this meant seeing off the guests, so he put away the parchment and stood up from the wicker chair: "In that case, then the city lord will not bother you to refine medicine, and leave."

With that said, he turned and left the room.

The door closed behind him with a "click", just like when he came, separating the inside and the outside into two worlds.

However, at this moment, Viscount Connor's uneasiness and apprehension had disappeared without a trace, and he felt extremely at ease and at ease.

This "Miss Judy" is a level 4 dark witch.

The Dark Witch itself is already mysterious and powerful enough, not to mention a level 4 Dark Witch, whose horror is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

With her action, those remnants of light that have revived from the ashes will surely be wiped out.

It's just a pity~ Viscount Connor's heart aches for such a hard-earned favor to be used up.

What Viscount Connor didn't know was that Wu Hui was already actively preparing for the battle before he started to fight, and even turned his mind on his retainer, Baron Gruberg.

Of course, it's fortunate that he didn't know, otherwise, even if he wasn't mad, he wouldn't be able to stand here safely and complacently.


Meanwhile, the Abbey of Saint-Louan.

The sun was setting.

Katharina has been busy all day in the monastery, not only preaching the teachings to the newly developed believers, but also using the holy healing technique to help these ordinary believers heal some old diseases, showing the power and mercy of the Lord, she is a level 3 The nun's physique is far stronger than that of ordinary people, and she still feels deeply tired.

However, all this effort is worth it.

At the end of this day, the attitudes of several waves of herdsmen have changed, from hesitation and uncertainty at the beginning to awe and longing. Although they did not express on the spot that they would follow our Lord, they were almost the same.

Soon, she believed, these people would become staunch followers of our Lord.

After finally sending away the last batch of believers who came to worship the statue of the God of Light, she hurriedly ate something in the last twilight of the setting sun, and was ready to rest.

Before resting, however, she prayed to the Lord.

"My lord of light, today your believer Katharina..."

Catherine, wearing a white nun's attire, knelt in front of the sacred and solemn statue of the God of Light, clasped her hands on her chest, bowed her head and prayed devoutly, and reported to the God of Light the efforts and gains made by everyone in the monastery to spread the faith.

This is the rule Wu Hui set for her, in order to facilitate Wu Hui to grasp the movements of the lower realm.

After praying, Katharina was about to get up and rest as usual, when suddenly, a majestic and majestic voice rang in her mind.


Katharina was shocked, and her blue eyes widened in surprise: "My lord!"

She never expected that such a routine report and prayer would be answered, and she was overjoyed for a while, completely losing the seriousness and majesty in front of outsiders.

However, she is a smart girl after all. After the surprise, she quickly realized that Wu Hui must have something to order, so she quickly knelt down again and kowtowed reverently: "My lord, please give me the oracle."


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